Beloved brothers and sisters; citizens of the state of Israel.
Since the establishment of the state of Israel, there is a written charter marred with
blood between the people of Israel and its soldiers, that cannot be derogated from.
As of today, opposed to the general public's impression, the charter is being brutally
breached – throwing dust in the public's eyes!!!
The wounded soldiers of the IDF have been suffering in the past few years from a
series of decrees and direct blows both in their status as well as in their medical and
social care, to the extent of criminal negligence, endangering their health and
We, the sons of this Country, that were conscripted at the age of 18, willing to
sacrifice everything for the State and for the protection of its existence, were wounded
during military service and from that point of our lives, came to a halt.
Instead of traveling the world after the military service, pursuing a career and
establishing a family, we were forced to go out to battle after a battle, the battle for
rehabilitation – a day to day battle.
Some managed to rehabilitate themselves; for many others life has reached a halt.
The blind among us will never see their children, the paralyzed will never be able to
hold up their infants, the amputated will never get to feel the tenderness of the sea
sand and the PTSD wounded soldiers will never know peace of mind and forever will
see in their minds the picture of their shredded friends and the smell of the battlefield
will be an inseparable part of their lives – these are the IDF wounded soldiers. We
carry with pride the scars of battle because we protected you and the Country – we
fulfilled our duties according to the charter.
During the hospitalization, the army wrapped us with love, but since released for
rehabilitation, the level of our status and the medical treatment have started
The harm was both medical and social. The frustration and lack of treatment was the
worst of all. The Ministry of Defense treats the IDF wounded soldiers as a disposable
product - pay less and save more. IDF wounded soldiers are not a disposable product,
we are soldiers that gave their souls and bodies for the State of Israel.
Once upon a time, we were loved by our Country, whereas today we are looked upon
as a burden.
How can the State of Israel, fight the shirkers of the military service on the one hand,
while on the other hand it evades its responsibility towards those who were wounded
during their military service.
What shall we tell our sons in the combat units if, god forbid, they were to be injured?
Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion of blessed memory, was aware of the
fact that a dedicated treatment to the IDF wounded soldiers is a security necessity of
the highest level.
In the Israeli state of security reality, today's sons are tomorrow's wounded combat
soldiers. It can happen in every household. Some things just shouldn't be ruined!!!
Help us sound our cry.