The document discusses the Horn of Africa region, including its countries, economy, flora, and fauna. It notes that Ethiopia is the largest country in the region both by area and population. The key exports of Ethiopia and Somalia are coffee and livestock/bananas respectively. The region has the world's largest camel population and over 5000 plant species, two of which are endemic. Current issues facing the region include poverty, drought, and lack of access to clean water.
2. Countries in the horn of frica are:
Ethiopia is the biggest country in the horn. The horn it covers approximately 2,000,000 km2.
Is inhabited by about 100millon people:
-Ethiopia 85million
-Somalia 9.3million
-Eritrea 5.2million
-Dijibouti 0.86million
3. States of the region depende largely on a few key exports:
-Ethiopia: Coffe 80% of total exports
-Somalia: Bananas and livestock over 50% of total exports
Over 95% of cross-border trade within the region is unofficial and undocumented, carried out by
pastoralists trading livestock.
4. The horn region has the world s largest population of Camels.
About 220 mammals are found in The Horn of Africa.
Some important bird of species of The Horn are the Bulo Burti boubou, The Golden-windged grosbeak.
It is estimated that about 5000 species of vascular plants are found in The Horn.
The region has two endemic plants: Barbeyaceae and the Dirachmaceae
Barbeyaceae: It is a small tree native to the mountains of The Horn of africa.
5. Nowadays there are some problems in The Horn, most people are
poor, they do not have to eat. In The Horn have all year drought, but
sometimes it rains, but the problem is the water is undrikable and they
die by the water.
There are some associiations, but when we give money they are left
with more than half. We can t than anything to end this problem.