5. def _and(a, b):
if a:
if a:
return True
return False
Instead of writing very
speci鍖c code
6. You can apply a handful of
machine learning
algorithms to
7. Recommend books, predict order volumes,
predict 鍖ight delays, control your thermostat,
drive a car, grade papers, detect fraud,
identify animals, classify your emails,
8. How does
a single neuron work?
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_learning
18. 0. Create a virtual environment with
mkvirtualenv perceptron
1. Fork the iPython notebook
2. Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Start the notebook with
ipython notebook
How to get started?
19. 1. Complete the net_input method
2. Complete the 鍖t method
2.1 Initialization of the Perceptron weights
2.2 Calculate the difference of w
2.3 Update the weights
3. Complete the predict method
What to do?
21. AND operation
Identify Irises (setosa vs. versicolor)
Credit card fraud/approval
XOR operation
22. What works well?
What doesnt work well?
Can you predict a reliable credit approval?
Whats the deal with the XOR operation?
Questions along the way
23. Thanks to you
Thanks also to
for their help to prepare this presentation
Please submit pull requests to share your solution.