This document discusses problems in IT solution selling such as time-consuming business cycles, requiring costly consulting expertise, and a complex, manual, and repetitive process. It proposes accelerating the sales process through an integrated sales process approach using a methodology, toolset, and best practices to generate automated quotes and statements of work in order to optimize time spent by sales teams and ensure error-free solution sizing and pricing inclusive of all service opportunities.
2. Problems in IT solution sellingTime-consuming businesscyclesRequires costly consultingexpertiseComplex,manual, andrepetitive processDeficientserviceattach rates
3. Your ObjectivesTime-consuming businesscyclesRequires costly consultingexpertiseAcceleratethe sales processOptimize time spent by sales teamsComplex,manual, andrepetitive processDeficientserviceattach ratesError-freesolutionsizing and pricingInclusiveof all service opportunities