4. 第一次对于 HTML 的公开描述
Re: status. Re: X11 BROWSER for WWW
Tim Berners-Lee (timbl)
Tue, 29 Oct 91 10:03:11 GMT+0100
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Date: Tue, 29 Oct 91 10:03:11 GMT+0100
From: timbl (Tim Berners-Lee)
Message-Id: <9110290903.AA07413@ nxoc01.cern.ch >
To: connolly@pixel.convex.com, www-talk
Subject: Re: status. Re: X11 BROWSER for WWW
> I've made some tangible progress on the X11 browser, so I though
> I'd let you know.
> ...
> This code is not in any shape to distribute, or even show anybody.
> But it works, and it's pretty speedy. That's enough to encourage me
> to polish it off.
Sounds like great progress! The TCL sounds interesting -- where did
you get it?
> [If you wan't my stuff, you'll have to be C++ capable. I can't
> think in C any more. :-]
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5. HTML Tags
This is a list of tags used in the HTML language. Each tag starts with a tag opener (a less than sign) and ends with a tag closer (a greater than sign).
Many tags have corresponding closing tags which identical except for a slash after the tag opener. (For example, the TITLE tag).
Some tags take parameters, called attributes. The attributes are given after the tag, separated by spaces. Certain attributes have an effect simply by their
presence, others are followed by an equals sign and a value. (See the Anchor tag, for example). The names of tags and attributes are not case sensitive:
they may be in lower, upper, or mixed case with exactly the same meaning. (In this document they are generally represented in upper case.)
Currently HTML documents are transmitted without the normal SGML framing tags, but if these are included parsers will ignore them.
The title of a document is given between title tags:
<TITLE> ... </TITLE>
The text between the opening and the closing tags is a title for the hypertext node. There should only be one title in any node. It should identify the
content of the node in a fairly wide context, and should ideally fit on one line.
The title is not strictly part of the text of the document, but is an attribute of the node. It may not contain anchors, paragraph marks, or highlighting. the
title may be used to identify the node in a history list, to label the window displaying the node, etc. It is not normally displayed in the text of a
document itself. Contrast titles with headings .
Next ID
Obsolete: NeXT Browser only. May be ignored. This tag takes a single attribute which is the number of the next document-wide numeric identifier to
be allocated (not good SGML). Note that when modifying a document, old anchor ids should not be reused, as there may be references stored
elsewhere which point to them. This is read and generated by hypertext editors. Human writers of HTML usually use mnemonic alpha identifiers.
Browser software may ignore this tag. Example of use:
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6. 1993年
1993年,伯纳斯-李向 IETF 提交了 HTML 规范的第一份提案。
六个月后草案过期了,但是值得注意的是草案对 Mosaic 浏览器自定义的内置
images 标签的确认,反映了 IETF 在成功的原型基础上确立标准的哲学。
由于 IETF 草案要求实现,所以 HTML 草案引用了 Mosaic,而 Mosaic 呢?如果没
有 HTML 也是没有价值的,所以浏览器和 Web 标准之间的共生关系从一开始就在
16. 总结一下
之前 HTML 出现格式错误,浏览器仍然可以显示;现在 XHTML 要求浏览器执行严苛
的错误处理,XHTML 出现哪怕一个错误,也要求 Web 浏览器停止继续处理并给用户
同样 XForms 也强制使用严苛的错误处理方式,W3C 认为格式错误是 Web 的一个根
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17. 2004.06
XHTML2.0 几乎每什么进展,而且 W3C 针对是否应该继续发展 HTML 和 CSS 两次投
那些提议发展 HTML 和 HTML 表单的人只剩下两种选择:放弃,或者在 W3C 之外继
他们选择了后者,注册了 whatwg.org 域名,然后在2004年6月,WHAT 工作小组诞
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18. WHATWG 介绍
在 WHAT 后来的的一份 FAQ 中提到“ Mozilla 和 Opera 越来越担心 W3C 的以 XHTML
为方向,对 HTML 缺乏兴趣,而且对现实世界的需求明显无视。所以这些组织共同的
使命就是解决这些问题,于是 WHATWG 因此就诞生了” 。
WHAT 是 Web 超文本应用技术的缩写。WHATWG 主要由浏览器厂商(Apple,
为了不抹杀十多年以来在 HTML 上的成果,以及不让99%的现有网页变得无法可用,
WHAT 工作小组决定采用不同的方法:将浏览器实际所用的那些”宽容“的错误处理算
虽然花了几年的时间,但是 WHAT 工作小组还是将”如何以兼容现有 Web 内容的方式
解析 HTML “文档化了。最终的算法完全没有强制 HTML 停止处理并显示错误信息的
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19. WHATWG 的其他工作
Web Form 2.0规范 - 给HTML表单新增了一些控件类型;
Web Application 1.0规范草案,包含一些重要的新特性,例如支持直接模式绘图的
画布(Canvas),以及对音频和视频的无需插件的原生支持。Web App 1.0是对
20. 2006.10
数年时间之中,W3C 和 WHATWG 基本无视对方的存在。WHATWG 着眼于 Web 表
单和新的 HTML 特性,W3C 的 HTML 小组则忙于 XHTML 的2.0版本。
直到2006年10月,WHAT 工作小组明显已经取得重大成果,而 XHTML 2还煎熬在草
2006年10月中,Tim宣布 W3C 将和 WHATWG 合作来开发下一代的 HTML,他表
新组建的W3C HTML 工作小组的最初的几个决定之一就是将“Web Applications
1.0”更名为“HTML5”。随后W3C就解散了XHTML 2工作小组。
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