6. A 2.0 solution to volunteer management in
the wake of Tropical Storm Irene that
connected thousands of people in need to
those willing to help.
A place for people to connect.
7. Key Goals
Create a place to
Accessible to all
Simple to use
8. Managing VTResponse
Check Email, Twitter and Voicemail
Review comments and forums
Review VTExchange.org
17 individual town pages
12 individual town web pages
6 State of Vermont Sites
27 person contact list
Traditional Media Sources
9. By the Numbers
938 posts
1,150 followers on Twitter
426, 686 total views
44, 688 views on August 31st, 2011
35,410 forum participants
18. The Basics
Build your audience before you need it.
Manage the information.
Use fewer tools well, rather than all the tools
Create a system that is as automatic as
19. Building Audience
Engagement is key.
Identify key players
Follow generously
Create a conversation
20. Manage the Information
If you dont share it, someone
else will.
Clear, concise, original.
Provide contact information for follow-up
Seek user generated content
Active, consistent participation