Sikhism is a distinct religion that was founded by Guru Nanak in 15th century India. It believes in one God and teaches the equality of all people and religions. Sikhs follow the teachings of 10 Gurus and consider the Guru Granth Sahib as their spiritual guide. Some key beliefs and practices include monotheism, equality of men and women, keeping uncut hair which is covered by a turban, and serving the community through seva or volunteer work.
This document discusses finding safety through faith in Jesus, even when facing troubled waters or crashing waves. It expresses that being in the water with Jesus is safer than being alone in any vessel or place, and that setting one's eyes on Him and taking His hand allows Jesus to calm raging seas as He will never fail.
The document is a poem expressing complete devotion and commitment to Jesus Christ. The speaker pledges to dedicate all aspects of their being, including thoughts, words, deeds, days, and hours solely to serving Jesus as their savior. They want their hands to do Jesus' bidding, their feet to walk in His ways, and their eyes and lips to see and speak only of Jesus. Since gazing upon the crucified Jesus, the speaker has lost sight of all else and remains enchained by their spiritual vision of Him.
Pastor Elio Marrocco's "Defusing Your Anger" sermon at New Life Christian Church on October 28, 2012. You can learn more about New Life Christian Church here:
Like the growth of a mustard seed, it is the work of the unseen Spirit of God, we just need to be available at the right soil / environment...let God work.
Jesus is Saviour first, example second....
What would Jesus do? The first question should be: What did Jesus do?
The document is a song about expressing love and gratitude to Jesus. It describes singing a simple love song to the singer's Savior and being grateful for what Jesus has done. The singer feels glad to be called Jesus' own and wants to be held still and near in the arms of Jesus' love.
Do you feel you need a Saviour? Are your sins too great to bear. There is a Man who is Friend of sinners, He is Jesus, He does care. On the Cross He bore our sin, God, dying for you and me. He cleared the debt, He paid the price, believing, we are now set free.
For sermon audio, resources, FREE publications etc, kindly visit our website
This document contains lyrics praising Jesus Christ with various names and attributes, including Beautiful Saviour, God of all majesty, Risen King, Lamb of God, Holy and righteous, and Blessed Redeemer. The lyrics exclaim how wonderful and beautiful Jesus's name is, being above every other name, and declare singing and loving Jesus forever.
I Was Blind, Now I See
From the Manual:
The document discusses the parable of the Good Samaritan from the Bible and how Christians should treat their neighbors with compassion. It encourages class members to forgive others, be charitable, and help those in need as the Good Samaritan did. A video is presented on the parable and President Howard W. Hunter is quoted teaching that believers should have no boundaries or narrow loyalties in showing love to their neighbors.
Lesson 13 - I Will Give Unto Thee The Keys of The Kingdom
From the Manual:
He Spake Many Things Unto Them In Parables
From the Manual:
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God - The Sermon On The Mount Continues.
From the Manual:
The first lesson on the Sermon On The Mount
Lesson 6 from the New Testament:
New Testament Lesson 4 covering the Baptism of Jesus Christ and subsequent temptations by Satan.
This New Testament lesson discusses Jesus Christ's birth and early life. It encourages readers to rejoice in Jesus's birth and follow his example of growing "in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." The document describes various people's reactions to Jesus's birth as recorded in the Bible, including wise men, shepherds, Simeon, and Mary pondering the events in her heart. It also discusses a story from Jesus's youth where he was found in the temple discussing scripture with elders, surprising Mary and Joseph with his understanding of his role and relationship to God.
The lesson covers the Annunciation of Mary, and much of the story of Zacharias and Elisabeth. The source of this lesson can be found at this link:
This document discusses Jesus Christ's mission as prophesied by Isaiah and described by John the Baptist. It explores what can be learned about Christ from passages in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. Christ is described as being with God from the beginning, being God himself, preaching the gospel in the pre-mortal world, creating all things, and being the Only Begotten Son who was made flesh. Believing in Christ allows one to have eternal life and feel His light and life, even without visiting the Holy Land where He walked.
This document discusses the prophet Jeremiah and the gathering of Israel. It notes that Jeremiah prophesied of Israel's scattering after witnessing the destruction of the northern and southern kingdoms. However, he also prophesied of Israel's latter-day gathering through missionaries who would "hunt them from every mountain." The document encourages class members to participate in this work and have God's law written in their hearts through obedience and righteous living.
This document discusses strengthening the Church by enlarging missionary and membership efforts. It begins by explaining the metaphor of strengthening the stakes of Zion used by prophets to refer to building up local congregations worldwide. Members are encouraged to strengthen their own testimonies and participate in missionary work. The gathering of Israel is described as bringing comfort amid trials. Looking to the Second Coming, members are told to wait faithfully. The Millennium is described as a time of joy without death or enmity when God will answer prayers immediately. Overall, the document encourages members to build up their local congregations in preparation for Christ's return.
