Novel mechanical Whistle Counter Device for Pressure CookerIJMERThe domestic pressure cooker is one of the most essential cooking utensils used in kitchens
worldwide. It ensures that the food is prepared in time, and still retains the nutritional value of the
ingredients used. A major flaw associated with it is the fact that one has to keep an account of the
number of whistles generated by the pressure regulator. Otherwise, the food turns out undercooked or
Over-cooked and even leads to wastage of fuel. The problem becomes particularly acute for the
hearing impaired. The device explained in this paper helpstokeep the track of number of whistles
produced by cooker
Analysis of Machining Characteristics of Cryogenically Treated Die Steels Usi...IJMERInternational Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
Analysis of MOS Capacitor Loaded Annular Ring MICROSTRIP AntennaIJMERIn this paper a new technique is proposed for achieving increased frequency agility by loading
the patch antenna with a MOS capacitor. Theoretical investigations have been carried out for the MOS
capacitor loaded Annular Ring microstrip antenna, for oxide thicknesses from 100 A to 500 A, to predict
the achievable range of operational bandwidth. In spite of numerous advantages, the simple patch antenna
has a low operational bandwidth, which limits its applicability. Hence this technique of MOS capacitor
loaded Annular Ring microstrip patch antenna is to improve the operating frequency range.
Industrial Microcontroller Based Neural Network Controlled Autonomous VehicleIJMERThis document summarizes an autonomous vehicle prototype that uses neural network control and microcontrollers for navigation.
The prototype uses ultrasonic sensors for obstacle avoidance, a GPS receiver for goal positioning, a GSM modem to change destinations, and a microcontroller to process sensor data and generate motion commands. A neural network running on the microcontroller is trained offline using sensor data to navigate. For real-time use, the neural network's activation functions are approximated for the microcontroller's capabilities.
The prototype was tested navigating autonomously around a university campus, avoiding obstacles and reaching goals. Experimental results showed the neural network approach enabled better navigation performance than other methods.
An Application of Energy and Exergy Analysis of Transport Sector of IndiaIJMER The present article is dedicated for evaluating the transportation sector of India in terms of
energetic and exergetic aspects. In this regard, energy and exergy utilization efficiencies during the
period 2005-2011 are assessed based on real data obtained from Energy statistics of India. Sectoral
energy and exergy analyses are conducted to study the variations of energy and exergy efficiencies,
overall energy and exergy efficiencies for the entire sub-sector are found to be in the range of 21.30 to
30.03%. When compared with other neighbouring countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Turkey,
the Indian transport sector is the least efficient. Such difference is inevitable due to dissimilar transport
structure in these countries. It is expected that that the results of this study will be helpful in developing
highly useful and productive planning for future energy policies, especially for the transportation sector.
This, in turn, will help achieve the ‘energy-security’ goal of the country
Ijmer 46065258IJMERThe document summarizes research optimizing factors affecting glucuronic acid production in yogurt fermentation using two bacterial strains, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Gluconacetobacter nataicola. A Plackett-Burman design screened seven factors and identified five significant factors. Response surface methodology with a central composite design (RSM-CCD) modeling optimized the five factors. The design determined the optimal conditions for maximum glucuronic acid concentration of 59.81mg/L were 4.43 log CFU/mL G. nataicola density, 5.1 log CFU/mL L. acidophilus density, 9.96% sucrose, initial pH 5, and incubation at 32
Τα δικαιώματα του παιδιούPopi KazaΕργασία των μαθητριών Αναστασίας Τσαγκαρίδου και Χαράς Χατζηαθανασίου στο πλαίσιο του περιβαλλοντικού προγράμματος " Η αειφόρος κοινωνία αναπτύσσεται στην κινηματογραφική λέσχη cinelans"
Σχολικό έτος 2016-17, 1ο Λύκειο Νέας Σμύρνης Λ.Α.Ν.Σ
Effect on Efficiency of Two-phase Flow Distribution in a Parallel Flow Heat E...IJMERInternational Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
Ijmer 46064044IJMERThis document discusses the synthesis of nano materials using sputtering. It begins by introducing nano materials and describing electron beam lithography and sputtering processes. The document then details the experimental procedure used, which involves using EBL to pattern PMMA resist on a silicon nitride wafer with a desired pattern. Sputtering is then used to co-deposit alumina and silica onto the patterned wafer. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy are used to characterize the synthesized nano materials and confirm the presence of uniformly distributed 50nm cubes. Analysis of SEM and AFM images shows the nano materials have a flat surface, good adhesiveness, and low surface roughness.
