Introduction to Basic Haskell Components (In Chinese)ChengHui Weng
In 2012, we had the first Chinese functional meetup about general functional programming techniques in Taipei. I gave this talk to introduce several classes in the famous Typeclassesopedia article.
here are some slides for introduction to C++. this slide is merely for basic understanding for C++. this powerpoint is written in Traditional Chinese(TW) and is owned by a group named "Awakening Lion" which I participate in.
S H U N S U I C I D E L I V E H A P P I L Y Drghanyog
Every now and then, people experience sub-clinical or potential suicide through negative thoughts about failure, degradation, or destruction that make them feel self-pity, shame, guilt, and suffering. This is caused by judging oneself based on the parameters imposed by others or one's own imagination. To overcome this, one should not worry about the past, future, or others, but instead be true to oneself. Namasmaran, or remembrance of the divine, enables one to experience vitality in nature and relieve suffering from individualistic paradigms. It allows one to try living happily.
This document provides an agenda and summary of achievements for visual merchandising. It outlines the launch of basic VM guidelines for spring/summer promotions of LEAPAD and VTECH products. It also details the standardization of new strips and guidelines for ribbed copolyster displays and gondola placement. The document highlights in-store workshops conducted in Jeddah and UAE where the VM team visited stores, provided hands-on training, and saw improvements to displays before and after their work.
Introduction to Basic Haskell Components (In Chinese)ChengHui Weng
In 2012, we had the first Chinese functional meetup about general functional programming techniques in Taipei. I gave this talk to introduce several classes in the famous Typeclassesopedia article.
here are some slides for introduction to C++. this slide is merely for basic understanding for C++. this powerpoint is written in Traditional Chinese(TW) and is owned by a group named "Awakening Lion" which I participate in.
S H U N S U I C I D E L I V E H A P P I L Y Drghanyog
Every now and then, people experience sub-clinical or potential suicide through negative thoughts about failure, degradation, or destruction that make them feel self-pity, shame, guilt, and suffering. This is caused by judging oneself based on the parameters imposed by others or one's own imagination. To overcome this, one should not worry about the past, future, or others, but instead be true to oneself. Namasmaran, or remembrance of the divine, enables one to experience vitality in nature and relieve suffering from individualistic paradigms. It allows one to try living happily.
This document provides an agenda and summary of achievements for visual merchandising. It outlines the launch of basic VM guidelines for spring/summer promotions of LEAPAD and VTECH products. It also details the standardization of new strips and guidelines for ribbed copolyster displays and gondola placement. The document highlights in-store workshops conducted in Jeddah and UAE where the VM team visited stores, provided hands-on training, and saw improvements to displays before and after their work.
Translation projects involve many complex factors that make translation a non-commodity, unlike simple goods. Some key factors include the source and target languages, subject matter, intended audience, purpose, and regional variations. To obtain a high-quality translation, buyers and translators must agree upon a clear set of specifications addressing these various factors upfront. Without clear specifications, there is risk of misunderstandings that can damage projects, costs, and reputations. Examples are given of real-world issues that resulted when specifications were lacking or misunderstood.
El documento habla sobre mejorar la comunicación y evitar actitudes que complican las relaciones. Recomienda no reaccionar intempestivamente, usar expresiones ofensivas o gritar, sino comunicarse con amor, escucharse mutuamente y resolver problemas sin dejarlos a?ejar. También sugiere no asumir cosas sino preguntar para entenderse mejor.
The document lists various cities around the world, with some cities listed multiple times. The majority of cities listed are major international destinations, with several in countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Brazil. It also includes the website and an email address.
This document discusses superhealing through music and consciousness. It states that superhealing involves the mass consciousness merging with the core consciousness of the universe and one's inner experiences. This manifests primarily through Namasmaran. In addition, holistic growth in all sciences and arts, including music, also characterizes superhealing. Music can profoundly influence both the apparent and inner universes, and if understood properly, can be used beneficially. Certain ragas are suggested to heal specific conditions by influencing the five principles of the universe: fire, earth, water, wind and space. However, this is hypothesized and has not been verified through experiments.
This document discusses using the MXML compiler (mxmlc) to compile Flex projects from the command line rather than within Flex Builder. It provides an example command to compile a FlexMXML file located in the user's Documents folder. Additional command line arguments are also demonstrated, such as specifying the output SWF file location and adding library paths. The document recommends adding the Flex SDK bin directory to the system PATH environment variable so mxmlc can be called directly from the command line without specifying the full SDK path.
1. 1. 是否题
1. 所谓缺省构造函数就是不带参数的构造函数
2. java 的 char 类型是八位的
3. 一个 java 类可有多个父类,称为多继承
4. 对象成员变量在对象创建时会获得一个缺省的初始值
5. java 数组可随时改变大小
6. InputStream 和 OutputStream 读写的数据是八位的
7. java 是强类型的
8. java 没有指针,引用不能等同于指针
9. protected 的成员只能被类继承成员存取
10. 任何 Applet 都不可以访问本地资源
2. 选择题
1. 下面对于 java 引用说法正确的有
a. 引用实际上就是指针
b. 引用本身是 primitive
c. 引用就是对象本身
d. 一个对象只能被一个引用所指引
2. 在一个线程中使用 sleep(1000)方法,将使该线程在多少时间后或得 CPU 控制,(假设睡眠
a. 正好 1000 豪秒
b. 1000 毫秒不到
c. >=1000ms
d. 不一定,可能>1000ms 可能<1000ms
3. 对于 import java.util.Vector 以下说法是错误的
a. Vector 属于 java.util 包
b. Vector 放在../java/util 目录下
c. Vector 放在 java.util 文件类
d. Vector 是 sun 公司的产物
4. 以下对于垃圾收集的说法是正确的
a. 一旦一个对象成为垃圾,立即被回收掉
b. 对象空间被收集掉之后,会调用该对象的 finalize()方法
c. Finalize()和 C++的析够函数是一回事
d. 一个对象成为垃圾是因为不再有引用指向它,但是线程并非如此
5. 对于异常说法正确的是
a 一旦程序出现异常,程序就终止了
c.在 catch 子句中匹配异常是一中精确匹配
2. 3. 小问题
A .final
B.一个类可继承几个超类?一个类可实现几个接口?一个接口可继承几个接口 ?一个接口可继
四假设已编写好了 Class1
package testpackage;
public class Class1
Import testpackage;
MainPro c:testdir
当前工作目录是 testdir.
Class1 应放在哪个目录
6. 指出下列程序错误
Class Value
Int i=1 ;
Public class FinalData
Final int i1=9 ;
Static int i2 =99;
Public static final int i3=49;
Final int i4=(int)(Math.Random()*20);
Static final int i5=(int)(Math.random()*20);
Value v1 = new Value();
Final Value v2 = new Value();
Static final Value v3= new Value();
Final Value v4;
Final int []a ={2,4,5};
3. Public static void main(String args[])
FinalData fd1 = new FinalData();
Fd1.value=new Value();
For(int i=0;i<fd1.a.length;i++)
Fd1.v2=new Value();
Fd1.v3=new Value();
Class Letter
Char c;
Public class PassObject
Static void f(Letter y)
y.c = ‘z’;
Public static void main(String args[])
Letter x= new Letter();
4. Class Annoyance extends Exception {}
Class Snzze extends Annoyance{}
Public class Human
Public static void main(String args[])
Throw new Snzze();
}catch(Snzze s)
}catch(Annoyance a)
七.java 与 C++的不同