The document summarizes key aspects of IPv6 including:
1. IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses compared to 32-bit addresses in IPv4 and eliminates leading zeros in blocks of numbers and replaces consecutive zeros with "::".
2. IPv6 addresses come in different formats like global unicast using an interface ID, link-local unicast using an interface ID, and multicast using a scope and group ID.
3. The IPv6 header is similar to IPv4 but uses a 64-bit flow label field and has extension headers for additional functions like routing, fragmentation, and security.
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I pv6
1. IPV6
Protocol Header Address Notation
8 16 24 32 Eliminate leading zeros from all two-byte sets
Ver Traffic Class Flow Label Replace up to one string of consecutive zeros
Payload Length Next Header Hop Limit with a double-colon (::)
Address Formats
Source Address
Global unicast
Global Prefix Subnet Interface ID
Destination Address 48 16 64
Link-local unicast
Version (4 bits) Always set to 6 Interface ID
Traffic Class (8 bits) A DSCP value for QoS
64 64
Flow Label (20 bits) Identifies unique flows (optional)
Payload Length (16 bits) Length of the payload in bytes
Group ID
Next Header (8 bits) Header or protocol which follows
8 4 4 112
Hop Limit (8 bits) Similar to IPv4's time to live field
Source Address (128 bits) Source IP address EUI-64 Formation
Destination Address (128 bits) Destination IP address MAC
Address Types
Unicast One-to-one communication
Multicast One-to-many communication Insert 0xfffe between the two halves of the MAC
Anycast An address configured in multiple locations Flip the seventh bit (universal/local flag) to 1
Multicast Scopes Extension Headers
1 Interface-local 5 Site-local Hop-by-hop Options (0)
Carries additional information which must be examined by every
2 Link-local 8 Org-local
router in the path
4 Admin-local E Global Routing (43)
Provides source routing functionality
Special-Use Ranges
Fragment (44)
::/0 Default route Included when a packet has been fragmented by its source
::/128 Unspecified Encapsulating Security Payload (50)
Provides payload encryption (IPsec)
::1/128 Loopback
Authentication Header (51)
::/96 IPv4-compatible* Provides packet authentication (IPsec)
::FFFF:0:0/96 IPv4-mapped Destination Options (60)
Carries additional information which pertains only to the recipient
2001::/32 Teredo
2001:DB8::/32 Documentation Transition Mechanisms
Dual Stack
2002::/16 6to4
Transporting IPv4 and IPv6 across an infrastructure simultaneously
FC00::/7 Unique local Tunneling
FE80::/10 Link-local unicast IPv6 traffic is encapsulated into IPv4 using IPv6-in-IP, UDP (Teredo),
or Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)
FEC0::/10 Site-local unicast*
FF00::/8 Multicast Stateless IP/ICMP Translation (SIIT) translates IP header fields, NAT
* Deprecated Protocol Translation (NAT-PT) maps between IPv6 and IPv4 addresses
by Jeremy Stretch v2.0