Fu2428622866IJMERThis document summarizes the modeling and analysis of a spur gear for a sugarcane juice machine using finite element analysis. The goal is to replace the existing cast iron spur gear with a plastic gear made of either nylon or polycarbonate to reduce weight and noise. A 3D model of the spur gear was created in Pro-E software and imported into ANSYS for static load analysis. The stresses and deflections from the analysis will be used to determine the best plastic material that can replace the cast iron gear. Initial calculations show that both nylon and polycarbonate materials meet the allowable stress requirements and are viable alternatives to cast iron for this application.
Choosing the Best Probabilistic Model for Estimating Seismic Demand in Steel...IJMERThis document summarizes research on selecting the best probabilistic model for estimating seismic demand in steel moment frames. The researchers analyzed steel moment frame buildings with 3 to 15 floors using 80 earthquake ground motions divided into groups based on magnitude and distance. Nonlinear dynamic analysis was performed by scaling the ground motions and observing the structural response. The goal was to establish a mathematical relationship between ground motion intensity measures and seismic demand parameters. Based on the analysis results, the best model was determined to be a linear combination of the first and second mode spectral accelerations, as it provided the most accurate seismic demand estimates for frames of varying heights.
Analysis of Conditions in Boundary Lubrications Using Bearing MaterialsIJMER In order to clearly establish the tribological potential of these alloys as bearing materials, the tribological parameters of the RAR Zn-Al alloys are compared to parameters of the CuPb15Sn8 lead-tin bronze, as a widely applied conventional bearing material. Existing Bearing of connecting rod is manufactured by using non ferrous materials like Gunmetal, Phosphor Bronze etc.. This paper describes the tribological behavior analysis for the conventional materials i.e. Brass and Gunmetal as well as New non metallic material Cast Nylon. Friction and Wear are the most important parameters to decide the
performance of any bearing. In this paper attempt is made to check major tribological parameters for three material and try to suggest better new material compared to conventional existing material. It could help us to minimize the problem of handling materials like Lead , Tin, Zinc etc.After Test on wear machine. Our experimental results are accessing efficient processing in bearing conditions in semantic data representation of extracted related data materials
LondonNini TalabadzeThis document provides a brief overview of attractions in London including museums such as the British Museum, National Gallery and Tate Gallery. It also mentions parks like St. James Park, Hyde Park and Green Park as well as education and entertainment opportunities. The document conveys greetings and thanks the reader for their attention.
Investigating Waste Water Treatment in a Closed EnvironmentIJMERInternational Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
Ijmer 46051622IJMERThis document discusses using electrical resistivity measurements to evaluate properties of expansive soils containing bentonite. Laboratory experiments were conducted mixing bentonite into clayey soil at ratios from 10-100% to produce samples with varying swelling potential. Field electrical resistivity measurements were taken using a four-electrode probe on the soil samples. Linear correlations were determined between electrical resistivity and various soil properties including liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit, swelling pressure, and maximum dry density at different bentonite ratios. The correlations allow direct estimation of soil properties from electrical resistivity measurements in the field without laboratory testing.
Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Analysis in a Cross flow Heat Ex...IJMERHeat exchanger is devices used to exchange the heat between two liquids that are at different
temperature .These are used as a reheated in many industries and auto mobile sector and power
plants. The main aim of our project is thermal analysis of heat exchanger with waved baffles for
different types of materials at different mass flow rates and different tube diameters using FLOEFD
software and comparing the results that are obtained. The work is a simplified model for the study of
thermal analysis of shell-and-tubes heat exchangers having water as cold and hot fluid. Shell and
Tube heat exchangers are having special importance in boilers, oil coolers, condensers, pre-heaters.
They are also widely used in process applications as well as the refrigeration and air conditioning
industry. The robustness and medium weighted shape of Shell and Tube heat exchangers make them
well suited for high pressure operations. The project shows the best material, best boundary conditions
and parameters of materials we have to use for better heat conduction. For this we are chosen a
practical problem of counter flow shell and tube heat exchanger having water, by using the data that
come from cfd analysis. A design of sample model of shell and tube heat exchanger with waved baffles
is using Pro-e and done the thermal analysis by using FLOEFD software by assigning different
materials to tubes with different diameters having different mass flow rates and comparing the result
that obtained from FLOEFD software.
