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Social Media and Web Strategy for IBM Cloud ComputingApril 27, 2010Team Cloud Marketers:Lindsay Hoag      Jeff Lonardo      Maureen Olsen      Chris Powers      Agnieszka Siekirka      Jane Sproul
AgendaGoals and Objectives  IBM Context: SWOT Analysis  Social Media and Web Strategy  AwarenessDifferentiationListening & engagingExecution   Internal marketingRecommended ChannelsDefining and measuring successSummary
IBMs Social Media Web & Strategy Should Follow a Three-Tiered Approach1.AwarenessGOAL:Establish IBM Cloud Computing as the leading provider of enterprise cloud solutions; both in terms of reputation as well as market share2.Differentiation3.Listening & Engagement
SWOT Analysis Provides Important Insights into IBMs Competitive Position StrengthsWeaknessesLongstanding reputation for trustworthiness and reliability
Private and public cloud options
Global reach
Third place in online buzz
Internally misaligned web and social media efforts
Weak organic placement for cloud computingOpportunitiesThreatsStrong portfolio of existing customers
Vocal online community that will tell you what they want
Strong competitors with developed public cloud options
Growing concern about security of public cloudSource:  2009 July IBM: MI Study; IBM Competitor Analysis
Building Awareness Starts With The Optimization of IBMs WebsiteAWARENESSIBM CloudHomepage
Analysis Of Current IBM-Cloud Landing Page AWARENESSMain menu fails to direct users to information relevant to their rolesText-heavy web design softens the potential impact of specific contentKey Take-away: Current landing page does not offer a concise statement of the value offered by IBMs cloud solutions
Cloud Computing Basics Hosted on Smarter Planet Web Pages  Instead of IBM/CloudAWARENESSStraight forward description of cloud
Promotes/enables sharing
Provides several YouTube videosKey Take-away: Pages contain valuable info on the basics but  are not clearly linked to ibm.com/cloud. This contributes to a disjointed or fragmented user experience.
Disconnect Between Web Pages Contributes to a Disjointed User ExperienceAWARENESSIBM Cloud onYouTubeLinks between these resources  are difficult to find
Users have no roadmapCloud ComputingCommunity BlogSmarter Planet Cloud ComputingCloud Computingon developerWorksCloud Computing Homepage
Develop Roadmaps That Chaperone Visitors To Key ContentAWARENESSLearn About Cloud ComputingOverviewIT ProfessionalsBusiness LeadersDevelopersSegment the website by customer type
Provide up to date info from the latest blogs
Immediately Address the What and WhyLatest Blog Updates
Drive Awareness Through The Customer-Centric Design & Distribution of ContentAWARENESSMore WebinarsEducateMore Blogs & PodcastsStay fresh Video Case StudiesGo beyond testimonialsKey Take-away: Push/Pull:Push content to social channels, and make sure it is findable!
Differentiate IBMs Messaging From Channel Noise Through Security & Reliability Campaign  DIFFERENTIATEEmphasize IBMs long-history in helping companies unlock the benefits of new technologiesHighlight investment cloud computing laboratories Key Take-away: Actively address fears about cloud computing and reiterate IBMs reputation
Differentiate IBM from the rest of the packDIFFERENTIATEDevelop IBM Video Case Studies that address the cloud computing pain points or concerns from the perspectives of various stakeholdersCxOIT ManagersDevelopersKey Take-away: Design marketing activities that frame a companies concerns/questions in the organizational context that frames a companies typical decision-making process
Implement a Formal Strategy for Listening and EngagingLISTENING & ENGAGING
Create a Cross-Functional Social Media TeamEXECUTETASK FORCECommunity LeadersSales  ManagerProduct ManagerIT ArchitectSecurity Engineer
