This document provides an introduction to visual design concepts. It discusses key visual design tools like color, texture, images, and typography. It also outlines design processes, including observing and collecting inspiration, brainstorming and sketching ideas, editing and refining, and producing the final design. The document emphasizes that design brings order, solves problems, and creates empathy through visually telling stories. It encourages building design skills through activities like observing art, taking photos, sketching, and learning typography fundamentals.
2. Ever wonder how to think like a Designer?This presentation introduces the fundamentals of visual design with examples from art history to pop culture, then explains how they translate to best practices in designing graphic user interfaces. We polish it off with a demonstration of how to implement some of these concepts using Expression Studio. Whether you have a designer-developer workflow or you ARE the designer-developer workflow, this presentation aims to simplify the mystery of why things look good.
23. Design is Art with objectives.Art does not need set goalsto be Art. Its ok with experimentation.Design favors set goals and restraints. It resides in the realm of the measurable.
25. There is overlap between art and design.Its not really necessary to define how much.