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 Multimedia CD
Unsigned Artists

        Miguel Rodrigues
        BSc Music Informatics
        Student Number: 11511645
        Module: 2MUS514 - Negotiated Project

   This project consists in
   offering an Interactive
   Multimedia CD service to
   unsigned artists.

 Software used: Director MX 2004
 Music production, mixing and mastering

 Biography of the artist

 Photos of the artist

 Videos of the artist

 The CD will play also a normal audio CD
  (i.e. Playable through a hifi system)
It can be used as a
     substitute of the
traditional Press Kits!!!!

   Industry Feedback

    RadioIndy is pleased to present Miguel Rodrigues with a GrIndie
       Award for the CD "Micro Talk 

    ...it will be interesting to see collaborations with various singers.
    (Alisa Carraro, special to The Epoch Times)

    An卒R Magazine

   Get people to listen my work
Key Features
   3 Tracks with master quality (Demo)
   Contemporary sound despite the genre of
   Expertise in music and computer music
   Up-to-date software and samples
   Interactivity of the CD
   Industry contacts
   Tangibility                               6
Project Deliverables

   Project Planning and management documentation
   Finance Planning
   Relevant industry feedback at appropriate stages in
    key components
   A detailed project proposal for universities, venues,
    sponsors, artist and collaborators
   Marketing Plan
   Multimedia Storyboard
   Partly functional prototype of the Interactive CD
Key Milestones & Components
 Meeting with Artist Regarding Music Direction

       Music Genre

       Covers or Original Music

       Choice of songs (3 songs)

       Decide the need to have session musicians or not

       Decide the need to book a Recording Studio or not

       Give Budget fee to the client

Key Milestones & Components
   Meeting with Artist Regarding Media Content

           Design of the CD

   Music Production
           Score, editing, mixing and mastering of 3 tracks

Key Milestones & Components
   Multimedia CD
          Multimedia Storyboard
          Splash Screen (Intro)
          Production of the Multimedia CD-ROM
          Discuss and review the Multimedia CD with costumer
          CD On-body and Jewel case Artwork design

 Final CD Mastering (PQ Coding, etc.)
          Final CD Mastering (PQ Coding, etc.) and send it to the
          The tracks can include an ISRC number

           Multimedia CD Project Planning    Splash Sreen            10

  Unsigned artists or bands
  Record Labels
  Radio Stations / webcasts

Project Lifecycle

 Initiation   Planning   Execution


Rapid Aplication Development

                              invol             iterative development





structured techniques                       n
RAD - Stages




Implementation   14
Rapid Aplications Development

               Pros                                  Cons

  Promotes strong collaborative         Dependency on strong cohesive
 atmosphere and dynamic                 teams and individual commitment
 gathering of requirements              to the project

  Business owner actively               Success depends on disciplined
 participates in prototyping, writing   developers and their exceptional
 test cases and performing unit         technical skills and ability
                                         Decision making relies on the
                                        functionality and less degree of
                                        centralized engineering authority.
Rapid Aplications Development

 RAD is suitable for applications which are
 interactive, with clear functionality at the user
 interface, have a clearly defined user group, are
 not computationally complex and have
 requirements which are not too detailed and fixed.

Marketing Strategy
  Target Market
    Independent/Unsigned artists or bands that want to
        produce a Master Quality Demo for future
  Marketing Programme
    Online advertising in specific music sites
    Music magazines
    Venues and word of mouth
    Competitive price (Lower than average market price)
    Service charged per project.
Promotion Budget Forecast

   Website (maintenance)  贈 45
   Brochures  贈187.89 (1000 units)
   Classified in music magazines - 贈 40 *
   Online advertising  贈 550
        Facebook  贈 390 (2,217,236 Impressions; 1500 clicks)
        Goggle adwords  贈 150 (2,297 Impressions)
        Uk.music.jobs - 贈10 (1000 clicks)
        Star Now  free (400 page views)
        Blogs - free

* Prices based on Sound on Sound magazine                   18
Financial Plan

  Start-up summary

  Break-even point
        The company will achieve the break even
 point after 2 complete projects (saying that each
 project runs for 3 months)

Financial Plan

  Sales Forecast

  Cash Flow Statement

  Profit & Loss

  Balance Sheet



   University of California. Rapid Application
    Development [Online]. 16 April 1997 Available at:
   England E, Finney A. Managing Interactive Media.
    Edition: 4rd Edition, Harlow (UK): Addison-Wesley;
   Cheverton P. Key Marketing Skills. Edition: 2nd
    Edition, London (UK): Kogan Page;2004

