This document outlines the course overview for an intelligence tools course for finance professionals. The 8-session course will cover topics like macroeconomic analysis, information search strategies, actor analysis, and frameworks for understanding mergers and complex investment situations. It will aim to give students basic theories, tools, and questioning techniques to improve their analysis. The instructor provides examples of how these tools could help analyze situations like China's restrictions on rare earth element exports. Students are encouraged to practice using a "three track analysis" approach involving rational actor, organizational, and political frameworks to fully understand such events.
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Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
1. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Prof. Milo Jones
Finance Department
2. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Who am I?
3. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Course Overview
I. Session One
Why is this course important to you?
What we can actually achieve ?
What do I expect of you?
Where does this material come from?
II. Session Two
What is the TRUE macro context for any financial or investment analysis you
will do over the next few years?
III. Session Three
How can you organize a basic search for information?
What is important to know about strategic surprises ?
IV. Session Four
How can you analyze who the actors are and what their motives might be during
foreign events with a market impact?
CASE: Chinese REEs case & Three Track Analysis
V. Session Five
How can you apply Allisons frameworks to an M&A situation
CASE: The battle for Endesa: Worth E.Ons Energy?
VI. Session Six
How can you refine your view of people?
How can you refine your view of institutions?
Sessions Seven
& Eight
How might you put the tools of this course together to understand an ongoing
and highly complex investment situation?
What is the IA3 Framework and how might you employ it?
CASES: The Hermitage Fund & Hermitages Russian Quandary
4. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
A few other preliminary notes
損 What we achieve in eight sessions:
Exposure - unconscious ignorance versus conscious ignorance
Give you basic theories to help you notice things
Give you basic tools to both organize information better
Build better mental habits (i.e. give you something besides a hammer)
Point you towards where to dig out more information
5. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Why did I create the course? Examples and Warnings
6. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
7. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
A few weeks ago
8. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
損 To a man with a hammer
9. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
10. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Some Warnings
損 NOTE WELL: Many of the frameworks and ideas in an intelligence
course will prompt you to ask great questions, but
損 Under no circumstances is it design to encourage, condone, enable
or glamorize criminal activity, including insider trading or any other
unethical practices.
損 Governments can and should do things that business and finance
cant and shouldnt!
11. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What do Intelligence Agencies do?
12. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
損 Intelligence Agencies do Big Picture analysis of the state of the
What do Intelligence agencies actually do?
13. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
損 Intelligence Agencies also collect actionable intelligence and
issue specific warnings.
What do Intelligence agencies actually do?
14. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
損 Intelligence Agencies (sometimes) organize covert action.
損 (In my view, this is not a great mix with their main function).
What do Intelligence agencies actually do?
15. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What do Intelligence agencies actually do?
The Intelligence Cycle
16. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What do Intelligence agencies actually do?
The Intelligence Cycle
17. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What forms does Intelligence come in?
損 HUMINT = Human Intelligence
18. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What forms does Intelligence come in?
損 HUMINT = Human Intelligence
19. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What forms does Intelligence come in?
損 SIGINT = Signals Intelligence
20. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What forms does Intelligence come in?
損 SIGINT = Signals Intelligence
21. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What forms does Intelligence come in?
損 SIGINT = Signals Intelligence
22. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What forms does Intelligence come in?
損 GEOINT = Geospatial Intelligence
23. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What forms does Intelligence come in?
損 GEOINT = Geospatial Intelligence
24. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What forms does Intelligence come in?
損 GEOINT = Geospatial Intelligence
25. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What forms does Intelligence come in?
損 OSINT = Open Source Intelligence
損 FINSINT = Financial Intelligence
26. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What do Intelligence agencies actually do?
The Intelligence Cycle
Where you
should seek an
edge: original
questions and
27. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
What do Intelligence agencies actually do?
