BlokAid is a fully self contained overflow monitoring device, which provides early warning of increasing levels in manholes or drains. The alarms provide an early warning to avoid potential flood damage or costly environmental spills caused by blockage, roots or significant wet weather events.
More compelling reasons to use BlokAid:
- Early detection enables rapid response to rectify blockages / chokes
- Reduces risk of costly environmental spills and property damage
- Automated notifications via email / SMS or direct to SCADA
- Cost effective, easy to install device
- 10 year battery life and minimal maintenance needs.
2. Scenario
o Every water authority has the
challenge of preventing sewer
blockages and spills and
cleaning up when it happens.
o Spills and response times are
important KPIs for ESC
o Clean ups are expensive and can
have significant impact upon
customers, community and
3. Scenario
o Cost anywhere between $5K
and $200K for spill clean up.
o SE Water wanted to perform
better in these areas.
4. Business challenge
Improve Performance
Against KPIs
o Minimise environmental impact of spills from sewer.
o Provide warning that sewer level is rising enable rapid response
and activate field crew before a spill.
o Cost effective and simple solution.
o Supplement other programs (e.g. Cleaning / Jetting / CCTV).
o Reliable in our sewer environment.
o Easy to implement / install.
5. Business solution
o An alarm device which communicates direct to SCADA system.
o Easy to install in manholes without requiring confined space
o Cost effective for widespread application low maintenance.
o Reliable alarm device resilient to aggressive sewer environments.
6. Technical solution BlokAid
o All in the hole device.
o 2 way communicable device
using mobile telephony.
o Long battery life 10 years.
o Sewer Grade entire
o Communicates via SMS /
Email / direct to SCADA.
7. Benefits realisation
o Have 180 installed for SE Water.
o Respond to 100 alarms per year.
o Decreased spills from manholes by 25%
(Saved approx $1 million in clean up / insurance).
o Supplements cleaning program.
o Used in perceived high risk or multiple spill sites.
8. Case study
Public Utilities Board
o Significant rain events.
o Stormwater infiltration very high.
o Number of high profile spill / flood events.
9. Case study
Public Utilities Board
Purchased 950 devices and have installed over 800.
o Using 3 float device to give basic modelling functionality.
o In most cases PUB do not react until 2nd float is tipped.
o Gaining greater understanding of impact of heavy rain on their
sewer environment.
o Improved planning leading to reducing stormwater infiltration.
o Reducing spills in high profile areas.