This document discusses introducing an intranet platform called LinkedPeople at LeasePlan Corporation to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration across the company's 30 countries and 6,000 employees. It provides an overview of LeasePlan's operations, then outlines the benefits of LinkedPeople, when to pilot it, how it would integrate with the current intranet, and considerations for the pilot such as governance, measurement, and language support. The goal is to leverage the company's collective expertise more effectively through an internal social network.
2. LeasePlan Corporation manages over 1.4 million cars in 30 countriesPage 2FinlandNorwayNetherlandsSwedenGermanyUnited KingdomDenmarkIrelandPolandBelgiumRomaniaLuxemburgFranceGreeceSwitzerlandUnited StatesTurkeySpainPortugalAustriaHungaryItalyMexicoCzech RepublicSlovakiaUnited Arab EmiratesIndiaBrazilNew ZealandAustraliaNumber of vehicles excludes cars managed by QEK and other activities within LeasePlan Corporation
8. Example 1: A real life situation without LinkedPeople...
9. ... and with LinkedPeopleEasily find people with specific expertiseEffective communication, no e-mail overkill Time saving
10. Example 2: Connecting our people: current situationOur 6,000 people worldwide: hard to connect with each otherAvailable directories to find people:- Email - on name basis only- Local telephone books - not accessible cross border - Group address bookon Intranet - management only- Domino directory - IT driven, information not complete
#8: The LeasePlan business strategy acknowledges this by stating that Knowledge Management is a critical success factor for our growth strategy – as we compete on expertise.WIM
#12: WIMKnowledge sharingTime saved searching for people and informationIncreased availability of relevant knowledgeCommunicationFaster and efficient communicationFewer emails, calls, meetings and travelProduct developmentReduced time to marketImproved best practice sharingLimiting re-inventing the wheelSocial capitalGreater collaborationMore knowledge retainedInnovationCreate new marketsTake market shareHuman resourcesLower training effortImproved staff retention
#18: CommunicationVery Good, although I still think it's ironic to send flyers by land post advertising a Web 2.0 collaborative toolWIM160 people worldwide30 countriescommunicationwebinarsLessonslearnedTechnicalHardwareDirectoryHumanExplain, what’s in itfor meOrganizationBuzz: LinkedPeople waitinglistLinkedPeoplestructurecommunities (governance)
#22: Innovators 2.5%Earltadoptors 13.5 %Totaal 16 %We weten dat 10% ermee aan de slag gaat. Om de earlymajority te bereiken moet je de 6% zien te overbruggen, the chasm
#23: PIMcollaborate in a projectcollaborate in meetings (agenda, minutes)respond to a customer questionprepare a customer visitprepare a customer presentationcollaborate on a customer proposalprepare an eventrespond to a Request for Information/Proposalrespond to a business process exceptionlook for informationask questionswork out an ideawrite a report with a teamdo researchorganise workfind expertscreate and maintain professional relationshipscommunicate with or to an audienceshare knowledge
#24: PIMDaily activities vertaald naar scenariosNatural Profiles, Networking, CommunitiesPush, rest
#31: WIMHelaas TOP management niet 100% aangehaakt omdat:Weten niet hoeAngst? Wat te delen / ClasifiedBewezen platform (qualitydiscussions)
#33: Let us first introduce ourselves. Youprobablyknow Wim de Gier. My name is Pim van Wetten consultant of e-office, LP’s partner in the LP project. Youcanalreadyfindquitesome information about me on the internet, via de the socalled social tools available on the net. I have a twitter account, youcan have a look at my professional profile and professional network at LI and I useFacebookto keep in touchwithmyfriends. WhousesFacebook, Hyves or LinkedIn?In our private live a lot of usalreadyuse these tools tofindourfriends, tocommunicateand share information witheachother. . Howeverwhem we enter the office, the only tool we have available is email. Notveryaccesibleforothers. And in fact Gartner has indicatedthat 80% of the most crucial company information is hidden in emailboxes. LinkedPeople is goingto change this!