Organic Weed Control for the Home Garden - University of HawaiiFiona9864
This document discusses organic weed control methods for home gardens. It defines weeds as plants growing where unwanted that compete with garden plants. While weeds cause problems, some have beneficial uses as well. The document outlines several organic weed control strategies for gardens, including cultivation, mulching, cultural practices, flaming, and organic herbicides. It provides examples of each method and tips for effective implementation.
Oscar Wilde was born in a house on Merrion Street in Dublin, where he lived from 1855 to 1878. The house now displays artifacts related to Wilde's life and work, such as editions of his poems "The Happy Prince" and "The Ballad of Reading Gaol." The Dublin Writers' Museum also honors Wilde with exhibits such as a bust and playbill from his play "Lady Windermere's Fan."
Leadership is Broken: DDI's Survey finds that few people think business leadership is adequate. Now it's time to fix it.
To see more infographics by DDI, visit:
This document describes the Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA), a newly formed alliance of 9 agricultural research centers. AIRCA's goals are to improve global food security by supporting smallholder agriculture through environmentally sustainable practices. The alliance has over $200 million in combined annual revenue and works across many world regions and ecosystem types. AIRCA members have expertise in agriculture, health, and sustainable landscapes and intend to have impact at the agriculture-environment nexus through integrated, holistic solutions developed at scale.
A strategic partnership works to advance agricultural research to address poverty, food insecurity, nutrition, and sustainable natural resource management through 15 International Agricultural Research Centers collaborating worldwide. The partnership's research is organized through 16 Coordinated Research Programs (CRPs) that focus on key priorities like staple crops, livestock, fish, natural resource management, and cross-cutting issues like markets and nutrition, as determined through consultation with partners. This collective approach aims to make agricultural innovation more development-oriented and impactful at scale.
C2.1. NAIP: Engagement for Reforms in Organizational Development of Indian NARSGCARD Conferences
NAIP was a $250 million World Bank project launched in 2006 as a successor to previous agricultural research and development projects to demonstrate an agricultural innovation system approach in India. The project aimed to strengthen scientific capacity, market orientation, social inclusion, and institutional capacity of India's national agricultural research system through competitive funding of large, multi-institutional projects involving partnerships between public, private, and civil society groups. While the project achieved some successes like commercialization of technologies, establishment of rural industries, and training of scientists, it also faced challenges like slow credit utilization, documentation, and mainstreaming of results. The document proposes disseminating lessons from NAIP through various print, electronic, and participatory media channels.
The document discusses Christopher Wren's career as an architect and scientist in 17th century Britain. It describes that Wren started as a scientist focusing on astronomy, physics, and anatomy. After the Great Fire of London in 1666, Wren was tasked with rebuilding St. Paul's Cathedral, taking 35 years to complete. Some of Wren's other notable works discussed include the Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford, Pembroke College Chapel at Cambridge, rebuilding many churches in London after the fire, and designing the Royal Observatory and the Monument to the Great Fire of London.
P2.3. Fighting against desertification in Africa. Tripartite call for proposa...GCARD Conferences
This document discusses efforts to combat desertification in Africa through international collaboration. It summarizes that desertification affects 40% of the world's land and could displace one third of the population. The tripartite call for proposals between Africa, Brazil, and France aims to 1) build a research community across the continents, 2) develop knowledge on arid regions, and 3) strengthen science's links to society. Eligible projects must be multidisciplinary, involve researchers from at least three countries, focus on arid Africa, and both further knowledge and support local communities.
GCARD2: Foresight, projections and issues of Agricultural Research Coordination for future smallholder impact
GCARD2: Perspectives, projections et enjeu de la coordination d'une recherche agricole orient辿e dans le future vers des petits paysans
GCARD2 Prospectiva, proyecciones y problemas de coordinaci坦n de la investigaci坦n agr鱈cola para el impacto futuro de agricultores peque単os.
C1.3. The system of the national Institutes of agricultural research of Ibero...GCARD Conferences
The System of the National Institutes on Agricultural Research of Ibero-America (INIA) was formally established 11 years ago and is now comprised of 19 national agricultural research institutes from Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. It was originally founded by 12 institutes in 2002 and focuses its activities on research and development projects, capacity building for staff through PhD programs, and institutional strengthening. The INIA coordinates work in four main areas: climate change and agriculture, plant genetic resources, bioenergy, and food security.