Recommended Social Media ChannelsEXECUTEBe the NewsProvide Proof of SuccessYouTubetwitterblog/vlogGenerate Links->Rank High in Organic SearchMaintain A DialogLinkedIn Q&ACommunityBlog
Measures of SuccessEXECUTEConversation Miner  Brand attribute surveyWeb AnalyticsOverall success: Leads generated, Sales
SummaryThree-Tiered StrategyDrive AwarenessDifferentiate IBM CloudListen & EngageEssential for success:Customer-Centric ApproachInternal Alignment
AppendixB2B Marketing Research Social Media Channel RationaleTactical Recommendation: MobileSocial Media and ROI
*Source: http://www.sempo.org/learning_center/research/2008_execsummary.pdf85.3% of B2B Buyers Conduct Online Research Before Making Purchase DecisionsMost Efficient Forms of Advertising/Marketing Spend (ranked by ROI)*

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  • 1. Social Media and Web Strategy for IBM Cloud ComputingApril 27, 2010Team Cloud Marketers:Lindsay Hoag Jeff Lonardo Maureen Olsen Chris Powers Agnieszka Siekirka Jane Sproul
  • 2. AgendaGoals and Objectives IBM Context: SWOT Analysis Social Media and Web Strategy AwarenessDifferentiationListening & engagingExecution Internal marketingRecommended ChannelsDefining and measuring successSummary
  • 3. IBMs Social Media Web & Strategy Should Follow a Three-Tiered Approach1.AwarenessGOAL:Establish IBM Cloud Computing as the leading provider of enterprise cloud solutions; both in terms of reputation as well as market share2.Differentiation3.Listening & Engagement
  • 4. SWOT Analysis Provides Important Insights into IBMs Competitive Position StrengthsWeaknessesLongstanding reputation for trustworthiness and reliability
  • 5. Private and public cloud options
  • 7. Third place in online buzz
  • 8. Internally misaligned web and social media efforts
  • 9. Weak organic placement for cloud computingOpportunitiesThreatsStrong portfolio of existing customers
  • 10. Vocal online community that will tell you what they want
  • 11. Strong competitors with developed public cloud options
  • 12. Growing concern about security of public cloudSource: 2009 July IBM: MI Study; IBM Competitor Analysis
  • 13. Building Awareness Starts With The Optimization of IBMs WebsiteAWARENESSIBM CloudHomepage
  • 14. Analysis Of Current IBM-Cloud Landing Page AWARENESSMain menu fails to direct users to information relevant to their rolesText-heavy web design softens the potential impact of specific contentKey Take-away: Current landing page does not offer a concise statement of the value offered by IBMs cloud solutions
  • 15. Cloud Computing Basics Hosted on Smarter Planet Web Pages Instead of IBM/CloudAWARENESSStraight forward description of cloud
  • 17. Provides several YouTube videosKey Take-away: Pages contain valuable info on the basics but are not clearly linked to ibm.com/cloud. This contributes to a disjointed or fragmented user experience.
  • 18. Disconnect Between Web Pages Contributes to a Disjointed User ExperienceAWARENESSIBM Cloud onYouTubeLinks between these resources are difficult to find
  • 19. Users have no roadmapCloud ComputingCommunity BlogSmarter Planet Cloud ComputingCloud Computingon developerWorksCloud Computing Homepage
  • 20. Develop Roadmaps That Chaperone Visitors To Key ContentAWARENESSLearn About Cloud ComputingOverviewIT ProfessionalsBusiness LeadersDevelopersSegment the website by customer type
  • 21. Provide up to date info from the latest blogs
  • 22. Immediately Address the What and WhyLatest Blog Updates
  • 23. Drive Awareness Through The Customer-Centric Design & Distribution of ContentAWARENESSMore WebinarsEducateMore Blogs & PodcastsStay fresh Video Case StudiesGo beyond testimonialsKey Take-away: Push/Pull:Push content to social channels, and make sure it is findable!
