This is the newest IAP2 USA Brochure with information on training, professional development, our core values, code of ethics, and public participation spectrum. Feel free to share and utilize for your work in the field.
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IAP2 USA Brochure
2. The International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) is
the preeminent international organization advancing the practice
of public participation (P2).
IAP2 supports people who implement or participate
in public decision-making processes. IAP2s focus
on practical tools and best practices has made
it the primary resource for developing public
participation processes.
IAP2s core values, code of ethics, and public participation
spectrum are foundational elements of effective public
participation processes. IAP2 encourages individuals and
organizations to adopt and incorporate these principles
into their processes.
IAP2 carries out its mission to advance and extend the practice
of public participation by organizing and conducting professional
development activities to serve the learning needs of members.
iap2 certificate in public participation
The IAP2 Certificate in Public Participation Program is a three module (5 day) program intended to
provide a broad-based learning experience covering all of the foundations of public participation.
Developed in consultation with practitioners from around the world, the training provides useful tools
for designing and implementing effective public participation programs.
emotion, outrage and public participation
A two-day program built on Dr. Peter Sandmans risk communication and IAP2s core concepts for
meaningful and effective public participation. Learn six practical strategies for managing outrage,
new behaviors that you can apply immediately, a new way of thinking and analyzing outrage,
and ways to plan and implement public participation (P2) projects when people are outraged.
IAP2 course offerings can be found at
3. code of ethics
The Code of Ethics is a set of principles which guide us in our practice of enhancing the integrity of the public participation
process. As P2 practitioners, we hold ourselves accountable to these principles and strive to hold all participants to the
same standards.
core values
IAP2 developed the Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation for use in developing and implementing public
participation processes to help inform better decisions that reflect the interests and concerns of potentially affected people
and entities. The Core Values were developed with broad international input to identify those aspects of public participation
that cross national, cultural and religious boundaries.
1 Purpose: we support public participation
as a process to make better decisions that
incorporate the interests and concerns of all
affected stakeholders and meet the needs of the
decision-making body.
2 Role of Practitioner: we will enhance the publics
participation in the decision-making process and
assist decision-makers in being responsive to
the publics concerns and suggestions.
3 Trust: we will undertake and encourage actions
that build trust and credibility for the process
and among all the participants.
4 Defining the Publics Role: we will carefully
consider and accurately portray the publics
role in the decision-making process.
5 Openness: we will encourage the disclosure
of all information relevant to the publics
understanding and evaluation of a decision.
6 Access to the Process: we will ensure that
stakeholders have fair and equal access to the
public participation process and the opportunity
to influence decisions.
7. Respect for Communities: we will avoid
strategies that risk polarizing community interest
or that appear to divide and conquer.
8 Advocacy: we will advocate for the public
participation process and will not advocate for
a particular interest, party or project outcome.
9 Commitments: we will ensure that all
commitments made to the public, including
those by the decision-maker, are made in
good faith.
10 Support of the Practice: we will mentor
new practitioners in the field and educate
decision-makers and the public about the
value and use of public participation.
1 Public participation is based on the belief that
those who are affected by a decision have a right
to be involved in the decision-making process.
2 Public participation includes the promise that the
publics contribution will influence the decision.
3 Public participation promotes sustainable
decisions by recognizing and communicating the
needs and interests of all participants, including
decision makers.
4 Public participation seeks out and facilitates the
involvement of those potentially affected by or
interested in a decision.
5 Public participation seeks input from
participants in designing how they participate.
6 Public participation provides participants with
the information they need to participate in a
meaningful way.
7 Public participation communicates to participants
how their input affected the decision.
The Core Values define the expectations and
aspirations of the public participation process.
Processes based on the Core Values have been
shown to be the most successful and respected.
Definition of terms used in the Code of Ethics:
Stakeholders: any individual, group of individuals,
organization or political entity with an interest or stake
in the outcome of a decision
Public: those stakeholders who are not typically part
of the decision-making entity or entities
Public Participation: any process that involves the
public in problem-solving or decision-making and that
uses public input to make better decisions
4. iap2 public participation spectrum
To provide
the public
with balanced
and objective
information to
assist them in
the problems,
alternatives and/or
To obtain public
on analysis,
alternatives and/or
To work directly
with the public
throughout the
process to ensure
that public issues
and concerns
are consistently
understood and
To partner with
the public in each
aspect of the
decision including
the development of
alternatives and the
identification of the
preferred solution.
To place final
in the hands of
the public.
We will keep you
We will keep you
informed, listen to
and acknowledge
concerns and
provide feedback
on how public input
influenced the
We will work with
you to ensure that
your concerns
and issues are
directly reflected
in the alternatives
developed and
provide feedback
on how public input
influenced the
We will look to you
for direct advice
and innovation
in formulating
solutions and
your advise and
into the decisions to
the maximum extent
We will implement
what you decide.
Open houses
Public comment
Focus groups
Public meetings
Deliberate polling
Citizen Advisory
Citizen juries
developed by the international association for public participation
become a member
IAP2 is a member driven organization that can help you to grow professionally, provide you with training opportunities
and increase networking with other public participation practitioners locally, nationally, and internationally. If you would
like to learn more about IAP2s activities in your area or the benefits of becoming a member, please contact:
The information contained within this brochure may be reproduced attributing
copyright to the International Association for Public Participation
7949 EastAcoma Drive,Suite 207
Scottsdale,Arizona 85260
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