
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
TYPE 1 : Future possible/Possible Condition
expresses a possibility for the PRESENT or FUTURE
犖犖о顕犖÷犖犢犖犢犖犢犖犢犢犖犖犖犖迦犖 犢犖犢犖犖犖迦牽犖犖迦犖犖迦牽犖犢
If+ S+V1, S+ willwill/ shall/may/can +V infinitive
Example: She can do it if someone helps her.
If the weather is nice, we will go to the park.
If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause
Present SimplePresent Simple
Future SimpleFuture Simple
Modal + InfinitiveModal + Infinitive
If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause
If I studystudy, I will passwill pass the exams.
If you seesee John tonight, telltell him to e-mail me.
If Ben gets upgets up early he can catchcan catch the bus.
If clause 123 for m.5/1-9
They will visit Eiffel Tower if they go to France.
If she tries hard, she will succeed.
TYPE 2: Present-UnrealPresent-Unreal// Impossible ConditionImpossible Condition
IMPROBABLE OR UNREAL SITUATION in the present or future.
 犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犖犖犖犖犖園犖犢犖迦検犖犖園犖犖о顕犖÷犖犢犖犖犖犖巌犖犖朽犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犖犖犖犖犖園犖犢犖迦検犖犖園犖犖о顕犖÷犖犢犖犖犖犖巌犖犖朽犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖 犢犖犢犖
犖犖園犖犖伍犖園犖犖園犖犖伍犖園//犖犖犖迦犖 犖犖ム犖迦硯犖犖劇賢 犢犖犢犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖犖犖伍犖迦牽犖犢犖犖園犖犖犖犖迦犖 犖犖ム犖迦硯犖犖劇賢 犢犖犢犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖犖犖伍犖迦牽犖犢犖犖園犖
犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖迦犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖犢犖犢犢犖犢犢 犢犖犢犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犖犖朽犖犖÷検犖伍犖巌犖謹犖犖÷顕犖ム賢犖∇犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖迦犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖犢犖犢犢犖犢犢 犢犖犢犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犖犖朽犖犖÷検犖伍犖巌犖謹犖犖÷顕犖ム賢犖∇
犢犖犢犖迦犖園犖犢犖犢犖迦犖園犖 ((犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖犢犖犢犖犢犖÷犢犖犢犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖犢犖犢犖犢犖÷犢犖犢
Subject + would + V.1If + past simple
If I knew her name, I would tell you.
(犖犢犖迦犖園犖犖項犖犖劇犖犢犖犖 犖犖園犖犢犖犢犖迦犖萎犖犖犖犖伍) [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖÷犖犖項犖犖園犖犖劇犖犢犖犖]
She would be safer if she had a car. (犢犖犖犖犢犖迦犖萎犖ム賢犖犖犖園権犖犖о犖迦犖朽 犖犢犖
[犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖犖犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖]
It would be nice if you helped me do the housework. [犖÷険犖犖犢犖迦犖萎犖
犖犢犖迦犖伍犢犖犢犖犢犖о権犖犖園犖犖橿顕犖犖迦犖犢犖迦犖犢犖迦] [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖犖犢犖÷犖犢犖о権犢犖ム権]
If I knew her name, I would tell you.
(犖犢犖迦犖園犖犖項犖犖劇犖犢犖犖 犖犖園犖犢犖犢犖迦犖萎犖犖犖犖伍) [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖÷犖犖項犖犖園犖犖劇犖犢犖犖]
She would be safer if she had a car. (犢犖犖犖犢犖迦犖萎犖ム賢犖犖犖園権犖犖о犖迦犖朽 犖犢犖
[犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖犖犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖]
It would be nice if you helped me do the housework. [犖÷険犖犖犢犖迦犖萎犖
犖犢犖迦犖伍犢犖犢犖犢犖о権犖犖園犖犖橿顕犖犖迦犖犢犖迦犖犢犖迦] [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖犖犢犖÷犖犢犖о権犢犖ム権]
If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause
PasPast Simplet Simple
would + infinitivewould + infinitive
could + infinitivecould + infinitive
might + infinitivemight + infinitive
If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause
If I studiedstudied, I would passwould pass the exams.
If I studiedstudied, I could passcould pass the exams.
If I studiedstudied, I might passmight pass the exams.
If clause 123 for m.5/1-9
If my friend James werent ill, we would play
basketball with him.