  • 24. Differentiate IBMs Messaging From Channel Noise Through Security & Reliability Campaign DIFFERENTIATEEmphasize IBMs long-history in helping companies unlock the benefits of new technologiesHighlight investment cloud computing laboratories Key Take-away: Actively address fears about cloud computing and reiterate IBMs reputation
  • 25. Differentiate IBM from the rest of the packDIFFERENTIATEDevelop IBM Video Case Studies that address the cloud computing pain points or concerns from the perspectives of various stakeholdersCxOIT ManagersDevelopersKey Take-away: Design marketing activities that frame a companies concerns/questions in the organizational context that frames a companies typical decision-making process
  • 26. Implement a Formal Strategy for Listening and EngagingLISTENING & ENGAGING
  • 27. Create a Cross-Functional Social Media TeamEXECUTETASK FORCECommunity LeadersSales ManagerProduct ManagerIT ArchitectSecurity Engineer
  • 28. Recommended Social Media ChannelsEXECUTEBe the NewsProvide Proof of SuccessYouTubetwitterblog/vlogGenerate Links->Rank High in Organic SearchMaintain A DialogLinkedIn Q&ACommunityBlog
  • 29. Measures of SuccessEXECUTEConversation Miner Brand attribute surveyWeb AnalyticsOverall success: Leads generated, Sales
  • 30. SummaryThree-Tiered StrategyDrive AwarenessDifferentiate IBM CloudListen & EngageEssential for success:Customer-Centric ApproachInternal Alignment
  • 31. AppendixB2B Marketing Research Social Media Channel RationaleTactical Recommendation: MobileSocial Media and ROI
  • 32. *Source: http://www.sempo.org/learning_center/research/2008_execsummary.pdf85.3% of B2B Buyers Conduct Online Research Before Making Purchase DecisionsMost Efficient Forms of Advertising/Marketing Spend (ranked by ROI)*
  • 33. Social Media Channel Rationale: LinkedInBenefits:Facilitates professional networking, word of mouth marketing, referral-based recommendations, share of knowledge bases, and affinity group communicationHas a broad audienceImproves SEOIndustry leaders:Promote blog fleetLocate and connect with best customersAsk customers to write recommendations and ask questions to build dialog about own business segmentSubject matter experts:Use groups to connect with peopleGain new insights from discussions with like-minded professionals in private group settingsSales:Leverage networking activities to advance prospecting activitiesIdentify opportunities with potential clients as well as service providers and subject expertsMarketers:Utilize events to engage clientsCreate ad campaignsDevelop polls to gather market data sponsored advertising
  • 34. Social Media Channel Rationale: TwitterBenefits:Enhance branding, content sharing, and traffic generationIs accessible from mobile devicesHas a broad audienceImproves SEOOne of the primary source for SearchIndustry leaders:Provide valuable and interesting content to attract new followers and earn trust of existing clientsCreate links to official website or blogsShare breaking newsKeep up on the buzz in the industry Subject matter experts:Post questions for quick answers and answer others questions to establish credibility and expertiseUse it as a communication toolNetwork with minded like peopleSales:Monitor developments in their marketsListen to customersMarketers:Use built in features and tracking services to monitor information related to industry specific trends or opportunitiesMonitor online conversationsTrack who target audience is following
  • 35. Social Media Channel Rationale: YouTubeBenefits:Facilitates share of knowledge bases Improves SEOSecond most popular Search Industry leaders:Upload videos to build a strong online presenceUse videos to call for actionSubject matter experts:Use it as a communication toolSales:Attract new clientsMarketers:Drive consistent trafficUse built in analytics tools to evaluate the effectiveness of video content and research niche markets and develop effective marketing campaigns
  • 36. Create Task Force of Cross-Functional Social Media Team MembersThese are the primary bloggers and Twitter-ers. They keep the community informed through daily postings on current eventsCommunity LeadersKeeps the community updated on trends and customer issues he sees in the field. Helps to handle critical commentary in the community.Sales ManagerReports on new trends in the industry. Is the principal source of information about new products and features. Product ManagerReports on technical details of products. Primary reporter of information on IBMs Beta products and services, as well as Develop and Test solutions.IT ArchitectAddresses security concerns about cloud through blog and responses to questions.Security Engineer
  • 37. Mobile: IBM Web Pages are Navigable and Customized for Leading Mobile DevicesIBM Mobile Web Page: viewed from an IPhone (AT&T Wireless)IBM Mobile Web Page: viewed from a Blackberry Storm (Verizon Wireless) Key Take-Aways:IBM has duplicated its online website in one instance, but not the other. Shift towards mobile specific websites for all mobile experiencesExplore opportunities to better segment or customize web experiences on a geographically localized levelCreate apps that encourage growth in IBMs online communities or drive traffic to IBMs website.