A comparison of public/private agricultural research partnershipsGCARD Conferences
This document discusses research partnerships between the public and private sectors in Australia and considers applications for the Asia-Pacific region. It outlines the Australian Rural Research and Development Corporation (RDC) model, which involves co-funded public-private research partnerships between the Australian government and agricultural industries. This joint funding model has helped double Australian agricultural productivity over 30 years. Key private sector contributions include leveraging investment, market access, and technology/innovation. For the model to apply more widely in Asia-Pacific would require agreement on joint funding mechanisms between governments and industries. Alternative levy/tax options may also need to be considered given the large smallholder presence in many countries.
P3.3. Rebuilding Livelihoods in Post-Conflict and Protracted Crisis CountriesGCARD Conferences
The document summarizes discussions from a workshop in Kigali on rebuilding livelihoods in post-conflict countries through agricultural innovation. Key points discussed include the challenges facing post-conflict countries, the importance of focusing on agriculture and capacity development, and 6 intended outcomes by 2014 related to establishing cooperation platforms, developing policies, integrating research strategies, supporting value chains, building human resources, and sharing physical resources. Participants committed to collective actions from 2012-2014 at national, regional, and international levels to achieve these outcomes and strengthen agricultural capacity in post-conflict countries.
1) The document analyzes global and regional trends in agricultural R&D spending using data collected by ASTI through national surveys in low and middle-income countries.
2) It finds that developing countries have driven growth in public agricultural R&D spending in recent years. However, the poorest countries still lag behind.
3) The document calls for establishing a sustainable monitoring system to regularly collect agricultural R&D spending data and assess research institution performance across countries.
Innovation in agriculture in response to climate change: Towards a global act...GCARD Conferences
This document summarizes a presentation on investing in agricultural research for sustainable development in Asia-Pacific. It discusses the challenges posed by climate change, including risks to food security. It proposes a Global Action Plan for Agricultural Diversification to increase crop diversity beyond the top four crops and encourage shorter, higher-value supply chains to maintain nutrition under climate change. The plan would be launched at COP21 through a "Paris Declaration" and further developed at conferences in 2016 to establish GAPAD as a framework involving all stakeholders. The overall goal is climate-smart agriculture to ensure food security with limited warming.
Agricultural Research in a Transforming country: Views from the Vietnamese (r...GCARD Conferences
Vietnam has experienced an agricultural miracle with agricultural GDP increasing 4.2% annually from 1990-1999 and 3.7% from 2000-2012. This is due to increased productivity, especially of rice which benefited from expanded irrigation and higher cropping intensity. However, Vietnam's agricultural research and development efforts are declining and fragmented, with expenditure on agricultural R&D less than 0.2% of agricultural GDP compared to over 1% in countries like Brazil and China. An emerging research agenda focuses on developing climate resilient and higher quality rice varieties, as well as crops suitable for upland and ethnic minority areas.
P3.3. Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Inovation in PC & PC CountriesGCARD Conferences
This document provides an overview of sector development approaches and capacity strengthening in Rwanda's agriculture sector from 1994 to 2012. It discusses:
1) Background on Rwanda's economy, population, land use, and how the agriculture sector was impacted by war and genocide in the 1990s.
2) Key milestones and interventions to strengthen capacity, including agricultural policy reforms through strategies like SPAT I, II, and III; institutional capacity building; and human capacity building.
3) The impact of these capacity strengthening efforts, which aimed to reverse declining agricultural growth and increase food security, employment, and economic development in the sector. The agriculture sector now contributes 30-35% to Rwanda's GDP and employs over
4th day. Report from the Capacity Development SessionsGCARD Conferences
The document summarizes discussions from sessions at a capacity development event on various topics related to agricultural research for development. Session topics included public investments, public-private partnerships, North-South and South-South collective actions, institutional knowledge and learning, empowering women and youth, access to agricultural data and information, and knowledge advisory systems. Key recommendations from the sessions focused on collaboration, knowledge sharing, empowering underserved groups, enabling policies, and measuring outcomes.
Today, the word "innovation" gets over 400 million results on Google - in fact it's organizations like Google and Apple that have inspired most of us to ponder the litany of ill-defined options for making ourselves, our teams, and our businesses MORE INNOVATIVE! But ultimately all those Google hits end up telling us is this: we've mastered nothing. Innovation still eludes us and we go back to the well time and time again to answer the question: "How can we be more innovative?"