If he had a lot of money, he would buy a new
If I didnt have any homework to do, I would go
out and play with friends.
If the weather were sunny and hot, we would go
to the beach and swim.
If I had a red sport car, I would drive to work.
If I were an animal, I would be 
a dog
a cat
an elephanta snake
a shark
If I were a super hero, I would be
TYPE 3: PPastast-Unreal-Unreal//Unreal ConditionUnreal Condition
Used to express conditions in the past
that did not happen. Often used to express
criticism or regret . 犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖迦犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖
犢犖犢犢犖犖犖迦鍵犢犖犖犖伍犖迦牽犖犢犖犖園犖犢犖犢犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖犢犖犢犖ム犖(犖犖犖朽) 犖÷険犖
犖犖萎犖犢犢犖犖犖犖犖謹犖犖о顕犖÷犖犖朽権犢犖 犢犖犖朽権犖犖迦権 犖犖園犖犢犖犖
If + Past Perfect, Subject + would have + V3
If he had tried harder , he might have won.
If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause
Past PerfectPast Perfect
SS++hadhad ++V3V3
would + have + past participlewould + have + past participle
could + have + past participlecould + have + past participle
might + have + past participlemight + have + past participle
If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause
If I hadhad studiedstudied, I would have passedwould have passed the exams.
If I hadhad studiedstudied, I could have passedcould have passed the exams.
If I hadhad studiedstudied, I might have passedmight have passed the exams.
If I hadhad studiedstudied, I would have passedwould have passed the exams.
If we had known about Tsunami before,
they wouldnt have died.
Type If clause Main clause
Type 0
General Truth
Type 1
Future Possible
Type 2
Present Unreal
V infinitive
Type 3
Past Unreal
Would+ have+
If clause 123 for m.5/1-9
If clause 123 for m.5/1-9
1.If it _________ (rain) heavily, our house
_________ (leak).
2.If we ________ (put) ice in the sun,it
_________ (melt) quickly.
3.If we _____________(feel) well, we
________(see) a doctor.
4.If a dog ________ (see) stranger,it
1.If you ____________ (work) hard,you_______
2.If it ________(rain),I ___________(come)
and meet you in the car.
3.If it ___________ (rain) tomorrow,I _______
___________ (stay) at home.
1.If I _________ (be) a bird, I _____________
(fly) everywhere.
2.If you _________ (tell) me the truth,I ______
_____________________ (give) you some
constructive advice.
3.If there _________ (be) a typhoon tomorrow,
I _______________ (be) very happy.
1.If it ____________(rain) yesterday, I ___________
_____________(stay) at home.
2.If the principal __________________(allow) us to
supervise the tuck shop, food poisoning ____________
____________(occur) last Friday.
3.If the chairman _______________(ask) me to
help, I_______________(join) to fight for
better hygienic conditions.
Exercise One
1. If you ___________________ (not come),
You ________________ (miss ) the show.
do not come
will miss
2. John __________________ (buy)a car if he
_____________ (get)a job.
will buy
3. Mary ________________(get) a toothache if
she_________________ (eat) too many sweets.
Exercise Two
1. If I ________________ (be) four years old, I
________________ (learn) to play the piano.
would learn
2. If I ________________ (not fail) in the
examination, my mother_______________
me a new computer.
had not failed
would have bought
3. We ________________________ (finish) if we
________________ (have) better preparation.
would have finished
had had

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犢犖犖犖犖犖迦犢犖犖劇犖犖 12 Tense 犖犖橿犢犖迦権犢犖犖犢犖÷犖犢犖犖犖犢犖犖
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犢犖犖犖犖犖迦犢犖犖劇犖犖 12 Tense 犖犖橿犢犖迦権犢犖犖犢犖÷犖犢犖犖犖犢犖犖
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犢犖犖犖犖犖迦犢犖犖劇犖犖 12 Tense 犖犖橿犢犖迦権犢犖犖犢犖÷犖犢犖犖犖犢犖犖
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If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

  • 1. TYPE 1 : Future possible/Possible Condition expresses a possibility for the PRESENT or FUTURE 犖犖о顕犖÷犖犢犖犢犖犢犖犢犢犖犖犖犖迦犖 犢犖犢犖犖犖迦牽犖犖迦犖犖迦牽犖犢 犖ム犖о犖犖犢犖迦硯犢犖迦犖犖犖伍犖迦牽犖犢犖犖犖劇賢犖犖迦牽犖犖犖萎犖橿顕犖犖園犖犖犖迦 犖犖萎犖犖巌犖犖謹犖犢犖犖犖犖迦犖(犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖犢犖犢犖犢犖犢) IF + PRESENT SIMPLE + FUTURE SIMPLE If+ S+V1, S+ willwill/ shall/may/can +V infinitive Example: She can do it if someone helps her. If the weather is nice, we will go to the park.
