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        Pradeep Kumar. G.T
QuEChERS (catchers)
Introduction to qu e chers
     The QuEChERS-method was
developed by Michelangelo in the
year 2001 for the analysis of
veterinary drugs in animal tissues.

After realizing its great potential in the extraction of
polar and particularly basic compounds it was also
tested on pesticide residue analysis in plant material
with great success.
 Now   QuEChERS is known as a
 multiclass, multiresidue method (MRM)
 for analysis of pesticides from high
 water content (80-95%) matrices.

 The   QuEChERS method now published
 as      AOAC       method      2007.01
 Determination of Pesticide Residues in
 Foods by Acetonitrile Extraction and
 Partitioning with Magnesium Sulfate.
T鞄艶     preferred      solvent    is
 acetonitrile because it has been
 shown to provide extraction of
 the broadest range of organic
 compounds without co-extraction
 of large amounts of lipophilic
This method is validated for the
 analysis pesticide residue in dry
 products like cereals, dried fruits,
 tea and fatty foods like fish, meat.
Step 1: Sample preparation
 and extraction
 Commodities   are uniformly
 Extract using required quantity of
 Centrifuge the extract
 Cleaned  up using DSPE.
 Bulk drying salts and DSPE sorbent
        Remove excess water and unwanted
 Agitation   and centrifugation
      Vortex mixing for 30sec and
centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 5min
 Freezing   out
   The acetonitrile phase is
transferred into a centrifuge tube and
stored in a freezer (min 2hrs)
removal of lipids, waxes, sugars, and
other matrix co-extractives with low
solubility in acetonitrile.
follow DSPE.
 D-SPEwith a PSA/MgSO4-
 mixture (for most samples)
 The acetonitrile phase is
 transferred into a PP-
 centrifugation tube already
 containing PSA and
 magnesium sulfate and
SPE                          DSPE
(Solid Phase Extraction)     (Dispersive Solid Phase

Required 30 minutes to 1hr   Few minutes
to complete
   This type of cleanup is recommended
    for extracts of test samples containing
    more than 50 mg of lipids.
   removal of chlorophyll and carotenoids .
   Samples like red sweet pepper, spinach and
    vine leaves.
 Concentration of the extract in
  Turbovap evaporator (2 to 5 mL)
 made up to volume with suitable
 For GC n-Hexane is used and for
  LC methanol.
 Analysis was done either by
  GC/MS or LC/MS
      Conventional method                    QuEChERS
Time-Consuming, Complicated       Simplified Alternatives
or Error-prone Steps
Sample                            No Way Around this
Blending/shaking for long time    Homogenisation for 30 Sec
Filtration                        Centrifugation
Multiple Partitioning Steps       Single Partitioning (On-line-
Separation/Transfers of Entire    Take Aliquots
Use of a Lot of Glassware         A few glassware
Evaporation/Reconstitution of     Evaporation/Reconstitution of
large volume                      small volume
Classical Steps/Classical SPE with Dispersive SPE
Columns & Manifold
Procedure schematically
      (for 25 g sample)

Weigh 25 g sample into a 250 ml centrifuge
bottle (with screw cap)

     Add 50 ml acetonitrile and shake well
Homogenise for 30 Sec (1st .
       extraction step)

Add 10 g NaCl, shake each tube to dissolve

      5g Na2SO4 added to an aliquot

From above step an aliquot is transferred to
   mixture of 0.2g PSA and 0.75g MgSO4
Mix well in vortex (2nd extraction with
           phase separation)

 Centrifuge for 5 min at 3000 U/min

Aliquot is concentrated and reconstituted.


Introduction to qu e chers
 GCB-Graphitised   Carbon
Introduction to qu e chers

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Introduction to qu e chers

  • 1. Introduction to QuEChERS Pradeep Kumar. G.T
  • 4. The QuEChERS-method was developed by Michelangelo in the year 2001 for the analysis of veterinary drugs in animal tissues. After realizing its great potential in the extraction of polar and particularly basic compounds it was also tested on pesticide residue analysis in plant material with great success.
  • 5. Now QuEChERS is known as a multiclass, multiresidue method (MRM) for analysis of pesticides from high water content (80-95%) matrices. The QuEChERS method now published as AOAC method 2007.01 Determination of Pesticide Residues in Foods by Acetonitrile Extraction and Partitioning with Magnesium Sulfate.
  • 6. T鞄艶 preferred solvent is acetonitrile because it has been shown to provide extraction of the broadest range of organic compounds without co-extraction of large amounts of lipophilic material. This method is validated for the analysis pesticide residue in dry products like cereals, dried fruits, tea and fatty foods like fish, meat.
  • 7. Step 1: Sample preparation and extraction Commodities are uniformly ground Extract using required quantity of acetonitrile Centrifuge the extract
  • 8. Cleaned up using DSPE. Bulk drying salts and DSPE sorbent packings. Remove excess water and unwanted contaminants. Agitation and centrifugation Vortex mixing for 30sec and centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 5min
  • 9. Freezing out The acetonitrile phase is transferred into a centrifuge tube and stored in a freezer (min 2hrs) removal of lipids, waxes, sugars, and other matrix co-extractives with low solubility in acetonitrile. follow DSPE.
  • 10. D-SPEwith a PSA/MgSO4- mixture (for most samples) The acetonitrile phase is transferred into a PP- centrifugation tube already containing PSA and magnesium sulfate and agitate.
  • 11. SPE DSPE (Solid Phase Extraction) (Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction) Required 30 minutes to 1hr Few minutes to complete
  • 12. This type of cleanup is recommended for extracts of test samples containing more than 50 mg of lipids.
  • 13. removal of chlorophyll and carotenoids . Samples like red sweet pepper, spinach and vine leaves.
  • 14. Concentration of the extract in Turbovap evaporator (2 to 5 mL) made up to volume with suitable solvent. For GC n-Hexane is used and for LC methanol. Analysis was done either by GC/MS or LC/MS
  • 15. Advantage Conventional method QuEChERS Time-Consuming, Complicated Simplified Alternatives or Error-prone Steps Sample No Way Around this Processing/Homogenization Blending/shaking for long time Homogenisation for 30 Sec Filtration Centrifugation Multiple Partitioning Steps Single Partitioning (On-line- Approach) Separation/Transfers of Entire Take Aliquots Extract Use of a Lot of Glassware A few glassware Evaporation/Reconstitution of Evaporation/Reconstitution of large volume small volume Classical Steps/Classical SPE with Dispersive SPE Columns & Manifold
  • 16. Procedure schematically (for 25 g sample) Weigh 25 g sample into a 250 ml centrifuge bottle (with screw cap) Add 50 ml acetonitrile and shake well
  • 17. Homogenise for 30 Sec (1st . extraction step) Add 10 g NaCl, shake each tube to dissolve salt. 5g Na2SO4 added to an aliquot From above step an aliquot is transferred to mixture of 0.2g PSA and 0.75g MgSO4
  • 18. Mix well in vortex (2nd extraction with phase separation) Centrifuge for 5 min at 3000 U/min Aliquot is concentrated and reconstituted.
  • 21. GCB-Graphitised Carbon Black