So now what? Perhaps it's time to apply some of that innovation and realize that maybe we haven't solved the problem because we've been asking the wrong question.
This session explores the nexus between climate change and new needs in partnership. Different types of emerging regional partnerships will be discussed, also showing links between local and global levels, and emerging initiatives for cross-region learning.
Visit the conference site for more information:
Cette section examine les rapports entre le changement climatique et les nouveaux besoins en partenariats. Diff辿rents types de partenariats r辿gionaux en cours seront discut辿s, en montrant aussi les liens entre les 辿chelles locales et mondiales et les initiatives en cours pour lapprentissage interr辿gional
Visitez le site web de la GCARD2 pour plus d'informations:
C1.3. Platform for African-European Partnership on Agricultural Research for ...GCARD Conferences
The PAEPARD platform aims to address insufficient agricultural research capacities, linkages, and collaboration between Africa and Europe. It has established 19 Africa-EU research partnerships and 5 sub-regional partnerships led by African farmers' organizations. Lessons learned include the importance of understanding innovation processes, the role of civil society groups and farmers, and using flexible funding strategies to incentivize demand-driven agricultural research. Going forward, the platform aims to strengthen partnerships, advocate for its innovation approach, and explore expanding to additional world regions.
The Rice Bown Index: Using Open Data to help drive sustainable and robust foo...GCARD Conferences
The document introduces the Rice Bowl Index, which aims to harness knowledge to make agriculture more sustainable and the world more food secure. It does this by distilling vast amounts of public data and information on food security into a concise index. The index evaluates four categories - farm-level capabilities, policy and trade environment, environmental capacity, and future demand and price trends - to identify both challenges and opportunities for concrete actions to improve food security in Asia. The ultimate goal is to facilitate an evidence-based, multi-stakeholder dialogue that shifts the focus from problems to solutions.
This document provides an introduction to composting agricultural manure. It discusses the two main stages of composting - the active stage where microorganisms break down organic matter producing heat, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, and the curing stage where microbial activity slows. It also outlines important factors that affect the composting process, including temperature, carbon to nitrogen ratio, aeration, moisture content, porosity, and pH, and their optimal ranges. Maintaining proper conditions for these factors can accelerate the natural composting process.
Metzler Ranch Xeriscape Information and GuidelinesFiona9864
The Home Owner's Association at Metzler Ranch has established guidelines for water-efficient xeriscaping to promote water conservation and maintain neighborhood aesthetics. The guidelines outline the seven principles of xeriscaping including planning, soil improvement, limiting turf, wise plant selection, mulching, watering efficiently, and maintenance. Homeowners must submit renovation plans and applications to the HOA Design Committee for approval. The guidelines specify minimum requirements for plant and tree sizes and percentages of live plantings and mulch materials used.
Minor Small Fruit Crops for New Mexico Gardens - New Mexico State UniversityFiona9864
This document provides information on minor small fruit crops that can be grown in New Mexico gardens, including tayberries, currants, gooseberries, elderberries, bush cherries, and sea buckthorn. It describes the growth habit and cultural requirements of each crop, highlighting varieties that have done well in trials in New Mexico. Most of these crops thrive in partial shade and require well-draining, nutrient-rich soil amended with compost. Proper pruning is important for maintaining productive plants over several years. The fruits can be eaten fresh or used to make jams, jellies, pies, and other products.
Native Plant Revegetation Guide For ColoradoFiona9864
This guide provides information for selecting and establishing native plants in Colorado. It covers plant basics, natural communities in the state, and techniques for revegetation of upland and wetland habitats. The guide includes details on site planning, preparation, seed and plant selection, and monitoring for successful revegetation projects using native species.
Naturescaping and Xeriscaping in the Texas Coastal BendFiona9864
This document provides information on native plant species that are suitable for naturescaping and xeriscaping in the Texas Coastal Bend region. It discusses how using native plants can help conserve water and protect natural habitats while providing beauty and benefits for wildlife. An annotated checklist is then provided describing over 50 native plant species, their growth habits, environmental preferences, landscape uses, and value as a food source or habitat for local animals. The checklist covers trees, shrubs, vines, ferns, grasses, flowers and other plant types suitable for the region.
