This document contains notes from two teachers, Mr. Wyatt and Mrs. Avina, addressed to students regarding classroom notebooks for the 2014-2015 school year. Mr. Wyatt's notes ask students to complete any missing assignments, while Mrs. Avina's notes provide instructions on notebook organization and requirements for assignments, including keeping an updated table of contents and ensuring right-side assignments have headings, dates, and apply concepts from the left side.
23. Notebooks will be checked randomly throughout the trimester.
All classnotes and notebook right-side assignments should be
included even for the days in which you were absent.
This includes each being recorder in the Table of Contents.
Right-side assignments must be complete, have a heading,
and the date written on it. Mostly it is checked on being complete
but the left-side must be varied (not the same kind of activity)
and not be a simple restatement or a picture with no processing
of content from the left side.
Each right side page must have a left side page where one or
more of the concepts or skills used on the left side is/are applied.
24. Look inside the bright Green
Crate for specific pages.
It is your responsibility to
complete all missed
assignments ad place them in
your ISN where they belong.