  • 2. If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause Present SimplePresent Simple Future SimpleFuture Simple or InfinitiveInfinitive or Modal + InfinitiveModal + Infinitive FormationFormation ExamplesExamples If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause If I studystudy, I will passwill pass the exams. If you seesee John tonight, telltell him to e-mail me. If Ben gets upgets up early he can catchcan catch the bus.
  • 4. They will visit Eiffel Tower if they go to France.
  • 5. If she tries hard, she will succeed.
  • 6. TYPE 2: Present-UnrealPresent-Unreal// Impossible ConditionImpossible Condition IMPROBABLE OR UNREAL SITUATION in the present or future. 犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犖犖犖犖犖園犖犢犖迦検犖犖園犖犖о顕犖÷犖犢犖犖犖犖巌犖犖朽犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犖犖犖犖犖園犖犢犖迦検犖犖園犖犖о顕犖÷犖犢犖犖犖犖巌犖犖朽犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖 犢犖犢犖 犖犖園犖犖伍犖園犖犖園犖犖伍犖園//犖犖犖迦犖 犖犖ム犖迦硯犖犖劇賢 犢犖犢犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖犖犖伍犖迦牽犖犢犖犖園犖犖犖犖迦犖 犖犖ム犖迦硯犖犖劇賢 犢犖犢犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖犖犖伍犖迦牽犖犢犖犖園犖 犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖迦犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖犢犖犢犢犖犢犢 犢犖犢犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犖犖朽犖犖÷検犖伍犖巌犖謹犖犖÷顕犖ム賢犖∇犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖迦犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖犢犖犢犢犖犢犢 犢犖犢犖犢犖犖劇犖犖犖犖朽犖犖÷検犖伍犖巌犖謹犖犖÷顕犖ム賢犖∇ 犢犖犢犖迦犖園犖犢犖犢犖迦犖園犖 ((犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖犢犖犢犖犢犖÷犢犖犢犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖犢犖犢犖犢犖÷犢犖犢 MAIN CLAUSEIF CLAUSE Subject + would + V.1If + past simple If I knew her name, I would tell you. (犖犢犖迦犖園犖犖項犖犖劇犖犢犖犖 犖犖園犖犢犖犢犖迦犖萎犖犖犖犖伍) [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖÷犖犖項犖犖園犖犖劇犖犢犖犖] She would be safer if she had a car. (犢犖犖犖犢犖迦犖萎犖ム賢犖犖犖園権犖犖о犖迦犖朽 犖犢犖 犢犖犖犖÷元犖犖) [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖犖犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖] It would be nice if you helped me do the housework. [犖÷険犖犖犢犖迦犖萎犖 犖犢犖迦犖伍犢犖犢犖犢犖о権犖犖園犖犖橿顕犖犖迦犖犢犖迦犖犢犖迦] [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖犖犢犖÷犖犢犖о権犢犖ム権] If I knew her name, I would tell you. (犖犢犖迦犖園犖犖項犖犖劇犖犢犖犖 犖犖園犖犢犖犢犖迦犖萎犖犖犖犖伍) [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖÷犖犖項犖犖園犖犖劇犖犢犖犖] She would be safer if she had a car. (犢犖犖犖犢犖迦犖萎犖ム賢犖犖犖園権犖犖о犖迦犖朽 犖犢犖 犢犖犖犖÷元犖犖) [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖犖犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖] It would be nice if you helped me do the housework. [犖÷険犖犖犢犖迦犖萎犖 犖犢犖迦犖伍犢犖犢犖犢犖о権犖犖園犖犖橿顕犖犖迦犖犢犖迦犖犢犖迦] [犖犖犖巌犢 犢犖ム犖о犖犖犢犖÷犖犢犖о権犢犖ム権]
  • 7. If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause PasPast Simplet Simple would + infinitivewould + infinitive or could + infinitivecould + infinitive or might + infinitivemight + infinitive FormationFormation ExamplesExamples If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause If I studiedstudied, I would passwould pass the exams. If I studiedstudied, I could passcould pass the exams. If I studiedstudied, I might passmight pass the exams.
