The children at GPS Afzal Sagar school designed a plan to increase attendance and reduce dropouts. They held a rally with slogans promoting education and performed a cultural activity called "Kolatum" in the streets. They then visited homes of low-attendance and dropout students to explain the importance of education to parents and motivate them to send their children to school regularly. Some parents were convinced and said they would send their children. The children shared their efforts with students and parents at another local school.
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1. Importance of Education A design for change
Name of the School: GPS Afzal Sagar
Designed by:
Bhaskar 5th Sekhar 5th Madhu 5th K. Anitha 5th Madhavi 4th
A feel of GPS Afzal Sagar Children:
GPS Afzal Sagar Children felt about the importance of motivating the community
towards education. Because of the low attendance of the children in school, more School
dropouts, the children decided to create awareness in the community through a Rally and
Cultural Activity.
An Imagination of the Children:
Children met their School HM, Community leader and discussed about their idea.
They gave their support in doing the Activity.
Implementation of the Idea:
The Children went around the streets as a Rally and motivated the people with
slogans that stress the importance of education. Ex: Chaduvu Nerchuko Nee Bathuku
Bata Marchuko, Ada pilla Chaduvu Avaniki Velugu, Vidhya leni vadu Vintha Pasuvu,
Chaduvu Leni Pillalu Viluva leni Paisalu etc.
The children done Kolatum, a cultural activity on the streets with an Alphabetical
Telugu Song A ante amme kada, Which motivates the people towards education. Then
visited the low attendance children houses and explained their parents about the
importance of education and motivated them.
Then the children visited the houses of School drop out children and met their
parents. They asked the reasons for school dropout and asked them to send regularly.
Some parents are motivated by the activities of the children and congratulated them for
their effort.
The parents responded positively and told to send their children regularly.
The Afzal Sagar Children shared their feelings and activities with Sardar
Vallabhai Patel school chidren and their parents.
2. Children motivating the community towards education through Kola tam a cultural
Community is viewing the activity. Children are speaking to parents
Children are explaining about education Children are explaining about the school.