Jehangir Khan Kakar has over 15 years of experience in accounting and auditing. He holds an FCCA (Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant) and M.Com degrees. He has worked as an Audit and Assurance Supervisor for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and Rahman Iqbal Umar Iftikhar & Co. Currently, he is a Financial Reporting Specialist for the Controller General of Accounts Pakistan. He has experience auditing and providing financial reporting services for various public sector, financial, and manufacturing clients.
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Jehangir ACCA - Resume - New
1. Jehangir Khan Kakar FCCA, M.COM
Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA) UK
Master of Commerce Pakistan (Equivalence from HEC on ACCA basis)
Bachelor of Arts Sociology & Economics
ICAP Module F Finalist (2 papers remaining)
Financial Reporting Specialist
Controller General of Accounts
June 2009 to Date
Audit and Assurance Supervisor
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
May 2005 to May 2009
Audit and Assurance Supervisor -
Rahman Iqbal Umar Iftikhar & Co.
Chartered Accountants
June 2004 to April 2005
Professional Resume
Date of Birth:
Mobile #
October 21, 1979
Personal Information
Job Experience
2. Jehangir Khan Kakar ACCA Professional Resume
Public Sector
In the public sector I have had experience of auditing financial statements
and provision of services on Financial Reporting, Research Based Reports
including Impact Analysis of the various public sector entities including
government and non-government organisations. The various clients I served
Controller General of Accounts Pakistan
Finance Department Government of Balochistan, Pakistan
World Bank
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Employees Old Age Benefit Institute (EOBI)
Taraqee Foundation
Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP)
Balochistan Education Foundation
Financial Sector
In the financial sector my experience includes provision of audit and other
business advisory services like due diligence reviews including reporting
on Minimum Capital Requirements and Forced Sale Value reviews. The
various clients I served are;
National Bank of Pakistan
Allied Bank Limited
ABL Asset Management Company Limited
Foundation Securities
PICIC Commercial Bank (NIB Bank)
Manufacturing and Other:
My services to the sector included provision of External and Internal Audit
Services to the various assurance clients like;
Orascom Telecom (Mobilink)
Wazir Ali Industries
Siddique Sons Tin Plate
Zulfiqar Industries
Diamond Textile Mills
Tata Textile Mills
Salfi Textile Mills
Work Experience
3. Jehangir Khan Kakar ACCA Professional Resume
Visiting Faculty and Presenter
National Institute of Management (NIM)
Pakistan Audit and Accounts Academy (PAAA)
Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and
Management Sciences (BUITEMS)
Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University (SBKWU)
Auditing System 2 (AS/2) of Deloitte
SAP Financials (Enterprise Resource Programme) Controller General of
Accounts Pakistan
Microsoft Office
Computer Proficiency