Learn how to discern if a digital photo might be real or fake with a four layered approach. Discover how to evaluate claims through a media literacy strategy called "lateral reading". Then, play a game of real or fake.
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Introducing Digital Literacy Skills: Is This Photo Real or Fake?
2. Contents
M e d i a L i t e r a c y
1 .
D i s c e r n a d i g i t a l p h o t o :
2 .
P l a u s i b i l i t y
a .
L i g h t i n g
b .
Q u a l i t y
c .
C o n t e x t
d .
F a c t - C h e c k i n g w i t h L a t e r a l R e a d i n g
3 .
L e t s p l a y !
4 .
4. Center for Media Literacy defines media literacy as
A 21st-century approach to
education. It provides a framework
to access, analyze, evaluate, create
and participate with messages in a
variety of forms from print to
video to the Internet.
5. Media literacy builds an understanding of
the role of media in society as well as
essential skills of inquiry and self-
expression necessary for citizens of a
6. Ask Yourself:
Who created this?
What techniques are used to attract attention?
How might other people different than me interpret this?
What lifestyles, values, and points of view are
represented in; or omitted from, this message?
Why was this media published/sent?
16. How do we see light?
Light travels in a straight line and does not go through
opaque objects.
Light reflects at a 90-degree angle from a reflecting surface.
Shadows should be consistent throughout the photo.
19. What angle does the light
come from? Is it consistent
across the image?
University of Wisconsin added a 1994 photo of a black
student to a photo of students at a 1993 football game
that gives the appearance of diversity.
We can only see his head.
30. Look at the Metadata
Two ways:
Method 1:
Save the file to your device. Go
to the file you saved.
Right click on it and choose
properties then details or
get info.
If you are on a phone, go to a
photo, then scroll down to see
your own photos metadata.
Method 2:
Right click on the image. Choose open
photo in new tab. Copy the URL.
Put the image URL through an EXIF viewer
app in your internet browser, such as:
34. Lateral reading is a technique of evaluating the
credibility of a source by comparing it with other
By doing this, you verify evidence, contextualize
information, find potential weaknesses, and
gather facts.
36. Where did the photo originate?
Who posted it?
Where can I learn more about them or their organization?
What claims does the photo make?
Where can I learn more about these claims?
What sources are cited?
Where can I learn more about these sources?
Ask yourself:
37. When evaluating media online
Consider who is behind the information/photo.
Open new tabs, and look them up.
By fact-checking with new tabs, you read horizontally.
This also works well with evaluating memes and graphs.
41. Does this smoke look real?
Photo claims to be a
bombing in Lebanon
44. Learn more about this photo at:
69. Keep
in touch
w w w . c o o k l i b . o r g
f a c e b o o k . c o m / C M P L D
i n s t a g r a m . c o m / c o o k l i b r a r y
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