Mgmt404 entire class course project + all 7 weeks i labs devry universityliam111221The document provides guidelines for a course project at Devry University. Students must complete various project milestones over 8 weeks, including selecting a project, developing a scope statement, work breakdown structure, network diagram, risk management plan, resource management plan, communication plan, and final integrated project package. The project allows students to practice skills in project planning and management learned in class and to plan for their senior project.
Ce31342345IJMERThis document introduces the concept of weak triple connected domination number (γwtc) of a graph. A subset S of vertices is a weak triple connected dominating set if S is a weak dominating set and the induced subgraph <S> is triple connected. The γwtc is defined as the minimum cardinality of such a set. Some standard graphs are used to illustrate the concept and determine this number. Bounds on γwtc are obtained for general graphs, and its relationship to other graph parameters are investigated. The paper aims to develop this new graph invariant and establish basic results about weak triple connected domination.
móbils amb internetjavierdeesteban97La 3G permitió el uso de Internet en los teléfonos móviles por primera vez, introduciendo programas y aplicaciones que podían usarse a través de la red, y allanando el camino para la 4G con mayores velocidades y capacidades.
Trough External Service Management Improve Quality & ProductivityIJMERThe challenges in Small car project, necessitated improvements in quality and productivity,
right from day one of implementation of project. Detailed studies on external management services,
manufacturing process, various departments involved, and procedures followed were done, and
problems in the existing system were identified and solutions were provided. The object of this paper is to
investigate methods of measuring performance. The subject of this paper is the process of implementing
methods to increase productivity. Methods (procedures) of the study. Pattern during the writing of this
work was used by scientist’s articles information about the measurement and implementation of systems
productivity. Since this work was written with the use of different methods and examples, not all of them
before writing the work were known to me, I want to present a certain part to improve the productivity of
some companies in my country.
Www youtube com_watch_v_p_n_huv50kbfeRancyna JamesWith one in three registered nursing homes cited for abuse, nursing home neglect and injury are more common than one may want to think.
A Subgraph Pattern Search over Graph DatabasesIJMERThe document discusses methods for continuous subgraph pattern searching over graph databases and graph streams. It proposes using Node-Neighbor Trees (NNTs) to represent local graph structures, and projecting NNTs to numerical vectors to enable approximate subgraph isomorphism checking. It also describes how to handle uncertain graph streams by computing probability upper bounds to filter out graph stream-query pairs that are unlikely to match. The overall approach conducts structural filtering followed by probability pruning to reduce the search space when capturing patterns over uncertain graph streams.
G0502 01 3236IJMERThe document discusses polynomial normal matrices and polynomial unitary matrices. Some key points:
- Polynomial normal matrices are polynomial matrices whose coefficient matrices are normal matrices. Properties of polynomial normal matrices are discussed, including that the product of two polynomial normal matrices is also polynomial normal if they commute.
- A polynomial matrix is unitary if each coefficient matrix is unitary. It is shown that a polynomial matrix is polynomial normal if and only if every polynomial matrix unitarily equivalent to it is also polynomial normal.
- Results are presented, including that the product of the coefficient matrices of two polynomial matrices is zero if the coefficient matrices are normal and the products of the coefficients are zero.
