The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is a UN agency established in 1919 to address labour issues. It has 187 member states and brings together governments, employers, and workers. The ILO adopts international labour standards to establish minimum protections from exploitative labour practices. These standards take the form of Conventions, which are legally binding, and Recommendations, which provide guidelines. Member states must submit ratified Conventions to their authorities for consideration. The ILO has numerous agreements covering issues like freedom of association, child labour, equality, wages, safety, and standards for specific industries and jobs.
3. International Labour Organisation(ILO)
Founded in 1919
ILO is a tripartite U.N. agency brings together representatives
of governments, employers, and workers on an equal footing
to address issues related to labour and social policy.
ILO is guided by the Governing Body, which is composed of 28
government members as well as 14 employer members and
14 worker members.
187 member States, headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland
The ILOs broad policies are set by the International Labour
Conference, which meets once a year.
5. International labour standards
International labour standards are legal
instruments drawn up by the ILOs constituents
(governments, employers and workers) setting
out basic principles and rights at work
The intent of such standards is to establish a
worldwide minimum level of protection from
inhumane labour practices through the adoption
and implementation of said measures.
6. International labour standards
Labour Standards are drawn during the ILOs Annual International
Labour Conference.
Labour Standards are either in the form of
Conventions: Which are legally binding international treaties that
may be ratified by member States
Recommendations: Providing more detailed guidelines on how it
could be applied.
Once a standard is adopted, member States need to submit them to
their competent authority (normally the parliament) for
consideration/ ratification.
A Convention generally comes into force for that country one year
after the date of ratification.
Representation and complaint procedures can be initiated against
countries for violations of a Convention they have ratified
7. Various agreements on Labour
1. Freedom of association
2. Collective bargaining
3. Forced labour
4. Child labour
5. Equality of opportunity and
6. Tripartite consultation
7. Labour administration
8. Labour inspection
9. Employment policy
10. Vocational guidance and training
11. Employment security
12.Social policy
13. Wages
14.Working time
15.Occupational safety and health
16.Social security
17.Maternity protection
18.Domestic workers
19.Migrant workers
23.Indigenous and tribal People
24.Other specific categories of workers
8. Various agreements on International Labour
Freedom of Association
The right to organize and form employers and workers
organizations of their own without previous authorization.
Collective Bargaining
Collective bargaining practices ensure that employers and
workers have an equal voice in negotiations and that the
outcome will be fair and equitable
Forced labour
Prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labour
Child Labour
Sets the general minimum age for admission to
employment or work at 15 years and the minimum age for
hazardous work at 18
9. application of national law
Various agreements on International Labour
Equality of Opportunity and Treatment
No discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion,
political opinion, national or social origin
Tripartite Consultation
Dialogue and cooperation between governments,
employers, and workers in the formulation of standards
and policies dealing with labour matters.
Labour Administration
Creation of a viable and active labour administration
system responsible for all aspects of national labour policy
formulation and implementation in each country
Labour Inspection
Maintain a system of labour inspection to examine how
national labour standards are applied in the workplace
and advise employers and workers on how to improve the
10. participate in it.
Various agreements on International Labour Standards
Employment Policy
policy designed to promote full, productive and freely
chosen employment for all who are available for and are
seeking work
Vocational Guidance and Training
encourage countries to develop sound human resources
practices and training policies which provides a lifelong
learning opportunities for their entire working population
Employment Security
Seeks to find a balance between maintaining the
employers right to dismiss workers for valid reasons and
ensuring that such dismissals do not have a
disproportionate negative impact on the worker.
Social Policy
provide a framework for creating social policies which
ensure that economic development benefits all those who
11. Various agreements on International Labour
Address the problems related to regular payment of wages,
the fixing of minimum wage levels, and the settlement of
unpaid wages in case of employer insolvency
Working Time
Provide the framework for regulated hours of work, daily
and weekly rest periods, and annual holidays
Occupational Safety and Health
Provide essential tools for governments, employers, and
workers to establish sound prevention, reporting and
inspection practices and to provide maximum safety at work
Social Security
Provide for different types of social security coverage such
as unemployment, illness and injury, old age and retirement,
pregnancy and childcare, and loss of the family breadwinner.
12. Various agreements on International Labour Standards
Maternity Protection
Provides framework for paid maternity leave with pay.
prohibits employers to terminate the employment on
grounds of pregnancy related issues.
Domestic Workers
Provides framework for creating the same basic labour
rights as those available to other workers
Migrant Workers
Provide tools for both countries of origin and destination
to manage migration flows and ensure adequate
protection for this vulnerable category of workers
Provide framework for establishing, implementing and
enforcing working and living standards on board ships,
irrespective of the nationality of the seafarers or the ship-
13. Various agreements on International Labour Standards
Standards specifically aimed at providing protection like
decent conditions of work on board, accommodation and
food, occupational safety and health protection, medical
care and social security of men and women working in his
Dock workers
ILO standards for addressing
The need for specific protection due to safety and
health hazards to which dockworkers are exposed
during their work
14. Various agreements on International
Labour Standards
Indigenous and Tribal peoples
governmental organizations to ensure
Provide a framework for governments, non-
development of the concerned people, with full
respect for their needs and desires.
Other specific categories of workers
Standards dealing with work-related issues in very
specific sectors of economic activity (plantations,
hotels, restaurants) or concerning specific groups
of workers (nursing personnel, homeworkers).