Ti li畛u t狸m hi畛u jQuery dnh cho ng動畛i m畛i b畉t 畉uLel 畉ng Vn
Ti li畛u ny h動畛ng d畉n nh畛ng b畉n m畛i b畉t 畉u h畛c lm vi畛c v畛i jQuery trong vi畛c vi畉t Client Script khi thi畉t k畉 website. Nh畛ng m担 t畉 v h動畛ng d畉n trong ti li畛u ny l h畉t s畛c cn b畉n v ch動a c坦 h動畛ng d畉n n但ng cao no.
Ti li畛u t狸m hi畛u jQuery dnh cho ng動畛i m畛i b畉t 畉uLel 畉ng Vn
Ti li畛u ny h動畛ng d畉n nh畛ng b畉n m畛i b畉t 畉u h畛c lm vi畛c v畛i jQuery trong vi畛c vi畉t Client Script khi thi畉t k畉 website. Nh畛ng m担 t畉 v h動畛ng d畉n trong ti li畛u ny l h畉t s畛c cn b畉n v ch動a c坦 h動畛ng d畉n n但ng cao no.
The document provides 10 multiple choice questions to test understanding of word meanings. For each question, the correct answer choice is provided that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word in the given sentence. The questions cover a range of vocabulary including words that describe power declining, secret movement, widespread practices, remote locations, simple figures, reading between the lines, tiny amounts, things that are everywhere, rude behavior, and expressing something roughly.
This website provides resources for TOEIC, TOEFL, and other English exams including textbooks, homework, movies, and forums. It offers free demo classes, various class types that can be paid for via PayPal, and information on downloading Skype. Contact options include live chat, scheduling a call back, and general inquiries via phone, email, and Skype. The community section allows access to teacher and student boards, diaries, photos, and movies without the need to register.
This document provides instructions for a level assessment for an English language learning program. It requests contact information from students such as their full name, preferred name, gender, contact numbers, email, and Skype ID. Students are then asked to select their preferred days and times for a level assessment call. By submitting the form, students agree to receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.
The lesson plan provides a framework for teaching a lesson on job interviews, introducing oneself, and answering questions, including warm-up, presentation, controlled practice, free practice, and feedback activities. It includes two sample dialogues between interviewers and candidates as well as vocabulary words and phrases. The plan is designed to give students structure while practicing speaking through different activity types.
This document summarizes two English language learning materials - Let's Go 1 and Side by Side 3rd Edition. Let's Go 1 is for children ages 4-10 and focuses on speaking, vocabulary, question and answer exercises, reading skills, and songs. Side by Side 3rd Edition is an improved version of the popular American English series that integrates conversation, reading, writing and listening through a fun and easy format embraced by students worldwide. The Passages Student's Book features engaging topics, personalization, systematic grammar/vocabulary, beautiful design, units for 60-90 hours of instruction, and grammar exercises.
This document provides tips for shopping safely online. It recommends using secure servers and paying with credit cards that have purchase protection. It also advises researching merchants by reading reviews and privacy policies. Key steps include printing order confirmations, keeping passwords private, and only shopping at reputable sites with positive reviews and return policies clearly stated. Taking these precautions can help ensure safe and secure online shopping experiences.
6. Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 Javascript
o Khi tr狸nh duy畛t (Client browser) truy c畉p
trang web c坦 ch畛a c叩c o畉n m達 x畛 l箪 t畉i
server-side. Server ( run-time engine) se
th動味c hi棚味n cac l棚味nh Server-side Scipts va tra
v畛 n畛i dung HTML cho tr狸nh duy畛t
N畛i dung html tr畉 v畛 ch畛 y畉u bao g畛m: m達
html, client-script.
7. N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 Javascript
Nh炭ng Javascript vo trang web
Ki畛u d畛 li畛u & C叩c c炭 ph叩p Javascript
X畛 l箪 s畛 ki畛n
DOM HTML v畛i Javascript
V鱈 d畛
8. Nh炭ng Javascript vo trang web
畛nh ngh挑a script tr畛c ti畉p trong trang html:
<script type=text/javascript>
// L畛nh Javascript
Nh炭ng s畛 d畛ng script ci 畉t t畛 1 file .js kh叩c:
<script src=/slideshow/javascript-and-domhtml/18653082/xxx.js></script>
9. Nh炭ng Javascript vo trang web
<script type="text/javascript">
some javascript statements
some statements
<script type="text/javascript">
some statements
<script src=/slideshow/javascript-and-domhtml/18653082/T棚n_file_script.js">method()</script>
<script type=text/javascript>
// g畛i th畛c hi畛n c叩c ph動董ng th畛c 動畛c 畛nh ngh挑a
// trong T棚n_file_script.js
10. Nh炭ng Javascript vo trang web
畉t gi畛a tag <head> v </head>: script s畉 th畛c
thi ngay khi trang web 動畛c m畛.
