This document discusses intensely felt challenges and questions on various topics including the importance of God, caring about others' educational failures and apathy, creating optimal school environments, impactful careers for women, the future of the written word, how news shapes world views, experiencing different cultures, promoting life in Detroit, and pitching one's passion.
2. Why does the idea
of God matter?
Flickr CC photo by radiantguy
3. Why should I care
about another
student’s educational
Flickr CC photo by TomNatt
4. Why should I care
about apathy?
Flickr CC photo by Dawn Ashley
5. How can we create
the best
environments for
our school commons
Photo by express permission of Prakash Nair,
President, Fielding Nair International
6. What careers could
have the most impact
for women making a
difference in our
global society in the
next 20 years?
Flickr CC photos by AmberinSeattle