Erosive Wear Behavior of Nanoclay Filled Basalt - Epoxy Hybrid CompositeIJMERDevelopments of nano clay particle reinforced plastics are of growing interest towards the
emergence of new materials which enhance optimal utilization of natural resources and particularly of
renewable resources. The effects of nano clay as filler in Basalt–epoxy composite systems on the
tribological properties have been discussed in this article. Basalt fiber reinforced epoxy (BE) composite
finds widespread application in erosive environment due to its several advantages like high wear
resistance, high strength-to-weight ratio and low cost. Experiments were carried out to study the effects
of impingement angle, particle velocity and filler material on the solid particle erosive wear behavior of
BE composite. The erosive wear is evaluated at different impingement angles from 30° to 90° at three
different velocities of 23, 42, & 60 m/s. The erodent used is silica sand with the size range (150 – 280 µm)
of irregular shape. The result shows semi-ductile behavior with maximum erosion rate at 60°
impingement angle. It is observed that wear rate increases with increasing particle velocity and
decreases with increases of filler percentage. The morphology of the eroded surfaces was examined by
using Scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
A Threshold Fuzzy Entropy Based Feature Selection: Comparative StudyIJMERFeature selection is one of the most common and critical tasks in database classification. It
reduces the computational cost by removing insignificant and unwanted features. Consequently, this
makes the diagnosis process accurate and comprehensible. This paper presents the measurement of
feature relevance based on fuzzy entropy, tested with Radial Basis Classifier (RBF) network,
Bagging(Bootstrap Aggregating), Boosting and stacking for various fields of datasets. Twenty
benchmarked datasets which are available in UCI Machine Learning Repository and KDD have been
used for this work. The accuracy obtained from these classification process shows that the proposed
method is capable of producing good and accurate results with fewer features than the original
Θουκυδίδη κεφάλαιο 81, βιβλίο 3ο,9 μορφές τέχνης- 9 ρήματα θανάτουPopi KazaΜε όχημα την Τέχνη και τις εννέα μορφές της
Να συνειδητοποιήσουν οι μαθητές την προσπάθεια του ιστορικού να παραδώσει στις επόμενες γενιές ένα έργο «κτήμα ες αεί»
Να κατανοήσουν ότι η ιστορία εκτός από αφήγηση γεγονότων του παρελθόντος αποτελεί διαχρονικά τροφή για σκέψη και πηγή καλλιτεχνική έκφρασης: αρχαιογνωστική, διαπολιτισμική θεώρηση.
να αντιληφθούν πως στον πόλεμο κάθε έννοια ηθικής, δικαιοσύνης, γραπτού ή άγραφου νόμου αλλά και ανθρωπιάς καταλύεται.
Να συνειδητοποιήσουν ότι η ειρήνη και η ζωή αποτελούν υπέρτατες αξίες.
Να αναδειχθεί η ανθρωπογνωσία (ενίσχυση ανθρωπιστικής παιδείας, ανθρωποκεντρική διάσταση): βιωματική, ουμανιστική θεώρηση
Η συγκεκριμένη πρόταση της Τσαλίκουσου Πηνελόπης,φιλολόγου του 1ου ΓΕΛ Ν. Σμύρνης (ΛΑΝΣ) παρουσιάστηκε σε ημερίδα διδακτικών πρακτικών φιλολογικών μαθημάτων τον Απρίλιο του 2019 στη Δ Αθήνας.
Θουκυδίδης &5, ΚΕΦ. 81, ΒΙΒΛΙΟ Γ' ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΪΚΑPopi KazaΜία εναλλακτική πρόταση διδασκαλίας που αποσκοπεί στη διασύνδεση των αρχαίων ελληνικών και της ιστορίας με τη σύγχρονη πραγματικότητα αναδεικνύοντας την τραγική διαχρονικότητα στο έργο του κορυφαίου ιστορικού Θουκυδίδη.
Ijmer 46064044IJMERThis document discusses the synthesis of nano materials using sputtering. It begins by introducing nano materials and describing electron beam lithography and sputtering processes. The document then details the experimental procedure used, which involves using EBL to pattern PMMA resist on a silicon nitride wafer with a desired pattern. Sputtering is then used to co-deposit alumina and silica onto the patterned wafer. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy are used to characterize the synthesized nano materials and confirm the presence of uniformly distributed 50nm cubes. Analysis of SEM and AFM images shows the nano materials have a flat surface, good adhesiveness, and low surface roughness.
Fu2428622866IJMERThis document summarizes the modeling and analysis of a spur gear for a sugarcane juice machine using finite element analysis. The goal is to replace the existing cast iron spur gear with a plastic gear made of either nylon or polycarbonate to reduce weight and noise. A 3D model of the spur gear was created in Pro-E software and imported into ANSYS for static load analysis. The stresses and deflections from the analysis will be used to determine the best plastic material that can replace the cast iron gear. Initial calculations show that both nylon and polycarbonate materials meet the allowable stress requirements and are viable alternatives to cast iron for this application.
Choosing the Best Probabilistic Model for Estimating Seismic Demand in Steel...IJMERThis document summarizes research on selecting the best probabilistic model for estimating seismic demand in steel moment frames. The researchers analyzed steel moment frame buildings with 3 to 15 floors using 80 earthquake ground motions divided into groups based on magnitude and distance. Nonlinear dynamic analysis was performed by scaling the ground motions and observing the structural response. The goal was to establish a mathematical relationship between ground motion intensity measures and seismic demand parameters. Based on the analysis results, the best model was determined to be a linear combination of the first and second mode spectral accelerations, as it provided the most accurate seismic demand estimates for frames of varying heights.
