Early humans transitioned to more permanent settlements around 8,000-10,000 years ago after developing agriculture and animal domestication, allowing for food surpluses. Cities emerged during the 4th millennium BC once writing, more complex social organization, and technological advances like the plow and pottery wheel were achieved. A city is defined sociologically as having a large, concentrated population governed under one entity. Attributes of a good city include reliable access to water, affordable housing and services, fire protection, medical care, social programs, and a strong sense of community and economy.
2. The city
2.1 :The city definition
- A city is a relatively large and permanent human settlement.
2.2:What is the brief history
- Early humans led a nomadic existence, relying on hunting and gathering
for sustenance. Between 8,000 and 10,000 years ago, systematic
cultivation of plants and the domestication of animals allowed for more
permanent settlements. During the fourth millennium B.C., the
requirements for the "urban revolution" were finally met: the production of a
surplus of storable food, a system of writing, a more complex social
organization, and technological advances such as the plough, potter's
wheel, loom, and metallurgy.
2.3: What makes a city
- In terms of a sociological definition, a city is a location which has a high
concentration of people or a large population. A city is typically governed by
one governmental entity.
2.4: What makes a good city
- A secure water supply, affordable houses, fire protection, affordable
medical fees, social services, a community spirit and solid economy.
2.5: What is a future city