BomberMan is a multiplayer bombing game where players try to bomb each other while avoiding bombs themselves. The objective is to be the first player to score 5 points in a round-based match lasting up to 3 minutes per round. Players can customize controls and there are instructions provided on gameplay, menus, and standard control schemes. Bugs can be reported to the developer by email.
O artigo trata de questões modernÃssimas da falta de transparência, dos desmandos públicos, da falta de correição pública, extraÃdo dos discursos no Senado federal proferidos por Rui Barbosa há mais de 100 anos.
Includes details of challenges faced with allowing the use of cell phones in the classroom, establishing guidelines for appropriate use, how to monitor inappropriate use, etc.
This document contains summaries of several historical photographs:
1) A 1934 photograph showing the bullet-riddled Ford car of notorious outlaws Bonnie and Clyde after they were killed in an ambush by lawmen.
2) Information about the Ghost Army, a US Army unit in World War 2 tasked with deception operations to impersonate other units.
3) A supposed detection by the Kepler telescope of a vast artificial structure orbiting a star 1,500 light years from Earth, causing scientists to speculate it was an alien civilization.
4) A team and class information for a project on historical photographs.
Beriman kepada hari akhir dan tanda-tandanya adalah bagian dari iman. Tanda-tanda hari kiamat terbagi menjadi tanda kecil dan besar. Tanda kecil menunjukkan hari kiamat semakin dekat, seperti munculnya orang yang mengaku nabi palsu, gempa bumi, dan fitnah. Tanda besar menunjukkan hari kiamat sangat dekat, seperti turunnya Yesus dan Dajjal yang akan berperang.
J. r. soc. interface 2013 may 10(82) 20130011, figureÌý4Fernando Silva
Primary seeding is the process by which ice crystals form directly in supercooled cloud droplets in the atmosphere. A new model simulates this process by tracking the growth and sedimentation of ice crystals within clouds. The model results help improve understanding of how primary seeding influences cloud dynamics and precipitation formation.
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare by stating it provides inspiration and allows users to get started making their own presentations. It encourages the reader to create presentations on the Haiku Deck platform hosted on ºÝºÝߣShare.
This document summarizes the design calculations for key components of a ship's rudder based on classification society rules and reference books. It provides dimensions for the rudder area, rudder force and torque, rudder stock, couplings, frames, plates, webs, pintle, bearings, and steering arrangement based on ship particulars including length, breadth, draft and speed. Calculations are shown for rudder area, force, torque and structural component sizing based on formulas from classification rules.
J. r. soc. interface 2013 may 10(82) 20130011, figureÌý4Fernando Silva
Primary seeding is the process by which ice crystals form directly in supercooled cloud droplets in the atmosphere. A new model simulates this process by tracking the growth and sedimentation of ice crystals within clouds. The model results help improve understanding of how primary seeding influences cloud dynamics and precipitation formation.
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare by stating it provides inspiration and allows users to get started making their own presentations. It encourages the reader to create presentations on the Haiku Deck platform hosted on ºÝºÝߣShare.
This document summarizes the design calculations for key components of a ship's rudder based on classification society rules and reference books. It provides dimensions for the rudder area, rudder force and torque, rudder stock, couplings, frames, plates, webs, pintle, bearings, and steering arrangement based on ship particulars including length, breadth, draft and speed. Calculations are shown for rudder area, force, torque and structural component sizing based on formulas from classification rules.