The document discusses incorporating user experience (UX) design into an Agile development methodology. It outlines the key parts of Agile like user stories, backlogs, and sprints. It then provides three principles for combining UX and Agile: iterate by making mistakes faster, scale by doing more with less, and simplify by keeping things "good enough." Specific tactics are described like using Sprint Zero to get ahead, prioritizing work, and embracing failures to find solutions. The importance of the UX designer's mindset and role on an Agile team is emphasized.
2. So What Is Agile?
The Agile Manifesto
Individuals and interactions over processes and
Working software over comprehensive
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
3. Main Parts of Agile
Stories - Key elements of the system (user tasks)
Backlog - Prioritized list of story cards
Sprint - Developmental cycle
Scrum - Daily team communication
Burndown Chart - Chart that tracks works
Spike - Time allowed to learn
13. Lessons I Learned
Its easy to second guess yourself through the
whole project. Dont.
Be flexible and PAUSE if needed.
Listen to your team. Learn from them.
When planning, think in smaller chunks.
14. Lessons I Learned
A slower pace doesnt mean less productivity.
Its harder than you think to design mobile-first &
Purposely make mistakes to find solutions.
Design Studios are fun but a lot of work.
15. Deliverables Created
in 10 Days
Competitor Analysis
Usability Tests &
Highlight Video
Design Scenarios
Online Survey
Survey Results
Sketched Wireframes
Digital Wireframes
Working Prototype
User Stories
16. Final Thoughts on
UX + Agile
UX must work one step ahead
Use design spikes
Work as a team
Work through chaos by prioritizing
Always know the most valuable thing you can do
UX is the gatekeeper role
17. "If there isnt an evangelical, charismatic and
well-respected individual on the team who will
push the Agile process, become that person."