Hematology is the study of blood, blood forming organs, and blood disorders. Blood is a connective tissue that circulates through the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste. Hematopoiesis is the formation of blood and its components. The two major components of blood are plasma and formed elements. Plasma is the liquid part of blood and helps fight infections and transport nutrients and waste. Formed elements are blood cells and cell fragments, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, which are cell fragments.
2. Hematology
Hematology is a branch of medicine related with the study
of blood, blood components, blood forming organs and
blood disorders.
3. Blood
Blood is a connective tissue in the circulatory system of
human body and other vertebrates functions to deliver
oxygen and nutrients to cells and carries away waste
products from the cells.
8. Plasma
The liquid part of the blood which is about 55% of the
total blood volume. It functions to provide essential
nutrients, remove waste products from the cells and help
the body to fight off infections.
10. Formed Elements
The non fluid parts of blood which remains suspended in
plasma are called formed elements.
They are basically cells and fragments of celss.