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LinkedPeopleLeasePlan employee community
LeasePlan Corporation manages over 1.4 million cars in 30 countriesPage 2FinlandNorwayNetherlandsSwedenGermanyUnited KingdomDenmarkIrelandPolandBelgiumRomaniaLuxemburgFranceGreeceSwitzerlandUnited StatesTurkeySpainPortugalAustriaHungaryItalyMexicoCzech RepublicSlovakiaUnited Arab EmiratesIndiaBrazilNew ZealandAustraliaNumber of vehicles excludes cars managed by QEK and other activities within LeasePlan Corporation
Page 3
Intranetcongres 2011 LeasePlan  en e-office
AgendaPAGE 5WhyIntranetPilotProject
LinkedPeople leverages the LeasePlan brain
Example 1: A real life situation without LinkedPeople...
... and with LinkedPeopleEasily find people with specific expertiseEffective communication, no e-mail overkill Time saving
Example 2: Connecting our people: current situationOur 6,000 people worldwide: hard to connect with each otherAvailable directories to find people:- Email - on name basis only- Local telephone books - not accessible cross border - Group address bookon Intranet - management only- Domino directory - IT driven, information not complete
BUSIness case (benefits)PAGE 11knowledgesharing
social capital
human resourcesPILOT
Linkedpeopleand the current intranetPAGE 13
intranet 2.0PAGE 14source: Oscar Berg 2010
whento pilot?PAGE 15dailywork: small is possibleinvestigatingnetwork effects: don’tbother
Home pageCommunitiesProfilesBlogsActivitiesWikisFilesDogear
surveyPAGE 18
LeasePlan Web 2.0 Initiatives
social media for daily activities
scenariosPAGE 23
CommunicationPAGE 24
measurementPAGE 25
GOVernancePAGE 26
languagePAGE 27
FIGURESPAGE 28WWW:          1-9-90LeasePlan: 4-16-80
Statistics - Respond29
managementPAGE 30

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Intranetcongres 2011 LeasePlan en e-office

Editor's Notes

  • #6: Wim
  • #8: The LeasePlan business strategy acknowledges this by stating that Knowledge Management is a critical success factor for our growth strategy – as we compete on expertise.WIM
  • #11: WIM
  • #12: WIMKnowledge sharingTime saved searching for people and informationIncreased availability of relevant knowledgeCommunicationFaster and efficient communicationFewer emails, calls, meetings and travelProduct developmentReduced time to marketImproved best practice sharingLimiting re-inventing the wheelSocial capitalGreater collaborationMore knowledge retainedInnovationCreate new marketsTake market shareHuman resourcesLower training effortImproved staff retention
  • #13: Pim:
  • #14: PIM
  • #15: http://www.thecontenteconomy.com/2010/08/business-case-for-social-intranets.html
  • #16: PIM
  • #18: CommunicationVery Good, although I still think it's ironic to send flyers by land post advertising a Web 2.0 collaborative toolWIM160 people worldwide30 countriescommunicationwebinarsLessonslearnedTechnicalHardwareDirectoryHumanExplain, what’s in itfor meOrganizationBuzz: LinkedPeople waitinglistLinkedPeoplestructurecommunities (governance)
  • #19: WIM
  • #21: Pim
  • #22: Innovators 2.5%Earltadoptors 13.5 %Totaal 16 %We weten dat 10% ermee aan de slag gaat. Om de earlymajority te bereiken moet je de 6% zien te overbruggen, the chasm
  • #23: PIMcollaborate in a projectcollaborate in meetings (agenda, minutes)respond to a customer questionprepare a customer visitprepare a customer presentationcollaborate on a customer proposalprepare an eventrespond to a Request for Information/Proposalrespond to a business process exceptionlook for informationask questionswork out an ideawrite a report with a teamdo researchorganise workfind expertscreate and maintain professional relationshipscommunicate with or to an audienceshare knowledge
  • #24: PIMDaily activities vertaald naar scenariosNatural Profiles, Networking, CommunitiesPush, rest
  • #26: PIM
  • #27: Begonnen met ondertekenen van Social media policyGovernancestructure we do needsome blue withyellow as the keydriver (co-creation)Pim
  • #28: Wim vrij local versus global
  • #29: WIM
  • #30: Wim en Pimaanvullen
  • #31: WIMHelaas TOP management niet 100% aangehaakt omdat:Weten niet hoeAngst? Wat te delen / ClasifiedBewezen platform (qualitydiscussions)
  • #33: Let us first introduce ourselves. Youprobablyknow Wim de Gier. My name is Pim van Wetten consultant of e-office, LP’s partner in the LP project. Youcanalreadyfindquitesome information about me on the internet, via de the socalled social tools available on the net. I have a twitter account, youcan have a look at my professional profile and professional network at LI and I useFacebookto keep in touchwithmyfriends. WhousesFacebook, Hyves or LinkedIn?In our private live a lot of usalreadyuse these tools tofindourfriends, tocommunicateand share information witheachother. . Howeverwhem we enter the office, the only tool we have available is email. Notveryaccesibleforothers. And in fact Gartner has indicatedthat 80% of the most crucial company information is hidden in emailboxes. LinkedPeople is goingto change this!