1. The document provides information about hyperthyroidism, including its definition, causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and nursing interventions.
2. Hyperthyroidism results from excessive thyroid hormone production and causes increased metabolic rate. Its most common causes are Graves' disease and functioning thyroid adenomas.
3. Clinical manifestations include nervousness, palpitations, heat intolerance, weight loss, and bulging eyes. Diagnosis involves thyroid function tests showing decreased TSH and increased T3 and T4. Treatment options are antithyroid medications, radioactive iodine, surgery, and beta blockers.
5. Introduction
Hyperthyroidism is the second most common endocrine
It results from an excessive output of thyroid hormones
due to abnormal stimulation of the thyroid gland by
circulating immunoglobulins.
Binita Bhattarai5
6. Definition
Binita Bhattarai6
Hyperthyroidism is an over production of thyroid hormone
which creates far reaching metabolic effects.
A high level of thyroid hormone increases the metabolic
It enhances the activity of norepinephrine due to increase
in number of beta adrenergic receptors sites in the body.
14. Pathophysiology
Binita Bhattarai14
Hyperthyroidism results from an excessive amount
of circulating thyroid hormone.
Primary hyperthyroidism occurs when a problem is
within thyroid gland.
Secondary hyperthyroidism occurs when a
problem is in other than thyroid gland.(pituitary
and hypothalamus).
16. Contd..
Binita Bhattarai16
Dry skin and diffuse pruritus.
Fine tremors of the hands.
Exophthalmos(bulging eyes).
Increased appetite and dietary intake
18. Contd..
Binita Bhattarai18
Cardiac effects may include sinus tachycardia , increased
pulse pressure and palpitation,myocardial hypertrophy and
heart failure may occur if hyperthyroidism is severe and
Osteoporosis and fracture,
22. Medical Management
Binita Bhattarai22
Drug therapy
a) Antithyroid drug(propylthiouracil) and Methimazole
(Tapazole):block synthesis of thyroid hormone
b) Adrenergic blocking agents(commonly propranolol)
Radioactive iodine
It is given to destroy the overactive thyroid cells.
It is most commonly used in elderly patients.
It is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactating mothers.
23. Contd
Binita Bhattarai23
Adjunctive therapy
Potassium iodide,Lugols solution and saturated
solution of potassium iodide (SSKI)may be added.
Beta-adrenergic agents may be used to control the
sympathetic nervous system effects that occurs in
For eg:propanolol is used in
nervousness,tachycardia,tremor,anxiety and heat
24. Surgical intervention
Binita Bhattarai24
Before surgery , propylthiouracil is given for until signs of
hyperthyroidism disappeared.
Thyroidectomy is performed after thyroid function has
returned to normal (4 to 6 weeks)
25. Nursing Intervention
Binita Bhattarai25
Maintaining normal body temperature
Provide a cool, comfortable environment and fresh
bedding and gown as needed.
Give cool baths and provide cool fruits; monitor body
26. Contd..
Binita Bhattarai26
Improving Nutritional Status
Provide several small and well balanced meals (up to 6
times) to satisfy patients increased appetite.
Replaced food and fluids lost through diarrhea and
diaphoresis and control diarrhea that results from increased
Reduce diarrhea by avoiding highly seasoned foods and
stimulate such as coffee ,tea, cola and alcohol; encourage
high calorie, high protein food.
Provide quiet environment during meal time to aid digestion.
27. Contd
Binita Bhattarai27
Enhanching coping measures
Reassure the patient that the emotional reactions being
experienced are a result of the disorder and that with
effective treatment those symptoms will be controlled.
Reassure family and friends that symptoms are
expected to disappear with treatment .
Maintain a calm,unhurried approach and minimize
stressful experiences.
Provide information regarding thyroidectomy and
preparatory pharmacotherapy to alleviate anxiety.
28. Contd
Binita Bhattarai28
Improving Self-Esteem
Convey to patient an understanding of concerns
regarding problems with appearance ,appetite and weight
and assist in developing coping strategies.
Provide eye protection if patients experience eye changes
secondary to hyperthyroidism.
Discourage smoking.
Arrange for patient to eat alone, if desired and if
embarrassed by the large meals consumed due to
increased metabolic rate.
Avoid commenting on intake.
29. MCQs
Binita Bhattarai29
Exophthalmos refers to:
Redness of eyes
Bulging of eyes
Edema of hands
Swelling of feet
Major cause of hyperthyroidism is:
Excessive iodine
Graves diseases
30. Answers
Binita Bhattarai30
Exophthalmos refers to:
Redness of eyes
Bulging of eyes
Edema of hands
Swelling of feet
Major cause of hyperthyroidism is:
Excessive iodine
Graves diseases