畉t gi畛a tag <body> v </body>: script trong
ph畉n body 動畛c th畛c thi khi trang web ang m畛
(sau khi th畛c thi c叩c o畉n script c坦 trong ph畉n
S畛 l動畛ng o畉n client-script ch竪n vo trang
kh担ng h畉n ch畉.
11. VD: Nh炭ng Javascript vo trang web
document.write(Hello world!);
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write(Hello world!);
12. N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 Javascript
Nh炭ng Javascript vo trang web
Ki畛u d畛 li畛u & C叩c c炭 ph叩p Javascript
X畛 l箪 s畛 ki畛n
DOM HTML v畛i Javascript
V鱈 d畛
19. C但u l畛nh if
if (condition)
statement[s] if true
statement[s] if false
V鱈 d畛:
var x = 5, y = 6, z;
- if (x == 5) { if (y == 6) z = 17; } else z = 20;
20. C但u l畛nh switch
V鱈 d畛 :
switch (expression) var diem = G;
{ switch (diem) {
case Y:
case label : document.write(Y畉u");
油油油油油油statementlist case TB:
case label : document.write(Trung b狸nh");
statementlist case K:
油 油油... document.write(Kh叩");
油default : case G :
油油油油油油statement list break;
} default:
document.write(Xu畉t s畉c")
21. V嘆ng l畉p for
for ([initial expression]; [condition];
[update expression]) {
statement[s] inside loop
V鱈 d畛:
var myarray = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
myarray[i] = i;
22. V嘆ng l畉p while
while (expression)
V鱈 d畛:
var i = 9, total = 0;
while (i < 10)
total += i * 3 + 5;
i = i +5;
23. V嘆ng l畉p do.. while
}while (expression);
V鱈 d畛:
var i = 9, total = 0;
total += i * 3 + 5;
i = i +5;
} while (i > 10);
24. N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 Javascript
Nh炭ng Javascript vo trang web
Ki畛u d畛 li畛u & C叩c c炭 ph叩p Javascript
X畛 l箪 s畛 ki畛n
DOM HTML v畛i Javascript
V鱈 d畛
26. X畛 l箪 s畛 ki畛n cho c叩c th畉 HTML
C炭 ph叩p 1:
<TAG eventHandler = "JavaScript Code">
V鱈 d畛:
<INPUT TYPE="button NAME="Button1
L動u 箪: D畉u v
27. X畛 l箪 s畛 ki畛n b畉ng function
<script language=Javascript>
function GreetingMessage()
window.alert(Welcome to my
<body onload=GreetingMessage()>
28. X畛 l箪 s畛 ki畛n b畉ng thu畛c t鱈nh
Gan t棚n ham x動 ly cho 1 object event
object.eventhandler = function_name;
V鱈 d畛:
<script language=Javascript>
function GreetingMessage()
window.alert(Welcome to my world);
window.onload = GreetingMessage ()
29. V鱈 d畛: onclick Event
function compute(frm)
var x = frm.expr.value;
result.innerHTML = x*x;
<FORM name=frm>
X = <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="expr" SIZE=15>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=Calculate
X * X = <SPAN ID="result"></SPAN>
30. V鱈 d畛: onFocus - onBlur
X畉y ra khi m畛t thnh ph畉n HTML b畛 focus
(onFocus) v m畉t focus (onBlur)
V鱈 d畛:
<BODY BGCOLOR="lavender">
<INPUT type=text name=myTextbox
31. N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 Javascript
Nh炭ng Javascript vo trang web
Ki畛u d畛 li畛u & C叩c c炭 ph叩p Javascript
S畛 d畛ng c叩c 畛i t動畛ng trong Javascript
X畛 l箪 s畛 ki畛n
DOM HTML v畛i Javascript
V鱈 d畛
32. 畛i t動畛ng HTML DOM
DOM = Document Object Model
L t畉p h畛p c叩c 畛i t動畛ng HTML chu畉n 動畛c
d湛ng 畛 truy xu畉t v thay 畛i thnh ph畉n
HTML trong trang web ( thay 畛i n畛i dung ti
li畛u c畛a trang )
M畛t s畛 畛i t動畛ng c畛a DOM: window,
document, history, link, form, frame, location,
33. 畛i t動畛ng Window - DOM
