Janice was struggling with her weight and health, experiencing high blood pressure, chest pains, and sadness. She cried often and felt useless. She tried many diets and exercise plans without success. After finding hypnotherapy, her first session provided an amazing and miraculous experience. She no longer cries or takes criticism personally, and sees the beauty in life instead of being overwhelmed. She is losing weight slowly but healthily and enjoying life for the first time in years.
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Janice S Testimonial
1. Janice Stevens10/01/2017 whata New Yearthiswill be!!!!
My weight, and my life,was spirallingoutof control.
My heartwas beatingtoo fastandtoo hard,I feltdizzy,I feltsick,I suffered from regularchestpainsand wasscarred.my
blood pressuremedication wasbeingincreased (again) becauseitwasineffectivein controllingthespikes and theweight
I cried a lotand often and feltuselessandstupid andwanted to hideaway fromtheworld becauseI couldnotseeany
light,I could notlaugh,I could notescapethemiseryof my failures.
To help melosesomeweight,my husbandoffered to send meoff to haveradical surgery.My weighthasbeen a yoyo
situationall of theyears wehavebeen together.Sometimes over the years a non-issue- butmostly sincethekids,I have
been unhappy with my appearance. I havedieted,and tortured myself with self-loathingwith a sideof salador starvation and
heavy exerciseand havehad no successin losinganythingin thepastfewyears.
I did notwantto go under theknife butI was outof control.Themoreweightkept stackingon,theworsemy health
gotthe worsethechestpainsand shortnessof breath,theless often I would exercisethesadder I felt,theworseI felt
aboutmetheworstI felt,the more others started takingshotsand takingadvantagethen themoreI would eatto feel
better. I could notquitmy job,I wouldnotbeableto makeitto an interview for a newjob or talk positively aboutmy skillsor
my pastroles.I couldnotkeep my job,I feltattacked and cried on theway to work every day.At nightI would gethomeand
hidefromeven my family I justcouldntcopeand I could notfinda way outof my sadness.
I searched theinternetlookingto help medeal with whatwasinmy head.I knewI had to deal with thatfirst butI did not
knowhow.I knewif I could makemefeel better aboutme the weightmay be easier to control.Or atleastI would feel
strongenough to look for a solution or makeitthrough a surgeryif thatiswhatI needed.
I found Hypno - Gastric Lap Band surgery and Joslyn.
I was a littlesceptical,and atthesametimehopeful so I madean appointment.
I trusted Joslynimmediately and lether into my head andinto my world. I amextremely private,so thatwasa bigcallfor
me to make.
I havehad an amazingand miraculousexperience.My family and my friendscannotbelievethesudden and immensely
positiveturn aroundin meafter justthefirstsessionandthefactthattheold mehas returned!(apparently I had been MIA
for a number of years now)
I do not cry anymore,I do nottakenonsensefrombullies,I do nottakeany viciouscommentspersonallyand I seetheworld
as itis for all of its beauty and timeandopportunity instead of beingoverwhelmed by it and responsiblefor everythingI
can see.
I havegoneaway on a break with my husband (alone,no kids,I did notknowI was allowed to do that),spentfun and silly
timewith the kids (includingwater bombsinthebackyard atXmas),laughed with friendsandshared a fewdrinks (and
cheese) and been foolishand fun and irreverent.I havestoodup for myself atwork,pushed back and hadtough
conversationsand letother peopletakea path and makedecisionsthemselves (andown their own repercussions).
I havea lifeand I havea job and I haveso muchto beenjoyed and celebrated.
I amlosingweightslowly(probably dueto a Thyroid issuethatwill mostlikely improveastherest of me recovers fromthe
overabundanceof twisties,chocolates,potato chipsand deep fried anything I havedished outto myself),butI amlosing
weightfor the firsttimein years. Withoutpain,withoutpunishmentand withlove,respectandcarefor me.I will get
healthierwith every day,andwith every meal I enjoy.I do notcraveany rubbish foods(thosewho haveseen mesay no
thanksto thechocolatecakeandparty food over Xmashavebeen in shock).I do notovereatto reach foodcomalevels
anymore,a littlebitisenough.I amjustnotinterested in thefood I used to gorgemyself on.I do lovenicefood though!Steak
and mushrooms hasnever tasted thisgood!
I amlovinglife,I haveenergy,I lovean afternoon walk(butI donthatemyself ifits rainingandI missit).I feel 10 years
younger in 4 visits and I havealready recommended Joslynto my friends