Analysis of Conditions in Boundary Lubrications Using Bearing MaterialsIJMER In order to clearly establish the tribological potential of these alloys as bearing materials, the tribological parameters of the RAR Zn-Al alloys are compared to parameters of the CuPb15Sn8 lead-tin bronze, as a widely applied conventional bearing material. Existing Bearing of connecting rod is manufactured by using non ferrous materials like Gunmetal, Phosphor Bronze etc.. This paper describes the tribological behavior analysis for the conventional materials i.e. Brass and Gunmetal as well as New non metallic material Cast Nylon. Friction and Wear are the most important parameters to decide the
performance of any bearing. In this paper attempt is made to check major tribological parameters for three material and try to suggest better new material compared to conventional existing material. It could help us to minimize the problem of handling materials like Lead , Tin, Zinc etc.After Test on wear machine. Our experimental results are accessing efficient processing in bearing conditions in semantic data representation of extracted related data materials
LondonNini TalabadzeThis document provides a brief overview of attractions in London including museums such as the British Museum, National Gallery and Tate Gallery. It also mentions parks like St. James Park, Hyde Park and Green Park as well as education and entertainment opportunities. The document conveys greetings and thanks the reader for their attention.
Investigating Waste Water Treatment in a Closed EnvironmentIJMERInternational Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) is Peer reviewed, online Journal. It serves as an international archival forum of scholarly research related to engineering and science education.
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) covers all the fields of engineering and science: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamics, Structural Engineering, Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Simulators, Web-based Learning, Remote Laboratories, Engineering Design Methods, Education Research, Students' Satisfaction and Motivation, Global Projects, and Assessment…. And many more.
Ijmer 46051622IJMERThis document discusses using electrical resistivity measurements to evaluate properties of expansive soils containing bentonite. Laboratory experiments were conducted mixing bentonite into clayey soil at ratios from 10-100% to produce samples with varying swelling potential. Field electrical resistivity measurements were taken using a four-electrode probe on the soil samples. Linear correlations were determined between electrical resistivity and various soil properties including liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit, swelling pressure, and maximum dry density at different bentonite ratios. The correlations allow direct estimation of soil properties from electrical resistivity measurements in the field without laboratory testing.
Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Analysis in a Cross flow Heat Ex...IJMERHeat exchanger is devices used to exchange the heat between two liquids that are at different
temperature .These are used as a reheated in many industries and auto mobile sector and power
plants. The main aim of our project is thermal analysis of heat exchanger with waved baffles for
different types of materials at different mass flow rates and different tube diameters using FLOEFD
software and comparing the results that are obtained. The work is a simplified model for the study of
thermal analysis of shell-and-tubes heat exchangers having water as cold and hot fluid. Shell and
Tube heat exchangers are having special importance in boilers, oil coolers, condensers, pre-heaters.
They are also widely used in process applications as well as the refrigeration and air conditioning
industry. The robustness and medium weighted shape of Shell and Tube heat exchangers make them
well suited for high pressure operations. The project shows the best material, best boundary conditions
and parameters of materials we have to use for better heat conduction. For this we are chosen a
practical problem of counter flow shell and tube heat exchanger having water, by using the data that
come from cfd analysis. A design of sample model of shell and tube heat exchanger with waved baffles
is using Pro-e and done the thermal analysis by using FLOEFD software by assigning different
materials to tubes with different diameters having different mass flow rates and comparing the result
that obtained from FLOEFD software.
Mgmt404 entire class course project + all 7 weeks i labs devry universityliam111221The document provides guidelines for a course project at Devry University. Students must complete various project milestones over 8 weeks, including selecting a project, developing a scope statement, work breakdown structure, network diagram, risk management plan, resource management plan, communication plan, and final integrated project package. The project allows students to practice skills in project planning and management learned in class and to plan for their senior project.
Ce31342345IJMERThis document introduces the concept of weak triple connected domination number (γwtc) of a graph. A subset S of vertices is a weak triple connected dominating set if S is a weak dominating set and the induced subgraph <S> is triple connected. The γwtc is defined as the minimum cardinality of such a set. Some standard graphs are used to illustrate the concept and determine this number. Bounds on γwtc are obtained for general graphs, and its relationship to other graph parameters are investigated. The paper aims to develop this new graph invariant and establish basic results about weak triple connected domination.
móbils amb internetjavierdeesteban97La 3G permitió el uso de Internet en los teléfonos móviles por primera vez, introduciendo programas y aplicaciones que podían usarse a través de la red, y allanando el camino para la 4G con mayores velocidades y capacidades.
