This document provides a biography of Ellen DeGeneres and Mark Wahlberg. It discusses their early lives, education, accomplishments, quotes, and reasons why the author admires them. For Ellen, it highlights that she risked her career to be open about her sexuality. For Mark, it notes his troubled teenage years but also his success in movies and support of charities despite his past challenges. Both are praised for their generosity and talents.
Database Wiz is a tool that provides a common interface for users to easily connect to, create, modify, import, and export data from multiple database types with minimal knowledge. It allows novice users to interact with databases through simple menus and clicks, and also allows expert users to write and execute complex queries. The tool contains modules for database connection, creation, manipulation, and import/export functions. It also provides sample screenshots of its interfaces for accessing Access, Oracle, and SQL Server databases.
This document provides biographies of two famous celebrities, Ellen DeGeneres and Mark Wahlberg. It outlines their early lives, education, career accomplishments such as starring in movies and TV shows, and quotes. Both overcame challenges in their early lives, with Ellen DeGeneres supporting many charities and standing up for her beliefs, while Mark Wahlberg got in trouble as a teenager but went on to star in many successful movies.
Web 2.0 refers to new ways of using the internet that focus on user-generated content and collaboration. Key aspects include social networking sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies that allow users to create and share content. While not a technical update, Web 2.0 represents important changes in how software is developed and how users interact with websites in more innovative, social, and creative ways.
John Baskerville was an 18th century English printer born in Worcestershire who designed typefaces. He directed his punchcutter John Handy in designing typefaces with a similar appearance. Benjamin Franklin admired Baskerville's typefaces and brought the designs to America. Many type foundries have since released revivals of Baskerville's typeface, most simply called "Baskerville."
This document summarizes Dave Latham's experience operating a large HBase cluster for Flurry Analytics. Some key points include:
- Flurry runs two HBase clusters with 1000 slave nodes each storing over 400TB of data across 30 tables and 250k regions.
- They faced bottlenecks with the HMaster, NameNode, and ZooKeeper. The cluster also had too many small regions which caused problems.
- Lessons learned include the need to understand system limitations, monitor performance, have a load-aware design, and know your workload characteristics.
- Future work includes testing HDFS HA, snapshots at large scale, separating workloads, and testing larger region and HDFS block sizes.
This document provides biographical information on two famous celebrities, Ellen DeGeneres and Mark Wahlberg. It details their early lives, education, career accomplishments such as starring in movies and TV shows, and quotes by each celebrity. For both Ellen and Mark it discusses their struggles and successes, highlighting Ellen coming out as gay and supporting charities, and Mark overcoming legal troubles as a teen to build a successful acting career.
John Baskerville was an 18th century English printer born in Worcestershire who designed typefaces. He directed his punchcutter John Handy in designing typefaces with a similar appearance. Benjamin Franklin admired Baskerville's typefaces and brought the designs to America. Many type foundries have since released revivals of Baskerville's typeface, most simply called "Baskerville."
John Baskerville was an 18th century English printer born in Worcestershire who improved the design of typefaces. He created clearer and blacker types than his contemporaries by improving ink and presses. Although his typefaces were admired abroad, they were criticized in England as hurting the eyes. Baskerville broke from traditions of the time and established new standards for typography.
John Baskerville was an 18th century English printer born in Worcestershire who designed typefaces. He directed his punchcutter John Handy in designing typefaces with a similar appearance. Benjamin Franklin admired Baskerville's typefaces and brought the designs to America. Many type foundries have since released revivals of Baskerville's typeface, most simply called "Baskerville."
This document summarizes Dave Latham's experience operating a large HBase cluster for Flurry Analytics. Some key points include:
- Flurry runs two HBase clusters with 1000 slave nodes each storing over 400TB of data across 30 tables and 250k regions.
- They faced bottlenecks with the HMaster, NameNode, and ZooKeeper. The cluster also had too many small regions which caused problems.
- Lessons learned include the need to understand system limitations, monitor performance, have a load-aware design, and know your workload characteristics.
- Future work includes testing HDFS HA, snapshots at large scale, separating workloads, and testing larger region and HDFS block sizes.
