Making sense of data is one of the key aspects that designers and especialy information architects bring to the table when business strategy is made. Bringing humans and their needs back in the mix is our responsibility.
8. braincycles
. I mean architect as in the creating
of systemic, structural, and orderly
principles to make something work -
the thoughtful making of either
artifact, or idea, or policy that informs
because it is clear.
RSW 1996 Information Architects, p.17
21. braincycles
Making sense of chaos - Design
Synthesis is an abductive sensemaking
process. Through efforts of data
manipulation, organization, pruning, and
鍖ltering, designers produce information
and knowledge (Jon Kolko).
22. braincycles
Letting go of the craft
Designers obsess over pixels and details. This is
how they rise up in the world of design. They are
passionate about and "driven by their craft
(Eric Ryan, Method)
Designers are uniquely suited at solving
problems on multiple dimensions without losing
sight of the big opportunity to wow the customer.
(Yves Behar, Jawbone, August)
23. braincycles
Change by Design
designers learn to draw so that they can express their ideas. Words and
numbers are 鍖ne, but only drawing cansimultaneouslyreveal both the
functional characteristics of an idea and its emotional content. To draw
an idea accurately, decisions have to be made that can be avoided by
even the most precise language; aesthetic issues have to be addressed
that cannot be resolved by most elegant mathematical calculation.
Whether the task at hand is a hair dryer, a weekend retreat
inthecountry, or an annual report,drawing forces decisions.
(Tim Brown IDEO)
24. braincycles
UX strategy is a business
solution to a business problem
We create user experiences that differentiate our
customers from competition and supports their
commercial objectives.
In that way it is UX strategy that supports the
corporate strategy or other micro strategies that
exist in the business.
(Simon Norell /Nomensa)
25. braincycles
Mapping digital strategy
Ecosystem maps assist us in making informed
and coherent decisions both on a macro and
micro level. The map shows our endless
opportunities, the strategy de鍖nes the selected
26. braincycles
How strategy really works
Source: Roger Martin
What is our winning aspiration?
Where will we play? Wie de鍖nieren wir das Spielfeld (Kategorien,
Segmente, Produktionsschritte)
Was wollen wir schaffen? Was ist das Leitbild?
How will we win? Was ist unser Angebot, was unser
What capabilities do we need
Was m端ssen wir daf端r tun, welche Aktivit辰ten m端ssen
vorgenommen werden, was muss ver辰ndert werden
Welche Systeme und Strukturen f端hren wir ein um
unsere Wahl zu st端tzen und den Erfolg zu messen?
What management system
do we need?