Jawless fish like lampreys and hagfish have no vertebrae or jaws. Lampreys are parasites with a larval stage while hagfish live on the ocean floor as scavengers. Cartilaginous fish like sharks have a skeleton of cartilage and ventral mouths. They have tails like heterocercal or homocercal tails and complex digestive systems to break down their food. They reproduce internally and give live birth.
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J A W L E S S & C A R T I L A G I N O U S F I S H E S
2. JAWLESS FISH=> Subphylum: Vertebrata, Class: Agnatha lampreys and hagfishes scaleless, cylindrical body no vertebral column (a notochord) poor swimmers
3. JAWLESS FISH=> LAMPREYS are usually parasites with a larval stage which filter-feeds HAGFISHES have no larval stage and live at the bottom of cold seas acting as scavengers.