L th畛 hi畛n c畛a 畛i t動畛ng c畛a s畛 tr狸nh duy畛t
T担n ta味i khi m董 1 tai li棚味u HTML
S動 du味ng 棚 truy c但味p th担ng tin c畛a c叩c 畛i
t動畛ng tr棚n c畛a s畛 tr狸nh duy畛t ( t棚n tr狸nh duy畛t,
phi棚n b畉n tr狸nh duy畛t, thanh ti棚u 畛, thanh
tr畉ng th叩i )
34. 畛i t動畛ng Window - DOM
Properties Methods
document alert
event confirm
navigator close
screen focus
status open
35. 畛i t動畛ng Window - DOM
V鱈 d畛:
<script type="text/javascript">
var curURL = window.location;
36. 畛i t動畛ng Document - DOM
Bi棚u di棚n cho n畛i dung trang HTML ang 動畛c
hi畛n th畛 tr棚n tr狸nh duy畛t
Dung 棚 l但y th担ng tin v棚 tai li棚味u, cac thanh
ph但n HTML va x動 ly s動味 ki棚味n
37. 畛i t動畛ng Document - DOM
Properties Methods
aLinkColor documentElement close
bgColor cookie open
body createTextNode( text ")
fgColor createElement(HTMLtag")
linkColor getElementById(id)
38. 畛i t動畛ng Document - DOM
Bi畛u di畛n n畛i dung c畛a ti li畛u theo c畉u tr炭c c但y
<title>DOM Test</title>
<h1>DOM Test Heading</h1>
<hr />
<!-- Just a comment -->
<p id=p1 >A paragraph of <em>text</em>
is just an example</p>
<a href=http://www.yahoo.com > Yahoo!
41. 畛i t動畛ng Document - DOM
getElementById ( id1 )
Tr畉 v畛 node c坦 gi叩 tr畛 thu畛c t鱈nh id = id1
V鱈 d畛:
//<p id="id1" >
// some text Text Node
var node = document.getElementById(id1);
var nodeName = node.nodeName; // p
var nodeType = node.nodeType; // 1
var nodeValue = node.nodeValue; // null
var text = node.innerText ; // some text
42. 畛i t動畛ng Document - DOM
createElement ( nodeName )
Cho ph辿p t畉o ra 1 node HTML m畛i t湛y theo
畛i s畛 nodeName 畉u vo
V鱈 d畛:
var imgNode = document.createElement(img);
imgNode.src = /slideshow/javascript-and-domhtml/18653082/images/test.gif;
// <img src=images/test.gif />
43. 畛i t動畛ng Document - DOM
createTextNode ( content )
V鱈 d畛:
var textNode = document.createTextNode(New
var pNode = document.createElement(p);
// <p>New text</p>
44. 畛i t動畛ng Document - DOM
appendChild ( newNode )
Ch竪n node m畛i newNode vo cu畛i danh
s叩ch c叩c node con c畛a m畛t node.
V鱈 d畛:
//<p id="id1" >
// some text
var pNode = document.getElementById(id1);
var imgNode = document.createElement(img);
imgNode.src = /slideshow/javascript-and-domhtml/18653082/images/test.gif;
//<p id="id1" >
// some text<img src=images/test.gif />
45. 畛i t動畛ng Document - DOM
Ch畛 畛nh n畛i dung HTML b棚n trong m畛t node.
V鱈 d畛:
//<p id=para1" >
// some text
var theElement = document.getElementById("para1");
theElement.innerHTML = Some <b> new </b> text;
// K畉t qu畉 :
// <p id=para1 >
// Some <b> new <b/> text
// </p>
46. 畛i t動畛ng Document - DOM
T動董ng t畛 innerHTML, tuy nhi棚n b畉t k畛 n畛i
dung no 動a vo c滴ng 動畛c xem nh動 l text
h董n l c叩c th畉 HTML.
V鱈 d畛:
var theElement = document.getElementById("para1");
theElement.innerText = Some <b> new </b> text;
// K畉t qu畉 hi畛n th畛 tr棚n tr狸nh duy畛t
// b棚n trong th畉 p: Some <b> new </b> text
47. N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 Javascript
Ki畛u d畛 li畛u & C叩c c炭 ph叩p Javascript
Nh炭ng Javascript vo trang web
S畛 d畛ng c叩c 畛i t動畛ng trong Javascript
X畛 l箪 s畛 ki畛n
DOM HTML v畛i Javascript
V鱈 d畛
48. V鱈 d畛: Dynamic Table
Vi畉t trang web cho ph辿p t畉o table c坦 s畛 d嘆ng,
s畛 c畛t do ng動畛i d湛ng nh畉p vo.