The Intelligence Cycle
Where the other
magic happens
(and ~75% of
CIA people work)
28. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
An Example: China and REEs
29. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
An Example: China and REEs
30. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
An Example: China and REEs
31. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
An Example: China and REEs
32. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
An Example: China and REEs
33. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
An Example: China and REEs
34. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Please tell your firms Investment Strategy Committee
損 1) Why is there an apparent stoppage in Chinese REE exports?
損 2) Who or what is responsible for the apparent stoppage?
損 3) How might you explain their actions?
35. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Please tell your firms Investment Strategy Committee
損 1) Why is there an apparent stoppage in Chinese REE exports?
損 2) Who or what is responsible for the apparent stoppage?
損 3) How might you explain their actions?
損 A Reminder:
損 SEPT. 22, 2010 Amid Tension, China Blocks Vital Exports to Japan
損 OCT. 19, 2010 China Said to Widen Its Embargo of Minerals
損 OCT. 28, 2010 China Is Said to Resume Shipping Rare Earth
損 NOV. 10, 2010 China Still Bans Rare Earth to Japan
36. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Peeling the Onion
損 To answer these questions, we use what I call Three Track Analysis:
損 1) Construct a Timeline and Chronology of the issue (not just the
news stories)
37. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Peeling the Onion(Timeline/Chronology example)
38. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Peeling the Onion(Timeline/Chronology example)
39. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Peeling the Onion
損 To answer these questions, we use what I call Three Track Analysis:
損 1) Construct a Timeline and Chronology of the issue (not just the
news stories)
損 2) Then examine events in three ways, or Tracks:
The Rational Actor Track
The Organizational Process Track
The Bureaucratic and Personal Politics Track
40. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track I
41. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track One: the Rational Actor Track
The Unit of Analysis is a single, optimizing, truthful actor it is a unitary
rational actor that makes "decisions.
42. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track One: the Rational Actor Track
43. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track II
44. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Two: the Organizational Process Track
損 Unit of Analysis: the Unitary actors formal parts (Ministries, Departments,
Agencies, etc.) Assume that these sub-units act according to pre-determined
procedures to produce an "output."
45. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Two: the Organizational Process Track
損 Unit of Analysis: This track is sometimes useful for otherwise mysterious
events that dont make a unit look rational.
46. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Two: the Organizational Process Track
損 Unit of Analysis: the Unitary actors formal parts (Ministries, Departments,
Agencies, etc.) Assume that these sub-units act according to pre-determined
procedures to produce an "output."
47. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Two: the Organizational Process Track
48. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track III
49. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Three: The Bureaucratic and Personal Politics Track
TRACK THREE - Unit of Analysis is key individuals or groups - This model
ignores the "unitary actor idea, standard playbooks, and even formal
organizational charts! It focuses on the different perceptions, personalities
and preferences of self-interested individuals and (formal or informal)
groups. It also screens for deception
50. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Three: The Bureaucratic and Personal Politics Track
51. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Three: The Bureaucratic and Personal Politics Track
TRACK THREE - Unit of Analysis is key individuals or groups - This model
ignores the "unitary actor idea, standard playbooks, and even formal
organizational charts! It focuses on the different perceptions, personalities
and preferences of self-interested individuals and (formal or informal)
groups. It also screens for deception
52. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Three: The Bureaucratic and Personal Politics Track
TRACK THREE - Unit of Analysis is key individuals or groups - This model
ignores the "unitary actor idea, standard playbooks, and even formal
organizational charts! It focuses on the different perceptions, personalities
and preferences of self-interested individuals and (formal or informal)
groups. It also screens for deception
53. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Three: The Bureaucratic and Personal Politics Track
TRACK THREE - Unit of Analysis is key individuals or groups - This model
ignores the "unitary actor idea, standard playbooks, and even formal
organizational charts! It focuses on the different perceptions, personalities
and preferences of self-interested individuals and (formal or informal)
groups. It also screens for deception
54. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
Track Three: The Bureaucratic and Personal Politics Track
55. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
If you want to Do it Yourself
56. 息 2015 Milo Jones
Intelligence Tools for the Finance Professional
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