  • 9. If my friend James werent ill, we would play basketball with him.
  • 10. If he had a lot of money, he would buy a new house.
  • 11. If I didnt have any homework to do, I would go out and play with friends.
  • 12. If the weather were sunny and hot, we would go to the beach and swim.
  • 13. If I had a red sport car, I would drive to work.
  • 14. If I were an animal, I would be a dog a cat an elephanta snake a shark
  • 15. If I were a super hero, I would be
  • 16. TYPE 3: PPastast-Unreal-Unreal//Unreal ConditionUnreal Condition Used to express conditions in the past that did not happen. Often used to express criticism or regret . 犢犖犖劇犖犖犢犖犖犖朽犢犖÷犖÷元犖犖迦犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖 犢犖犢犢犖犖犖迦鍵犢犖犖犖伍犖迦牽犖犢犖犖園犖犢犖犢犢犖犖巌犖犖謹犖犢犖犢犖ム犖(犖犖犖朽) 犖÷険犖 犖犖萎犖犢犢犖犖犖犖犖謹犖犖о顕犖÷犖犖朽権犢犖 犢犖犖朽権犖犖迦権 犖犖園犖犢犖犖 If + Past Perfect, Subject + would have + V3 犢犖犢犖犖÷検犖伍犖巌犖犖犖巌犖犖犖朽犢犖犢犖犢犖犢犖÷犢犖犢犢犖ム権 犖犖犖劇賢犖犖犖犖犢犖迦検犖犖園犖犖о顕犖÷犖犖巌犢犖犖犖犖朽 For example If he had tried harder , he might have won. (犖犢犖迦犖犖迦犖∇顕犖∇顕犖÷検犖迦犖犖о犖迦犖朽犢犖犖迦賢犖迦犢犖犢犖犖園権犖犖犖)
  • 17. If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause Past PerfectPast Perfect SS++hadhad ++V3V3 would + have + past participlewould + have + past participle or could + have + past participlecould + have + past participle or might + have + past participlemight + have + past participle If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause If I hadhad studiedstudied, I would have passedwould have passed the exams. If I hadhad studiedstudied, I could have passedcould have passed the exams. If I hadhad studiedstudied, I might have passedmight have passed the exams. ExamplesExamples FormationFormation
  • 18. If I hadhad studiedstudied, I would have passedwould have passed the exams.
  • 19. If we had known about Tsunami before, they wouldnt have died.
  • 20. Type If clause Main clause Type 0 General Truth Present Simple Present Simple Type 1 Future Possible Present Simple Future Simple Type 2 Present Unreal Past Simple Would+ V infinitive Type 3 Past Unreal Past Perfect Would+ have+ V3 Conclusion
  • 23. 1.If it _________ (rain) heavily, our house _________ (leak). 2.If we ________ (put) ice in the sun,it _________ (melt) quickly. 3.If we _____________(feel) well, we ________(see) a doctor. 4.If a dog ________ (see) stranger,it ________(bark).
  • 24. 1.If you ____________ (work) hard,you_______ _______(fail). 2.If it ________(rain),I ___________(come) and meet you in the car. 3.If it ___________ (rain) tomorrow,I _______ ___________ (stay) at home.
  • 25. 1.If I _________ (be) a bird, I _____________ (fly) everywhere. 2.If you _________ (tell) me the truth,I ______ _____________________ (give) you some constructive advice. 3.If there _________ (be) a typhoon tomorrow, I _______________ (be) very happy.
  • 26. 1.If it ____________(rain) yesterday, I ___________ _____________(stay) at home. 2.If the principal __________________(allow) us to supervise the tuck shop, food poisoning ____________ ____________(occur) last Friday. 3.If the chairman _______________(ask) me to help, I_______________(join) to fight for better hygienic conditions.
  • 27. Exercise One 1. If you ___________________ (not come), You ________________ (miss ) the show. do not come will miss 2. John __________________ (buy)a car if he _____________ (get)a job. will buy gets 3. Mary ________________(get) a toothache if she_________________ (eat) too many sweets. gets eats
  • 28. Exercise Two 1. If I ________________ (be) four years old, I ________________ (learn) to play the piano. were would learn 2. If I ________________ (not fail) in the examination, my mother_______________ (buy) me a new computer. had not failed would have bought 3. We ________________________ (finish) if we ________________ (have) better preparation. would have finished had had