The End
           Thank you
          Miguel Rodrigues
        BSc Music Informatics
     Student Number: 11511645
 Module: 2MUS514 - Negotiated Project

    | www.miguelrodriguesmusic.com |
| www.miguelrodriguesmusicproduction.com |

  | Miguel Rodrigues Music LTD | 2009 |      23

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Interactive Multimedia Cd

  • 1. Interactive Multimedia CD for Unsigned Artists Miguel Rodrigues BSc Music Informatics Student Number: 11511645 Module: 2MUS514 - Negotiated Project
  • 2. Overview This project consists in offering an Interactive Multimedia CD service to unsigned artists. 2
  • 3. Software used: Director MX 2004 Music production, mixing and mastering Biography of the artist Photos of the artist Videos of the artist The CD will play also a normal audio CD (i.e. Playable through a hifi system) 3
  • 4. It can be used as a substitute of the traditional Press Kits!!!! 4
  • 5. WHY? Industry Feedback RadioIndy is pleased to present Miguel Rodrigues with a GrIndie Award for the CD "Micro Talk ...it will be interesting to see collaborations with various singers. (Alisa Carraro, special to The Epoch Times) An卒R Magazine Get people to listen my work 5
  • 6. Key Features 3 Tracks with master quality (Demo) Contemporary sound despite the genre of music Expertise in music and computer music technology Up-to-date software and samples Interactivity of the CD Industry contacts Tangibility 6
  • 7. Project Deliverables Project Planning and management documentation Finance Planning Relevant industry feedback at appropriate stages in key components A detailed project proposal for universities, venues, sponsors, artist and collaborators Marketing Plan Multimedia Storyboard Partly functional prototype of the Interactive CD 7
  • 8. Key Milestones & Components Meeting with Artist Regarding Music Direction Music Genre Covers or Original Music Choice of songs (3 songs) Decide the need to have session musicians or not Decide the need to book a Recording Studio or not Give Budget fee to the client 8
  • 9. Key Milestones & Components Meeting with Artist Regarding Media Content Biography Pictures Videos Design of the CD Music Production Score, editing, mixing and mastering of 3 tracks 9
  • 10. Key Milestones & Components Multimedia CD Multimedia Storyboard Splash Screen (Intro) Production of the Multimedia CD-ROM Discuss and review the Multimedia CD with costumer CD On-body and Jewel case Artwork design Final CD Mastering (PQ Coding, etc.) Final CD Mastering (PQ Coding, etc.) and send it to the Fabric The tracks can include an ISRC number Multimedia CD Project Planning Splash Sreen 10
  • 11. Stakeholders Unsigned artists or bands Record Labels Venues Radio Stations / webcasts Promoters Distributors 11
  • 12. Project Lifecycle Initiation Planning Execution Closure 12
  • 13. Rapid Aplication Development ves invol iterative development RAD co me ns tru rg ct e io structured techniques n prototypes 13
  • 14. RAD - Stages Planning Design Construction Implementation 14
  • 15. Rapid Aplications Development Pros Cons Promotes strong collaborative Dependency on strong cohesive atmosphere and dynamic teams and individual commitment gathering of requirements to the project Business owner actively Success depends on disciplined participates in prototyping, writing developers and their exceptional test cases and performing unit technical skills and ability testing Decision making relies on the functionality and less degree of centralized engineering authority. 15
  • 16. Rapid Aplications Development RAD is suitable for applications which are interactive, with clear functionality at the user interface, have a clearly defined user group, are not computationally complex and have requirements which are not too detailed and fixed. 16
  • 17. Marketing Strategy Target Market Independent/Unsigned artists or bands that want to produce a Master Quality Demo for future promotions. Marketing Programme Online advertising in specific music sites Music magazines Venues and word of mouth Pricing Competitive price (Lower than average market price) 17 Service charged per project.
  • 18. Promotion Budget Forecast Website (maintenance) 贈 45 Brochures 贈187.89 (1000 units) Classified in music magazines - 贈 40 * Online advertising 贈 550 Facebook 贈 390 (2,217,236 Impressions; 1500 clicks) Goggle adwords 贈 150 (2,297 Impressions) Uk.music.jobs - 贈10 (1000 clicks) Star Now free (400 page views) Blogs - free * Prices based on Sound on Sound magazine 18
  • 19. Financial Plan Start-up summary Break-even point The company will achieve the break even point after 2 complete projects (saying that each project runs for 3 months) 19
  • 20. Financial Plan Sales Forecast Cash Flow Statement Profit & Loss Balance Sheet 20
  • 21. Conlusion 21
  • 22. Bibliography University of California. Rapid Application Development [Online]. 16 April 1997 Available at: http://sysdev.ucdavis.edu/webadm/document/rad_toc.htm England E, Finney A. Managing Interactive Media. Edition: 4rd Edition, Harlow (UK): Addison-Wesley; 2007 Cheverton P. Key Marketing Skills. Edition: 2nd Edition, London (UK): Kogan Page;2004 22
  • 23. The End Thank you Miguel Rodrigues BSc Music Informatics Student Number: 11511645 Module: 2MUS514 - Negotiated Project | www.miguelrodriguesmusic.com | | www.miguelrodriguesmusicproduction.com | | Miguel Rodrigues Music LTD | 2009 | 23