This document discusses prophets who bring messages of peace and salvation from God. It contains passages from Isaiah describing how beautiful the feet are of those who bring and publish such good tidings upon the mountains. The document emphasizes that prophets who have not fallen into transgression are the seed of God and how beautiful are the feet of those past, present and future who publish peace.
This document provides an overview of the biblical book of Job, including:
- When Job likely lived based on clues from the text (between Abraham and Moses)
- What kind of man Job was according to the text (feared God, wealthy but not obsessed with wealth, had integrity, helped the weak)
- The major trials Job endured (loss of wealth, children, health issues, accusations from friends)
- How Job's friends wrongly believed his trials were due to sin
- How trusting in God despite trials can develop through relying on scriptures like Romans 8:28 and D&C 58:2-4
- How after enduring trials, Job was blessed twofold by God according to the text
Studying Mediumship - Final Part - M. Peralva.pdfMashaL38
Here one can find the final conclusions and a sort of an invitation for us to reevaluate our conduct when it comes to deal with Mediumship. All the dangers are related, The joy and the satisfaction to use this gift in favor of the neighbor is expressed here as the unique reason for working as a medium. Once more it is written here, without Jesus, mediumship has no end. And worse, it can be very hazardous.
Shalom everyone , i will sharing the word of god with you all
This presentation focuses on the spiritual battles we face in life and how, through faith, prayer, and obedience to God, we can emerge victorious. Drawing from powerful biblical stories like Cain and Abel, and examples such as Esther, the presentation explores key Christian lessons on trusting in Gods plan.
The core message revolves around three key actions:
Putting on the Armor of God daily, as described in Ephesians 6, to spiritually equip ourselves for lifes challenges.
Trusting in Gods plan, knowing that He works all things for our good.
Continuing in prayer as a means to maintain connection with God and seek His guidance.
With personal anecdotes, scripture references, and a powerful conclusion reminding the audience that the battle belongs to the Lord, the presentation emphasizes that victory is assured when we align ourselves with Gods power.
The visuals guide the audience through the journeystarting from the spiritual warfare we face, through biblical examples of triumph, to the ultimate victory in Christ. Through these lessons, the audience is encouraged to strengthen their faith and trust in God to fight their battles.
The Power of the Cross: Part 1 A ProphecyDave Stewart
1 Corinthians 1:17; Psalm 22: The Power of the cross is evident in the fulfillment of prophecy. Jehovah provided these utterances to help the people of Israel understand what was happening the day that Jesus died. In this lesson our focus is on Psalm 22 that reminds Israel and us that he is the Messiah, that He is the King, and that he is bringing salvation for all. (Adapted from The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
I Was Blind, Now I See
From the Manual:
The document discusses the parable of the Good Samaritan from the Bible and how Christians should treat their neighbors with compassion. It encourages class members to forgive others, be charitable, and help those in need as the Good Samaritan did. A video is presented on the parable and President Howard W. Hunter is quoted teaching that believers should have no boundaries or narrow loyalties in showing love to their neighbors.
Lesson 13 - I Will Give Unto Thee The Keys of The Kingdom
From the Manual:
He Spake Many Things Unto Them In Parables
From the Manual:
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God - The Sermon On The Mount Continues.
From the Manual:
The first lesson on the Sermon On The Mount
Lesson 6 from the New Testament:
New Testament Lesson 4 covering the Baptism of Jesus Christ and subsequent temptations by Satan.
This New Testament lesson discusses Jesus Christ's birth and early life. It encourages readers to rejoice in Jesus's birth and follow his example of growing "in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." The document describes various people's reactions to Jesus's birth as recorded in the Bible, including wise men, shepherds, Simeon, and Mary pondering the events in her heart. It also discusses a story from Jesus's youth where he was found in the temple discussing scripture with elders, surprising Mary and Joseph with his understanding of his role and relationship to God.
The lesson covers the Annunciation of Mary, and much of the story of Zacharias and Elisabeth. The source of this lesson can be found at this link:
This document discusses Jesus Christ's mission as prophesied by Isaiah and described by John the Baptist. It explores what can be learned about Christ from passages in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. Christ is described as being with God from the beginning, being God himself, preaching the gospel in the pre-mortal world, creating all things, and being the Only Begotten Son who was made flesh. Believing in Christ allows one to have eternal life and feel His light and life, even without visiting the Holy Land where He walked.
This document discusses the prophet Jeremiah and the gathering of Israel. It notes that Jeremiah prophesied of Israel's scattering after witnessing the destruction of the northern and southern kingdoms. However, he also prophesied of Israel's latter-day gathering through missionaries who would "hunt them from every mountain." The document encourages class members to participate in this work and have God's law written in their hearts through obedience and righteous living.
This document discusses strengthening the Church by enlarging missionary and membership efforts. It begins by explaining the metaphor of strengthening the stakes of Zion used by prophets to refer to building up local congregations worldwide. Members are encouraged to strengthen their own testimonies and participate in missionary work. The gathering of Israel is described as bringing comfort amid trials. Looking to the Second Coming, members are told to wait faithfully. The Millennium is described as a time of joy without death or enmity when God will answer prayers immediately. Overall, the document encourages members to build up their local congregations in preparation for Christ's return.