This document provides biographical information on two famous celebrities, Ellen DeGeneres and Mark Wahlberg. It details their early lives, education, career accomplishments such as starring in movies and TV shows, and quotes by each celebrity. For both Ellen and Mark it discusses their struggles and successes, highlighting Ellen coming out as gay and supporting charities, and Mark overcoming legal troubles as a teen to build a successful acting career.
John Baskerville was an 18th century English printer born in Worcestershire who designed typefaces. He directed his punchcutter John Handy in designing typefaces with a similar appearance. Benjamin Franklin admired Baskerville's typefaces and brought the designs to America. Many type foundries have since released revivals of Baskerville's typeface, most simply called "Baskerville."
John Baskerville was an 18th century English printer born in Worcestershire who improved the design of typefaces. He created clearer and blacker types than his contemporaries by improving ink and presses. Although his typefaces were admired abroad, they were criticized in England as hurting the eyes. Baskerville broke from traditions of the time and established new standards for typography.
16. Social Media Revolution
Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Britney Spears 犖÷元犖犖
follower 犖÷験犖犖犖о犖橿犖犖萎犖橿犖犖犖犖 North Korea, Australia,
ChileIsrael, Sweden, Greece
25. Social Media Revolution
69% of parents are friends
with their children on social media
犖劇 犖
69% 犖犖犖犖犢犖犢犖÷犢犖犢 犖 "犢犖犖劇賢犖" 犖犖園犖ム弦犖犢 犖犖犖犖犖о犢犖犖橿犖犖犖犖犖犖犖÷賢犖犖犢犖ム犢
26. Social Media Revolution
eReaders 犖犖伍犖犖犖犢犖犢犖犖犢犖橿犖犖犖園犖犖犖犖巌犖ム犖犖犖犖犖巌犖 犢 犖犖犖園犖犖犖伍犖犖橿牽犖犖橿権
犖朽 犢 犖
犖 犖
犖犖犖園犖犖 Ebook 犢犖犖犖∇賢犖犖犖橿権犖犖犖園犖犖犢犖犖犖犖園犢犖犖巌検犢
27. Social Media Revolution
犖 犖劇 犖
犢犖犖÷肩犖犖犖÷賢犖犖犢犖ム犢犖÷犖橿牽犖犖犖犖犖 犢犖橿犖犖÷厳犖犖 犖犖謹 6000 犖犖園犖 犢犖橿犢犖犖犖朽権犖
29. Social Media Revolution
will reach $1
billion in sales faster than
any company in history
犖犖犖巌県犖園犖犖朽犖橿犖犖橿牽犖犖橿権犢犖 犢犖犖謹 1 犖犖園犖 犢犖橿犢犖犢犖о犖о犖橿犖犖巌県犖園犢犖犢犢犖犖犖犖朽
30. Social Media Revolution
犢 犢 犢
犢犖犖犖劇賢犖犖÷厳犖 犖犖朽犖犖犖橿牽犖 犢犖犖犖橿犖朽犖犖犢犖犖犖犢犖犢犖ム犢犖犢 犖犖ム験犖犖園犖犖朽 2 犖犖劇賢 Youtube
犢 犖朽 犖
31. Social Media Revolution
犖 犢犖橿犖橿 犢犖犖÷弦犖ム犖 Wikipedia 犖÷験犖犖橿犖犢 犖犖犖犖園犖犖
犖犖犖犖萎検犖朽犖о験犖÷権犖橿検犖犖謹 2.25 犖 犢犖橿犖犖 犢犖
32. Social Media Revolution
Because of the speed
in which social media
enables communication,
word of mouth now becomes world
of mouth
33. Social Media Revolution
5% of search results for the Worlds Top 20
largest brands are links to user-generated
34% of bloggers post opinions about
products & brands
Do you like what they are saying about
your brand? You better.
37. Social Media Revolution
Social Media isnt a fad,
its a fundamental shift in
the way we communicate.
犖 犢 犖園
犖÷険犖犢犖犢 犖犖犖橿牽犢犖犖ム元犖∇犢犖犖ム犢犖犖犖萎犖園犖犖橿犖犖橿犢犖犖о鹸犖犖 犖朽
犢 犖