
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
- Reliable
- Very responsible
- Empathic
- 35 year old
executive who likes
- Very goog at win-
win negotiation.
- Very good at
making strategies.
- It is based on
experience that he
has a difficult time
when he began to
work, so he is
looking for
someone with
work experience
- He has never hired
a recent graduate
Find the adecuate
candidate for the
vacancy of marketing &
development executive.
Important to see if it is
necessary the
experience or if it could
be a just graduate
Finding the adecuate candidate for the vacancy of
marketing & development executive. Important to see if it
is necessary the experience or if it could be a just
graduate student
 required abilities are related to work or just is a
matter of attitude?
 Clarify the job description needs.
 talk with students that are going to graduate.
 Look for social service and try it.
 Generate an intership.
 testing exercises in the interview
 Look for in your own experience and look how
things could be different
 Look for the yes options of how to work with
a just graduated.
 recommendations with professors
 recommendations with friends.
 recommendations with co-workers.
 Try to know the history life of each candidate
 recommendations to other just graduated guys.
 Evaluate the potential
 The one who you get along with
 The one who plays and its funny
 The one that inspires you trust
 Put the candidate to draw
 Ask him about his hobbies
 Look for a display to see the future and see his
 Look for a value qualify device
 You need a knowledge transfer like in matrix
 The first to knock your door
 The one with a big nose
 The one who kicks best the ball
 The one who can walk with his hands.
 Bring two people, 1 with experience and 1 just
 Hire an outsourcing to look for the candidate
 Hire someone from social service
 Look for volunteers at universities
 Look for him/her on online employment pages.
 Ask in universities employment advertisements
 Look in outsourcing companies data
 Check international employment pages
 Write a detail job description until you write the
needed abilities
 Go to university and test all the interested
 Know his family
 Ask for personnal references
 Put a problem test and encourage him to use
design thinking
 Ask him to make a market analysis of one
product he like and use
 Ask headhunters
 Give him a market analysis and ask his
 Ask for the moment of his life that mark him the
most and why
 Ask for one of the biggest problem he had to
face and how did he solve it
 Identify which values you are looking for
 Do specific questions about the values you are
looking for
 Analize specific activities required for the job
and check if the requirement is knowledge or
just attitude.
 Apply emotional intelligence tests.
 Invite himand his family to a work event outside
the office
 Apply psicometric tests
 Ask for references to a facebook friends
1. The most practical idea (one that could be easily implemented). Generate
an intership. I think is very practical and it helps the company to proof the
candidate and the students to get work experience.
2. The most disruptive idea (one that would make a huge impact, regardless
of how feasible or affordable it is)
Invite him and his family to a work event outside the office. It is a different
way to know a person and his family relationships, it talks a lot about his
3. Your favorite idea (one idea that you are excited about for whatever
reason... you dont have to justify why.
Try to know the history life of each candidate. Because in his history life you
can find a lot of strenghts and developing opportunities, more than the ones
that you find at the planned answers

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Ideate Assignment

  • 1. - Reliable - Very responsible - Empathic - 35 year old marketing executive who likes teamwork - Very goog at win- win negotiation. - Very good at making strategies. - It is based on personal experience that he has a difficult time when he began to work, so he is looking for someone with work experience - He has never hired a recent graduate Find the adecuate candidate for the vacancy of marketing & development executive. Important to see if it is necessary the experience or if it could be a just graduate student
  • 2. Finding the adecuate candidate for the vacancy of marketing & development executive. Important to see if it is necessary the experience or if it could be a just graduate student required abilities are related to work or just is a matter of attitude? Clarify the job description needs. talk with students that are going to graduate. Look for social service and try it. Generate an intership. testing exercises in the interview Look for in your own experience and look how things could be different Look for the yes options of how to work with a just graduated. recommendations with professors recommendations with friends. recommendations with co-workers. Try to know the history life of each candidate recommendations to other just graduated guys. Evaluate the potential The one who you get along with The one who plays and its funny The one that inspires you trust Put the candidate to draw Ask him about his hobbies Look for a display to see the future and see his development Look for a value qualify device You need a knowledge transfer like in matrix movie The first to knock your door The one with a big nose The one who kicks best the ball The one who can walk with his hands. Bring two people, 1 with experience and 1 just graduated. Hire an outsourcing to look for the candidate Hire someone from social service Look for volunteers at universities
  • 3. Look for him/her on online employment pages. Ask in universities employment advertisements Look in outsourcing companies data Check international employment pages Write a detail job description until you write the needed abilities Go to university and test all the interested students Know his family Ask for personnal references Put a problem test and encourage him to use design thinking Ask him to make a market analysis of one product he like and use Ask headhunters Give him a market analysis and ask his interpretation Ask for the moment of his life that mark him the most and why Ask for one of the biggest problem he had to face and how did he solve it Identify which values you are looking for Do specific questions about the values you are looking for Analize specific activities required for the job and check if the requirement is knowledge or just attitude. Apply emotional intelligence tests. Invite himand his family to a work event outside the office Apply psicometric tests Ask for references to a facebook friends
  • 4. 1. The most practical idea (one that could be easily implemented). Generate an intership. I think is very practical and it helps the company to proof the candidate and the students to get work experience. 2. The most disruptive idea (one that would make a huge impact, regardless of how feasible or affordable it is) Invite him and his family to a work event outside the office. It is a different way to know a person and his family relationships, it talks a lot about his values 3. Your favorite idea (one idea that you are excited about for whatever reason... you dont have to justify why. Try to know the history life of each candidate. Because in his history life you can find a lot of strenghts and developing opportunities, more than the ones that you find at the planned answers