Trough External Service Management Improve Quality & ProductivityIJMERThe challenges in Small car project, necessitated improvements in quality and productivity,
right from day one of implementation of project. Detailed studies on external management services,
manufacturing process, various departments involved, and procedures followed were done, and
problems in the existing system were identified and solutions were provided. The object of this paper is to
investigate methods of measuring performance. The subject of this paper is the process of implementing
methods to increase productivity. Methods (procedures) of the study. Pattern during the writing of this
work was used by scientist’s articles information about the measurement and implementation of systems
productivity. Since this work was written with the use of different methods and examples, not all of them
before writing the work were known to me, I want to present a certain part to improve the productivity of
some companies in my country.
Www youtube com_watch_v_p_n_huv50kbfeRancyna JamesWith one in three registered nursing homes cited for abuse, nursing home neglect and injury are more common than one may want to think.
A Subgraph Pattern Search over Graph DatabasesIJMERThe document discusses methods for continuous subgraph pattern searching over graph databases and graph streams. It proposes using Node-Neighbor Trees (NNTs) to represent local graph structures, and projecting NNTs to numerical vectors to enable approximate subgraph isomorphism checking. It also describes how to handle uncertain graph streams by computing probability upper bounds to filter out graph stream-query pairs that are unlikely to match. The overall approach conducts structural filtering followed by probability pruning to reduce the search space when capturing patterns over uncertain graph streams.
G0502 01 3236IJMERThe document discusses polynomial normal matrices and polynomial unitary matrices. Some key points:
- Polynomial normal matrices are polynomial matrices whose coefficient matrices are normal matrices. Properties of polynomial normal matrices are discussed, including that the product of two polynomial normal matrices is also polynomial normal if they commute.
- A polynomial matrix is unitary if each coefficient matrix is unitary. It is shown that a polynomial matrix is polynomial normal if and only if every polynomial matrix unitarily equivalent to it is also polynomial normal.
- Results are presented, including that the product of the coefficient matrices of two polynomial matrices is zero if the coefficient matrices are normal and the products of the coefficients are zero.
Erosive Wear Behavior of Nanoclay Filled Basalt - Epoxy Hybrid CompositeIJMERDevelopments of nano clay particle reinforced plastics are of growing interest towards the
emergence of new materials which enhance optimal utilization of natural resources and particularly of
renewable resources. The effects of nano clay as filler in Basalt–epoxy composite systems on the
tribological properties have been discussed in this article. Basalt fiber reinforced epoxy (BE) composite
finds widespread application in erosive environment due to its several advantages like high wear
resistance, high strength-to-weight ratio and low cost. Experiments were carried out to study the effects
of impingement angle, particle velocity and filler material on the solid particle erosive wear behavior of
BE composite. The erosive wear is evaluated at different impingement angles from 30° to 90° at three
different velocities of 23, 42, & 60 m/s. The erodent used is silica sand with the size range (150 – 280 µm)
of irregular shape. The result shows semi-ductile behavior with maximum erosion rate at 60°
impingement angle. It is observed that wear rate increases with increasing particle velocity and
decreases with increases of filler percentage. The morphology of the eroded surfaces was examined by
using Scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
A Threshold Fuzzy Entropy Based Feature Selection: Comparative StudyIJMERFeature selection is one of the most common and critical tasks in database classification. It
reduces the computational cost by removing insignificant and unwanted features. Consequently, this
makes the diagnosis process accurate and comprehensible. This paper presents the measurement of
feature relevance based on fuzzy entropy, tested with Radial Basis Classifier (RBF) network,
Bagging(Bootstrap Aggregating), Boosting and stacking for various fields of datasets. Twenty
benchmarked datasets which are available in UCI Machine Learning Repository and KDD have been
used for this work. The accuracy obtained from these classification process shows that the proposed
method is capable of producing good and accurate results with fewer features than the original
Θουκυδίδη κεφάλαιο 81, βιβλίο 3ο,9 μορφές τέχνης- 9 ρήματα θανάτουPopi KazaΜε όχημα την Τέχνη και τις εννέα μορφές της
Να συνειδητοποιήσουν οι μαθητές την προσπάθεια του ιστορικού να παραδώσει στις επόμενες γενιές ένα έργο «κτήμα ες αεί»
Να κατανοήσουν ότι η ιστορία εκτός από αφήγηση γεγονότων του παρελθόντος αποτελεί διαχρονικά τροφή για σκέψη και πηγή καλλιτεχνική έκφρασης: αρχαιογνωστική, διαπολιτισμική θεώρηση.