This document discusses prophets who bring messages of peace and salvation from God. It contains passages from Isaiah describing how beautiful the feet are of those who bring and publish such good tidings upon the mountains. The document emphasizes that prophets who have not fallen into transgression are the seed of God and how beautiful are the feet of those past, present and future who publish peace.
This document provides an overview of the biblical book of Job, including:
- When Job likely lived based on clues from the text (between Abraham and Moses)
- What kind of man Job was according to the text (feared God, wealthy but not obsessed with wealth, had integrity, helped the weak)
- The major trials Job endured (loss of wealth, children, health issues, accusations from friends)
- How Job's friends wrongly believed his trials were due to sin
- How trusting in God despite trials can develop through relying on scriptures like Romans 8:28 and D&C 58:2-4
- How after enduring trials, Job was blessed twofold by God according to the text
Studying Mediumship - Final Part - M. Peralva.pdfMashaL38
Here one can find the final conclusions and a sort of an invitation for us to reevaluate our conduct when it comes to deal with Mediumship. All the dangers are related, The joy and the satisfaction to use this gift in favor of the neighbor is expressed here as the unique reason for working as a medium. Once more it is written here, without Jesus, mediumship has no end. And worse, it can be very hazardous.
Shalom everyone , i will sharing the word of god with you all
This presentation focuses on the spiritual battles we face in life and how, through faith, prayer, and obedience to God, we can emerge victorious. Drawing from powerful biblical stories like Cain and Abel, and examples such as Esther, the presentation explores key Christian lessons on trusting in Gods plan.
The core message revolves around three key actions:
Putting on the Armor of God daily, as described in Ephesians 6, to spiritually equip ourselves for lifes challenges.
Trusting in Gods plan, knowing that He works all things for our good.
Continuing in prayer as a means to maintain connection with God and seek His guidance.
With personal anecdotes, scripture references, and a powerful conclusion reminding the audience that the battle belongs to the Lord, the presentation emphasizes that victory is assured when we align ourselves with Gods power.
The visuals guide the audience through the journeystarting from the spiritual warfare we face, through biblical examples of triumph, to the ultimate victory in Christ. Through these lessons, the audience is encouraged to strengthen their faith and trust in God to fight their battles.
The Power of the Cross: Part 1 A ProphecyDave Stewart
1 Corinthians 1:17; Psalm 22: The Power of the cross is evident in the fulfillment of prophecy. Jehovah provided these utterances to help the people of Israel understand what was happening the day that Jesus died. In this lesson our focus is on Psalm 22 that reminds Israel and us that he is the Messiah, that He is the King, and that he is bringing salvation for all. (Adapted from The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones)
In Acts 2:22-36 Peter concludes his sermon on Pentecost Sunday. This is the sermon that launched the Church. We find that the Peter who once shrank back and even denied Jesus is now confident, bold and impassioned. Peter lays out three proofs of Jesus Good News, the Gospel. He does so through citing eyewitness testimony of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus and by citing prophetic texts that were fulfilled by Jesus. He shows us that the Gospel of Jesus is a proven fact!
Sendero viviente -Autobiograf鱈a de un iluminado- en INGLES.pdfRafael Reverte P辿rez
Autobiograf鱈a de un Iluminado
Mi Retiro
La Se単al del Hijo del Hombre
Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz坦 a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci坦n en conjunci坦n Saturno, J炭piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M辿xico 2002
N炭m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
Sendero viviente en Reverte P辿rez
Autobiograf鱈a de un Iluminado
Mi Retiro
La Se単al del Hijo del Hombre
Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz坦 a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci坦n en conjunci坦n Saturno, J炭piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M辿xico 2002
N炭m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
The New Testament is the second division of the Christian Biblical canon. It discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events relating to first-century Christianity.
The Concept of the Soul in Yoga by Dr. Hemraj Koirala.pptxDR. HEMRAJ KOIRALA
"The Concept of the Soul in Yoga" by Dr. Hemraj Koirala explores the nature of the soul in yogic philosophy. It delves into spiritual concepts, consciousness, and self-realization, drawing from ancient texts and modern interpretations. This presentation provides insights into the souls journey, its connection to the body, and ultimate liberation.
2. Objective:
To help class members understand that Jesus Christ is
incomparable in his devotion to his people and that he
has a great work for them to do.
3. What Think Ye of Christ?
Love, unconditional
Helping and healing
4. Why Is Isaiah Asking This?
The tribes of Israel in the Northern Kingdom continued to
worship false gods and idols
They had forgotten Jehovah
This would also be a symbol of the last days (our day)
5. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that we
need a correct idea of [Gods] character,
perfections and attributes in order to have
faith in Him (Lectures on Faith [1985], 38).