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Identifying VariablesIdentifying Variables
3 Kinds of Variables3 Kinds of Variables
 Independent Variable  somethingIndependent Variable  something
that is changed by the scientistthat is changed by the scientist
 What is testedWhat is tested
 What is manipulatedWhat is manipulated
3 Kinds of Variables3 Kinds of Variables
 Dependent Variable  something thatDependent Variable  something that
might be affected by the change inmight be affected by the change in
the independent variablethe independent variable
 What is observedWhat is observed
 What is measuredWhat is measured
 The data collected during theThe data collected during the
3 Kinds of Variables3 Kinds of Variables
 Controlled Variable  a variable thatControlled Variable  a variable that
is not changedis not changed
 Also called constantsAlso called constants
 Allow for a fair testAllow for a fair test
For Example:For Example:
Students of different agesStudents of different ages
were given the same jigsawwere given the same jigsaw
puzzle to put together.puzzle to put together.
They were timed to see howThey were timed to see how
long it took to finish thelong it took to finish the
Identify the variables inIdentify the variables in
this investigation.this investigation.
What was the independentWhat was the independent
Ages of the studentsAges of the students
Different ages were tested byDifferent ages were tested by
the scientistthe scientist
What was the dependent variable?What was the dependent variable?
The time it to put the puzzleThe time it to put the puzzle
The time was observed andThe time was observed and
measured by the scientistmeasured by the scientist
What was a controlled variable?What was a controlled variable?
Same puzzleSame puzzle
All of the participants wereAll of the participants were
tested with the same puzzle.tested with the same puzzle.
It would not have been a fairIt would not have been a fair
test if some had an easy 30test if some had an easy 30
piece puzzle and some had apiece puzzle and some had a
harder 500 piece puzzle.harder 500 piece puzzle.
Another example:Another example:
An investigation was done with anAn investigation was done with an
electromagnetic system madeelectromagnetic system made
from a battery and wire wrappedfrom a battery and wire wrapped
around a nail. Different sizes ofaround a nail. Different sizes of
nails were used. The number ofnails were used. The number of
paper clips the electromagnetpaper clips the electromagnet
could pick up was measured.could pick up was measured.
What are the variables in thisWhat are the variables in this
Independent variable:Independent variable:
Sizes of nailsSizes of nails
These were changed by theThese were changed by the
Dependent variable:Dependent variable:
Number of paper clips pickedNumber of paper clips picked
The number of paper clipsThe number of paper clips
observed and countedobserved and counted
Controlled variables:Controlled variables:
Battery, wire, type of nailBattery, wire, type of nail
 None of these items were changedNone of these items were changed
One more:One more:
The higher theThe higher the
temperature of water,temperature of water,
the faster an egg willthe faster an egg will
 Independent variable  temperatureIndependent variable  temperature
of waterof water
 Dependent variable  time to cookDependent variable  time to cook
an eggan egg
 Controlled variable  type of eggControlled variable  type of egg
Last one:Last one:
The temperature ofThe temperature of
water was measured atwater was measured at
different depths of adifferent depths of a
 Independent variable  depth of theIndependent variable  depth of the
 Dependent variable  temperatureDependent variable  temperature
 Controlled variable  thermometerControlled variable  thermometer
Designing InvestigationsDesigning Investigations
The greater the amount of soap in aThe greater the amount of soap in a
soap and water mixture, the bigger asoap and water mixture, the bigger a
soap bubble can be blown.soap bubble can be blown.
 Design an investigation to test thisDesign an investigation to test this
 Identify the variablesIdentify the variables
 What exactly will be changed? HowWhat exactly will be changed? How
will it be changed?will it be changed?
 What exactly will be measured? HowWhat exactly will be measured? How
will it be measured?will it be measured?
The farther a ball drops, the higherThe farther a ball drops, the higher
it will bounce.it will bounce.
 Design an investigation to test thisDesign an investigation to test this
 Identify the variablesIdentify the variables
 What exactly will be changed?What exactly will be changed?
How will it be changed?How will it be changed?
 What exactly will be measured?What exactly will be measured?
How will it be measured?How will it be measured?