να αντιληφθούν πως στον πόλεμο κάθε έννοια ηθικής, δικαιοσύνης, γραπτού ή άγραφου νόμου αλλά και ανθρωπιάς καταλύεται.
Να συνειδητοποιήσουν ότι η ειρήνη και η ζωή αποτελούν υπέρτατες αξίες.
Να αναδειχθεί η ανθρωπογνωσία (ενίσχυση ανθρωπιστικής παιδείας, ανθρωποκεντρική διάσταση): βιωματική, ουμανιστική θεώρηση
Η συγκεκριμένη πρόταση της Τσαλίκουσου Πηνελόπης,φιλολόγου του 1ου ΓΕΛ Ν. Σμύρνης (ΛΑΝΣ) παρουσιάστηκε σε ημερίδα διδακτικών πρακτικών φιλολογικών μαθημάτων τον Απρίλιο του 2019 στη Δ Αθήνας.
Θουκυδίδης &5, ΚΕΦ. 81, ΒΙΒΛΙΟ Γ' ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΪΚΑPopi KazaΜία εναλλακτική πρόταση διδασκαλίας που αποσκοπεί στη διασύνδεση των αρχαίων ελληνικών και της ιστορίας με τη σύγχρονη πραγματικότητα αναδεικνύοντας την τραγική διαχρονικότητα στο έργο του κορυφαίου ιστορικού Θουκυδίδη.
H αειφόρος κοινωνία αναπτύσσεται στην κινηματογραφική μας λέσχη cinelansPopi KazaΣτο πλαίσιο του περιβαλλοντικού μας προγράμματος "H αειφόρος κοινωνία αναπτύσσεται στην κινηματογραφική μας λέσχη cinelans" παρουσιάζουμε τα θέματα με τα οποία ασχοληθήκαμε, τους διαθεματικούς άξονες και τα παραγόμενα μαθησιακά αποτελέσματα.
Σχολικό έτος 2016-2017.
Πόλεμος και γυναίκαPopi KazaΕργασία των μαθητριών Παναγιώτας Τσακαλώφα και Φιλοθέης Σκάρπα στο μάθημα των αρχαίων ελληνικών (Θουκυδίδης, κεφ 74, Κερκυραϊκά)
Ο ρόλος των γυναικώνPopi KazaΕργασία της μαθήτριας Αναστασίας Τσαγκαρίδου, Στρεβινιώτη Φοίβου και Χατζηαθανασίου Χαράς στα αρχαία ελληνικά (Θουκυδίδου Κερκυραϊκά, κεφ 74)
ρατσισμός (2)Popi KazaΕργασία των μαθητών Τσιμουρή Άγγελου και Στρεβινιώτη Φοίβου στο πλαίσιο του περιβαλλοντικού προγράμματος "Η αειφόρος κοινωνία αναπτύσσεται στην κινηματογραφική λέσχη cinelans"
Oι γυναίκες στον πόλεμοPopi KazaΔημιουργική εργασία της μαθήτριας Ιωάννας Παπίγκου για το ρλολο των γυναικών στον πόλεμο. Η εργασία πραγματοποιήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος των αρχαίων ελληνικών (Θουκυδίδου Κερκυραϊκά, κεφ 74)
Kακοποίηση γυναικώνPopi KazaΕργασία των μαθητριών Παπίγκου, Πιετρή για το περιβαλλοντικό πρόγραμμα " Η αειφόρος κοινωνία αναπτύσσεται στην κινηματογραφική μας λέσχη cinelans"
Σεξουαλική κακοποίηση-εκμετάλλευση γυναικωνPopi KazaΕργασία των μαθητριών Πανταζοπούλου, Τσακαλώφα, Ταουλάου, Σταλήμερου στο πλαίσιο του περιβαλλοντικού προγράμματος "η αειφόρος κοινωνία αναπτύσσεται στην κινηματογραφική λέσχη cinelans"