Oil palm composted biomass: preparation, utilization, handling and storageFiona9864
1) Oil palm composted biomass is produced by composting oil palm wastes like empty fruit bunches.
2) The composting process is carried out through various stages as microorganisms break down the organic material. Initially mesophilic bacteria dominate, followed by thermophilic bacteria that raise temperatures.
3) Fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes all play important roles at different stages of decomposition. The finished compost is stable and can be used as fertilizer to improve soil properties.
Okanagan Waterwise: A Soft Path for Water Sustainability Case Study, Town of ...Fiona9864
This document provides context about water management in the Okanagan Basin region of British Columbia and proposes applying a "soft path" approach to water sustainability planning for the town of Oliver. It discusses the traditional supply-focused water management approach in the basin and introduces the soft path framework, which shifts the focus to water conservation and efficiency. The document then provides background on water issues in the Okanagan region and town of Oliver to set up analyzing potential soft path scenarios for Oliver's future water use and conservation opportunities. The soft path scenarios illustrate how a commitment to conservation and efficiency could help Oliver achieve its water needs with minimal new infrastructure by 2050.
GCARD2: Foresight, projections and issues of Agricultural Research Coordination for future smallholder impact
GCARD2: Perspectives, projections et enjeu de la coordination d'une recherche agricole orient辿e dans le future vers des petits paysans
GCARD2 Prospectiva, proyecciones y problemas de coordinaci坦n de la investigaci坦n agr鱈cola para el impacto futuro de agricultores peque単os.
C1.3. The system of the national Institutes of agricultural research of Ibero...GCARD Conferences
The System of the National Institutes on Agricultural Research of Ibero-America (INIA) was formally established 11 years ago and is now comprised of 19 national agricultural research institutes from Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. It was originally founded by 12 institutes in 2002 and focuses its activities on research and development projects, capacity building for staff through PhD programs, and institutional strengthening. The INIA coordinates work in four main areas: climate change and agriculture, plant genetic resources, bioenergy, and food security.
A comparison of public/private agricultural research partnershipsGCARD Conferences
This document discusses research partnerships between the public and private sectors in Australia and considers applications for the Asia-Pacific region. It outlines the Australian Rural Research and Development Corporation (RDC) model, which involves co-funded public-private research partnerships between the Australian government and agricultural industries. This joint funding model has helped double Australian agricultural productivity over 30 years. Key private sector contributions include leveraging investment, market access, and technology/innovation. For the model to apply more widely in Asia-Pacific would require agreement on joint funding mechanisms between governments and industries. Alternative levy/tax options may also need to be considered given the large smallholder presence in many countries.
P3.3. Rebuilding Livelihoods in Post-Conflict and Protracted Crisis CountriesGCARD Conferences
The document summarizes discussions from a workshop in Kigali on rebuilding livelihoods in post-conflict countries through agricultural innovation. Key points discussed include the challenges facing post-conflict countries, the importance of focusing on agriculture and capacity development, and 6 intended outcomes by 2014 related to establishing cooperation platforms, developing policies, integrating research strategies, supporting value chains, building human resources, and sharing physical resources. Participants committed to collective actions from 2012-2014 at national, regional, and international levels to achieve these outcomes and strengthen agricultural capacity in post-conflict countries.
1) The document analyzes global and regional trends in agricultural R&D spending using data collected by ASTI through national surveys in low and middle-income countries.
2) It finds that developing countries have driven growth in public agricultural R&D spending in recent years. However, the poorest countries still lag behind.
3) The document calls for establishing a sustainable monitoring system to regularly collect agricultural R&D spending data and assess research institution performance across countries.
Innovation in agriculture in response to climate change: Towards a global act...GCARD Conferences
This document summarizes a presentation on investing in agricultural research for sustainable development in Asia-Pacific. It discusses the challenges posed by climate change, including risks to food security. It proposes a Global Action Plan for Agricultural Diversification to increase crop diversity beyond the top four crops and encourage shorter, higher-value supply chains to maintain nutrition under climate change. The plan would be launched at COP21 through a "Paris Declaration" and further developed at conferences in 2016 to establish GAPAD as a framework involving all stakeholders. The overall goal is climate-smart agriculture to ensure food security with limited warming.