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Identifying variables

  • 2. 3 Kinds of Variables3 Kinds of Variables Independent Variable somethingIndependent Variable something that is changed by the scientistthat is changed by the scientist What is testedWhat is tested What is manipulatedWhat is manipulated
  • 3. 3 Kinds of Variables3 Kinds of Variables Dependent Variable something thatDependent Variable something that might be affected by the change inmight be affected by the change in the independent variablethe independent variable What is observedWhat is observed What is measuredWhat is measured The data collected during theThe data collected during the investigationinvestigation
  • 4. 3 Kinds of Variables3 Kinds of Variables Controlled Variable a variable thatControlled Variable a variable that is not changedis not changed Also called constantsAlso called constants Allow for a fair testAllow for a fair test
  • 6. Students of different agesStudents of different ages were given the same jigsawwere given the same jigsaw puzzle to put together.puzzle to put together. They were timed to see howThey were timed to see how long it took to finish thelong it took to finish the puzzle.puzzle.
  • 7. Identify the variables inIdentify the variables in this investigation.this investigation.
  • 8. What was the independentWhat was the independent variable?variable? Ages of the studentsAges of the students Different ages were tested byDifferent ages were tested by the scientistthe scientist
  • 9. What was the dependent variable?What was the dependent variable? The time it to put the puzzleThe time it to put the puzzle togethertogether The time was observed andThe time was observed and measured by the scientistmeasured by the scientist
  • 10. What was a controlled variable?What was a controlled variable? Same puzzleSame puzzle All of the participants wereAll of the participants were tested with the same puzzle.tested with the same puzzle. It would not have been a fairIt would not have been a fair test if some had an easy 30test if some had an easy 30 piece puzzle and some had apiece puzzle and some had a harder 500 piece puzzle.harder 500 piece puzzle.
  • 12. An investigation was done with anAn investigation was done with an electromagnetic system madeelectromagnetic system made from a battery and wire wrappedfrom a battery and wire wrapped around a nail. Different sizes ofaround a nail. Different sizes of nails were used. The number ofnails were used. The number of paper clips the electromagnetpaper clips the electromagnet could pick up was measured.could pick up was measured.
  • 13. What are the variables in thisWhat are the variables in this investigation?investigation?
  • 14. Independent variable:Independent variable: Sizes of nailsSizes of nails These were changed by theThese were changed by the scientistscientist
  • 15. Dependent variable:Dependent variable: Number of paper clips pickedNumber of paper clips picked upup The number of paper clipsThe number of paper clips observed and countedobserved and counted (measured)(measured)
  • 16. Controlled variables:Controlled variables: Battery, wire, type of nailBattery, wire, type of nail None of these items were changedNone of these items were changed
  • 18. The higher theThe higher the temperature of water,temperature of water, the faster an egg willthe faster an egg will boil.boil.
  • 19. Independent variable temperatureIndependent variable temperature of waterof water Dependent variable time to cookDependent variable time to cook an eggan egg Controlled variable type of eggControlled variable type of egg
  • 21. The temperature ofThe temperature of water was measured atwater was measured at different depths of adifferent depths of a pond.pond.
  • 22. Independent variable depth of theIndependent variable depth of the waterwater Dependent variable temperatureDependent variable temperature Controlled variable thermometerControlled variable thermometer
  • 24. The greater the amount of soap in aThe greater the amount of soap in a soap and water mixture, the bigger asoap and water mixture, the bigger a soap bubble can be blown.soap bubble can be blown. Design an investigation to test thisDesign an investigation to test this hypothesis.hypothesis. Identify the variablesIdentify the variables What exactly will be changed? HowWhat exactly will be changed? How will it be changed?will it be changed? What exactly will be measured? HowWhat exactly will be measured? How will it be measured?will it be measured?
  • 25. The farther a ball drops, the higherThe farther a ball drops, the higher it will bounce.it will bounce. Design an investigation to test thisDesign an investigation to test this hypothesis.hypothesis. Identify the variablesIdentify the variables What exactly will be changed?What exactly will be changed? How will it be changed?How will it be changed? What exactly will be measured?What exactly will be measured? How will it be measured?How will it be measured?