  • 38. Mobile: Engage customers by building bridges between traditional and interactive mediaAdd a call-to-action to airport banners encouraging on-the-go executives to visit smart phone optimized IBM Cloud content and podcastsBegin a 2-way conversation with your customers and prospectsTarget airports in cities where IBM paces behind its competitors
  • 39. Social Media and ROIMeasure:ROI: track volume, location, nature of interactions, and depth of relationships on the bottom line Influence: measure how traffic, inbound links, reader engagement, recommendations, connections, track records, traffic referred to official site or blog, and conversation rate of visitors resulted in action or perception and behavior change
  • 40. Social Media and ROIBusiness goals:Brand reputationIncreased brand awarenessIncreased share of voiceThought leadershipIncreased salesReduced R&D spending
  • 42. IBM Cloud Computing References2009 July IBM: MI Study; IBM Competitor AnalysisClancy, P & Kreig, P.(2007). Your Gut is Still Not Smarter Than Your Head. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley&Sons, Inc.Fournier,S.&Lee,L. (April 2009) Best Practice: Getting Brand Communities Right. Harvard Business Review. HBR.ORGhttp://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/4663/How-to-Monitor-Your-Social-Media-Presence-in-10-Minutes-a-Day.aspxhttp://blogs.gartner.com/david_m_smith/2009/06/11/cloud-special-report-is-live-and-more-on-gartner-cloud-research/http://blogsite.com/public/item/245631http://cloudcomputingexpo.com/http://digitalinfluencegroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/DIG-B2B-Technology-White-Paper-FINAL.pdfhttp://lyrishq.lyris.com/index.php/Integrated-Marketing/Integrated-Marketing-Communications-Has-Evolved.htmlhttp://twitter.com/AzureCloudNethttp://twitter.com/search/users?q=ibm+cloud&category=people&source=users
  • 43. IBM Cloud Computing References (continued)http://www.aml.com.au/white_papers/B-to-B_Marketing_in_2009_19-06-2009.pdfhttp://www.cielomobile.com/http://www.cio.com/article/455832/Cloud_Computing_Survey_IT_Leaders_See_Big_Promise_Have_Big_Security_Questionshttp://www.converseon.com/services.htmlhttp://www.eweek.com/c/a/Enterprise-Applications/Forresters-Advice-to-CFOs-Embrace-Cloud-Computing-to-Cut-Costs/http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/rich-brooks/social-media-strategies-small-businesshttp://www.ibm.com/ibm/cloud/http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/http://www.marcusthomasllc.com/pdfs/B2BSocialMediaBooklet.pdfhttp://www.proactivereport.com/c/research/social-media-affecting-btob-buying-behavior/http://www.salesforce.com/http://www.salesforce.com/events/online/http://www.sempo.org/learning_center/research/2008_execsummary.pdf
  • 44. IBM Cloud Computing References (continued)http://www.slideshare.net/Ataxo/sempo-state-of-search-marketing-2009http://www.socialfish.org/2010/04/the-role-of-crisis-communications-in-your-social-media-strategy.htmlhttp://www.techcrunchit.com/http://www.theinfoboom.com/Jones, Kristopher B. (2008) Search Engine Optimization: Your Visual Blueprint for Effective Internet Marketing. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley&Sons, Inc.Kozinets, Robert V. (1999) E-Tribalized Marketing? The Strategic Implications of Virtual Communities of Consumption. European Management Journal. Vol 17. No. 3. pp. 252-264.Schultz, D.E. & Schultz, H.F. (2004). IMC-the Next Generation: five steps for delivering value and measuring returns using marketing communication. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.Seybold, Patricia B. (2006). Bathing your organization in Real-time Customer Context: Using Online Communities to Understand Customers Passions, issues, and Needs. Patricia Seybold Group. www.psgroup.com.Smith, M & Lustig, J. (February 2010). Social Media: An Integral Tool for B2B Technology Marketing" Digital Influence Group and Racepoint Group.Williams, Ruth L. & Cothrel, Joseph. ( 2000). Four Smart Ways to Run Online Communities. Sloan Management Review. Summer edition.Zabin, Jeff. (Oct. 2009). The ROI on Social Media Monitoring: Why it Pays to Listen to Online Conversation. Aberdeen Group.
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