Agricultural Research in a Transforming country: Views from the Vietnamese (r...GCARD Conferences
Vietnam has experienced an agricultural miracle with agricultural GDP increasing 4.2% annually from 1990-1999 and 3.7% from 2000-2012. This is due to increased productivity, especially of rice which benefited from expanded irrigation and higher cropping intensity. However, Vietnam's agricultural research and development efforts are declining and fragmented, with expenditure on agricultural R&D less than 0.2% of agricultural GDP compared to over 1% in countries like Brazil and China. An emerging research agenda focuses on developing climate resilient and higher quality rice varieties, as well as crops suitable for upland and ethnic minority areas.
P3.3. Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Inovation in PC & PC CountriesGCARD Conferences
This document provides an overview of sector development approaches and capacity strengthening in Rwanda's agriculture sector from 1994 to 2012. It discusses:
1) Background on Rwanda's economy, population, land use, and how the agriculture sector was impacted by war and genocide in the 1990s.
2) Key milestones and interventions to strengthen capacity, including agricultural policy reforms through strategies like SPAT I, II, and III; institutional capacity building; and human capacity building.
3) The impact of these capacity strengthening efforts, which aimed to reverse declining agricultural growth and increase food security, employment, and economic development in the sector. The agriculture sector now contributes 30-35% to Rwanda's GDP and employs over
4th day. Report from the Capacity Development SessionsGCARD Conferences
The document summarizes discussions from sessions at a capacity development event on various topics related to agricultural research for development. Session topics included public investments, public-private partnerships, North-South and South-South collective actions, institutional knowledge and learning, empowering women and youth, access to agricultural data and information, and knowledge advisory systems. Key recommendations from the sessions focused on collaboration, knowledge sharing, empowering underserved groups, enabling policies, and measuring outcomes.
Today, the word "innovation" gets over 400 million results on Google - in fact it's organizations like Google and Apple that have inspired most of us to ponder the litany of ill-defined options for making ourselves, our teams, and our businesses MORE INNOVATIVE! But ultimately all those Google hits end up telling us is this: we've mastered nothing. Innovation still eludes us and we go back to the well time and time again to answer the question: "How can we be more innovative?"
So now what? Perhaps it's time to apply some of that innovation and realize that maybe we haven't solved the problem because we've been asking the wrong question.
This session explores the nexus between climate change and new needs in partnership. Different types of emerging regional partnerships will be discussed, also showing links between local and global levels, and emerging initiatives for cross-region learning.
Visit the conference site for more information:
Cette section examine les rapports entre le changement climatique et les nouveaux besoins en partenariats. Diff辿rents types de partenariats r辿gionaux en cours seront discut辿s, en montrant aussi les liens entre les 辿chelles locales et mondiales et les initiatives en cours pour lapprentissage interr辿gional
Visitez le site web de la GCARD2 pour plus d'informations:
C1.3. Platform for African-European Partnership on Agricultural Research for ...GCARD Conferences
The PAEPARD platform aims to address insufficient agricultural research capacities, linkages, and collaboration between Africa and Europe. It has established 19 Africa-EU research partnerships and 5 sub-regional partnerships led by African farmers' organizations. Lessons learned include the importance of understanding innovation processes, the role of civil society groups and farmers, and using flexible funding strategies to incentivize demand-driven agricultural research. Going forward, the platform aims to strengthen partnerships, advocate for its innovation approach, and explore expanding to additional world regions.
The Rice Bown Index: Using Open Data to help drive sustainable and robust foo...GCARD Conferences
The document introduces the Rice Bowl Index, which aims to harness knowledge to make agriculture more sustainable and the world more food secure. It does this by distilling vast amounts of public data and information on food security into a concise index. The index evaluates four categories - farm-level capabilities, policy and trade environment, environmental capacity, and future demand and price trends - to identify both challenges and opportunities for concrete actions to improve food security in Asia. The ultimate goal is to facilitate an evidence-based, multi-stakeholder dialogue that shifts the focus from problems to solutions.
This document provides an introduction to composting agricultural manure. It discusses the two main stages of composting - the active stage where microorganisms break down organic matter producing heat, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, and the curing stage where microbial activity slows. It also outlines important factors that affect the composting process, including temperature, carbon to nitrogen ratio, aeration, moisture content, porosity, and pH, and their optimal ranges. Maintaining proper conditions for these factors can accelerate the natural composting process.
