"In this session I'm going to describe some efforts to bring OpenCL acceleration to the General Graphics Library (GEGL) and the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). I intend to show the current state of the project, some implementations techniques used and performance comparisons among common GPUs."
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Implementing OpenCL support in GEGL and GIMP
1. OpenCL in GEGL and GIMP
Victor Oliveira
Libre Graphics Meeting 2012
3. GIMP was designed to process images with 8-bits per channel.
? Artifacts
? Noise
GEGL is optimized to do it in high-depth formats, like ?oating-point.
4. Processing images in ?oating-point is intensive.
How can we improve GEGL performance?
5. The solution: making ?oating-poing processing
faster using GPUs, multi-threading and vectorization!
(All to do with OpenCL)
12. Common ?ow in a OpenCL program:
? Write code in the OpenCL language
? Detect the device
? Build your code
? Transfer data to the device
? Run your OpenCL program
? Transfer data back from device
13. AMD, Intel and Nvidia proprietary implementations.
Mesa open-source implementation is progressing fast.