Metzler Ranch Xeriscape Information and GuidelinesFiona9864
The Home Owner's Association at Metzler Ranch has established guidelines for water-efficient xeriscaping to promote water conservation and maintain neighborhood aesthetics. The guidelines outline the seven principles of xeriscaping including planning, soil improvement, limiting turf, wise plant selection, mulching, watering efficiently, and maintenance. Homeowners must submit renovation plans and applications to the HOA Design Committee for approval. The guidelines specify minimum requirements for plant and tree sizes and percentages of live plantings and mulch materials used.
Minor Small Fruit Crops for New Mexico Gardens - New Mexico State UniversityFiona9864
This document provides information on minor small fruit crops that can be grown in New Mexico gardens, including tayberries, currants, gooseberries, elderberries, bush cherries, and sea buckthorn. It describes the growth habit and cultural requirements of each crop, highlighting varieties that have done well in trials in New Mexico. Most of these crops thrive in partial shade and require well-draining, nutrient-rich soil amended with compost. Proper pruning is important for maintaining productive plants over several years. The fruits can be eaten fresh or used to make jams, jellies, pies, and other products.
Native Plant Revegetation Guide For ColoradoFiona9864
This guide provides information for selecting and establishing native plants in Colorado. It covers plant basics, natural communities in the state, and techniques for revegetation of upland and wetland habitats. The guide includes details on site planning, preparation, seed and plant selection, and monitoring for successful revegetation projects using native species.
Naturescaping and Xeriscaping in the Texas Coastal BendFiona9864
This document provides information on native plant species that are suitable for naturescaping and xeriscaping in the Texas Coastal Bend region. It discusses how using native plants can help conserve water and protect natural habitats while providing beauty and benefits for wildlife. An annotated checklist is then provided describing over 50 native plant species, their growth habits, environmental preferences, landscape uses, and value as a food source or habitat for local animals. The checklist covers trees, shrubs, vines, ferns, grasses, flowers and other plant types suitable for the region.
Oil palm composted biomass: preparation, utilization, handling and storageFiona9864
1) Oil palm composted biomass is produced by composting oil palm wastes like empty fruit bunches.
2) The composting process is carried out through various stages as microorganisms break down the organic material. Initially mesophilic bacteria dominate, followed by thermophilic bacteria that raise temperatures.
3) Fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes all play important roles at different stages of decomposition. The finished compost is stable and can be used as fertilizer to improve soil properties.
Okanagan Waterwise: A Soft Path for Water Sustainability Case Study, Town of ...Fiona9864
This document provides context about water management in the Okanagan Basin region of British Columbia and proposes applying a "soft path" approach to water sustainability planning for the town of Oliver. It discusses the traditional supply-focused water management approach in the basin and introduces the soft path framework, which shifts the focus to water conservation and efficiency. The document then provides background on water issues in the Okanagan region and town of Oliver to set up analyzing potential soft path scenarios for Oliver's future water use and conservation opportunities. The soft path scenarios illustrate how a commitment to conservation and efficiency could help Oliver achieve its water needs with minimal new infrastructure by 2050.
Okanagan Waterwise: Assessment of Water Management and Global WarmingFiona9864
This document presents the findings of a study that used participatory integrated assessment and system dynamics modeling to explore water management and climate change in the Okanagan Basin of British Columbia. The study involved workshops where stakeholders collaborated to develop a system dynamics model of the basin's water system. The model explored scenarios of population growth, climate change, urban development patterns, and various adaptation strategies. The report details the workshop process, describes the system dynamics model developed, and presents results from different model scenarios examining issues like urban and agricultural water demand under climate change. The overarching goal was to facilitate shared learning among stakeholders about complex water management challenges in the Okanagan Basin.
Okanagan Waterwise: Be efficient watering your lawn or gardenFiona9864
The document discusses ways for residents in the Okanagan region to be more water efficient, as the region has less available water per person than most places in Canada and climate change may further impact supply. It notes that 24% of water usage goes to residential outdoor uses like lawns, and provides tips for watering lawns more efficiently such as only watering in the early morning or evening, watering only when needed, and using native plants that require less water. The article encourages taking time now to thoughtfully consider water usage and find the most effective ways to maximize the benefit from each drop of water.
Okanagan Waterwise: Local Government User GuideFiona9864
This document provides a user guide for local governments in the Okanagan region of British Columbia on the Okanagan Water Supply and Demand Project. The project studied current and projected water supply and demand in the Okanagan valley under various climate change scenarios. It found that water demand is expected to exceed supply by 2025 without adaptation. The guide outlines key findings on climate impacts and implications for local planning. It provides information on tools and data produced by the project to help local governments assess water needs and risks in their area.
This article discusses how landscaping and gardening choices can significantly impact water usage in the Okanagan region of British Columbia. It notes that residential lawns and gardens account for about 24% of water usage in the Okanagan. The article promotes xeriscaping, a style of landscaping that reduces water needs by 30-100% through principles like proper plant selection, mulching, and efficient irrigation. Xeriscaping can save water while providing benefits like lower maintenance costs and protecting water quality. The article provides examples of xeriscaped gardens to visit and resources to learn more.
Okanagan Waterwise: Recommendations for Drought Proofing the OkanaganFiona9864
The document summarizes a drought planning workshop hosted by the Okanagan Basin Water Board. It discusses the need to prepare for potential drought conditions in the Okanagan region given climate change. It provides an overview of the workshop content and participant discussions. It then lists recommendations for drought proofing actions that could be taken by senior governments, local governments and water purveyors, and the Okanagan Basin Water Board. These include developing drought response frameworks, improving water monitoring, funding drought plans and conservation projects, and implementing water conservation initiatives at the local level.
This research report examines issues and best practices related to sustainable water management in Canadian municipalities. Key issues discussed include environmental concerns like water quantity and quality, economic challenges like infrastructure deficits, and regulatory issues such as changing requirements. The report also explores municipal planning approaches, governance and management practices, and operational technologies. Sustainable water management aims to account for ecosystem needs through reduced consumption, no increased supply, and returning treated water to support a healthy environment and potential reuse. Moving fully to sustainability requires higher initial costs but may reduce long-term risks from issues like climate change. Overall the report provides an overview of current challenges and opportunities for Canadian municipalities to improve water management.
Okanagan Waterwise: sockeye returning home need water tooFiona9864
This article discusses the importance of keeping waterways clean to support the return of sockeye salmon to the Okanagan River system. It provides tips for residents to conserve water and avoid contaminating streams and lakes, such as using biodegradable products, taking cars to commercial car washes, and properly disposing of chemicals and medications. Recent projects by the Okanagan Nation Alliance Fisheries Department have helped salmon populations rebound after years of decline due to human impacts on local waters.
Okanagan Waterwise: Trepanier Landscape Water Management PlanFiona9864
This document provides a summary of the final report of the Trepanier Landscape Unit water management plan. The report was commissioned by the Regional District of Central Okanagan and BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management to address growing pressures on water resources in the region from factors like population growth and climate change. Key findings of the report include that water usage in the TLU is very high at 789 litres per person per day, over twice the Canadian average, and actions will need to be taken to reduce water usage or find alternative sources to sustain economic growth while maintaining environmental quality as pressures increase in the coming decades. The report provides recommendations to improve water management in the TLU through actions such as establishing a leadership group and
Okanagan Waterwise: Water Centric Planning in the Okanagan - Building Sustain...Fiona9864
This document discusses building sustainable communities in the face of water management challenges like droughts and pollution from population growth. It examines questions around water supply and demand, and identifies priorities like assessing water resources and stakeholder needs. Key topics covered include water planning, allocation, monitoring, and drought preparedness. The document explores balancing priorities around waterways, agriculture, recreation and development, given realities of periodic shortages and high domestic water usage. It advocates local groundwater regulation and provides resources for water planning.
This document lists and describes many plant species that were commonly grown and used in west Texas by both Anglo and Hispanic settlers for food, medicine, and ornamental purposes. It includes annuals, bulbs, herbs, perennials, vines, shrubs, trees, desert plants, houseplants, and some miscellaneous plants. Many of the herbs listed were used for medicinal purposes to treat conditions like fever, asthma, stomach issues, and more. Fruits and vegetables are also noted, along with their uses for things like salsa, tea, and soap making. Ornamental plants include flowers, vines, shrubs, and trees.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Reordering Rules in Odoo 17 Inventory - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In Odoo 17, the Inventory module allows us to set up reordering rules to ensure that our stock levels are maintained, preventing stockouts. Let's explore how this feature works.