Lesson 15 - first journey to syria, monk buhaira and the pact of virtousEbrahim Ismail
The document describes a journey taken by the Prophet Muhammad when he was young to Syria, where he met a Christian monk named Buhaira. Buhaira noticed unusual signs about Muhammad and discerned that he would be an important prophet. He warned Abu Talib to protect Muhammad from the pagans and Jews. The document also discusses the social situation in Mecca at the time, including interclan wars, and a treaty signed by Muhammad and Abu Bakr to help the oppressed. It concludes by noting Muhammad's concern for justice and the oppressed from a young age.
Lesson 16 critically analyse the buhyara incident, battle of fujjar & the r...Ebrahim Ismail
This document discusses the authenticity of the Buhyara incident mentioned in Hadith collections. It provides perspectives from several Hadith scholars who consider the narrators of the incident to be reliable and conclude the incident is authentic based on similar narrations. The document also discusses the Battle of Fujjar and the Prophet's non-combative role providing arrows. Additionally, it examines the pact of Abdullah Ibn Judan and his generosity, and the Prophet's honesty and virtues as a trader prior to receiving revelation.
Lesson 17 second trip to syria and first encounter with sayyida khadijaEbrahim Ismail
This document summarizes a lesson about the Prophet Muhammad's second trip to Syria and his first encounter with Khadija. It notes that the Prophet established a reputation for honesty in his work as a merchant. Khadija, a successful businesswoman, hired the Prophet for a trade partnership, offering him double the typical profit share. The Prophet traveled to Syria with Khadija's slave Maysarah. During this trip, a monk predicted the Prophet would be the final messenger, and angels shaded the Prophet from heat. The document provides context and analysis of this encounter between the Prophet and Khadija.
Este documento ofrece consejos para realizar presentaciones efectivas, incluyendo definir el propósito y público, investigar el tema, identificar puntos clave, estructurar la presentación, usar diapositivas con texto breve y elementos gráficos, y revisar la presentación completa. Recomienda limitar el texto en las diapositivas siguiendo la regla de 7x7 y usar una paleta de colores consistente para ayudar a los espectadores a seguir la presentación.
This document provides an overview of U.S. foreign policy, including how the president and Congress make foreign policy decisions, examples of specific foreign policy programs and organizations, and how foreign policy can affect American citizens. It discusses the Marshall Plan's post-World War II economic aid to Europe, the role of NATO in maintaining security and political alliances, the United Nations' work on peace and humanitarian issues, and how organizations like the World Hunger Organization address global challenges.
The Ka'bah in Mecca has been reconstructed 12 times throughout history. The first five reconstructions are analyzed. Originally built by Adam at Allah's command, it was later rebuilt by Ibrahim and Ismail after the flood of Nuh. The Quraysh and the Prophet reconstructed it before his prophethood due to weak foundations from floods. Subsequent reconstructions were done by Abdullah ibn Zubair and Hajjaj ibn Yusuf to bring the Ka'bah to the form that exists today.
This document defines and describes various electrical terms. It provides concise definitions for terms like actuator, ammeter, antenna, boots electrician, breakers, brightness detector, buzzer, cautin, compressor, crimping, connecting terminal, chisel, and caliber in 1-2 sentences each. The document serves as a technical dictionary, defining over 50 electrical terms concisely.
Empirical Experiment on Navigation with Social TagsStefan Schweiger
An empirical experiment that investigates whether people search for information that is in line with their prior knowledge on the one hand and social information in the tag cloud on the other hand. The task was to find information on the treatment of depression. Results showed that people are biased towards psychotherapy compared to pharmacotherapy in information search. However, prior information before the search task and social information by means of tag clouds were sufficient to diminish the bias.
O documento apresenta uma introdução sobre a necessidade humana de encontrar respostas para questões existenciais sobre identidade, origem do mundo e vida após a morte. Discute como as religiões surgiram para responder a essas perguntas e como algumas pessoas buscam respostas não-religiosas. Pede reflexão sobre como cada um desenvolve sua própria perspectiva de vida de forma consciente.
Susana Martinez, LICSW - The Promotor Pathway: An Innovative Client Managemen...youth_nex
The LAYC's Promotor Pathway program aims to reconnect disengaged youth to services through long-term relationships with caring adults called Promotores. Promotores provide youth with individualized case management and support across educational, employment, housing, and health domains for 4-6 years. An evaluation found the program significantly improved school engagement, parenting rates, and access to safe housing for youth compared to other LAYC services.
This document discusses circumcision from an Islamic perspective. It provides definitions of circumcision in Arabic and outlines the history of circumcision as practiced by Abrahamic faiths. It discusses hadith mentioning the Prophet Muhammad being born circumcised. Scholarly opinions on the ruling and appropriate age for male circumcision are presented. While most consider it recommended or obligatory for boys, opinions vary on whether it is recommended or not for girls. The document emphasizes that a child's health and psychological readiness should be considered when deciding on appropriate timing.
The Ka'bah in Mecca has been reconstructed 12 times throughout history. The first five reconstructions are analyzed. Originally built by Adam at Allah's command, it was later rebuilt by Ibrahim and Ismail after the flood of Nuh. The Quraysh and the Prophet reconstructed it before his prophethood due to weak foundations from floods. Subsequent reconstructions were done by Abdullah ibn Zubair and Hajjaj ibn Yusuf to bring the Ka'bah to the form that exists today.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had six children with his first wife Khadija: Qasim, who died at age two, Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Khulthum, Fatima, and Abdullah, who also died as a child. He had one child, Ibrahim, with his second wife Maria. The document provides details on each of the Prophet's children, such as who they married and had children with. It also notes that the Prophet was affectionate towards his grandchildren.
Gloria Rockhold MA, M.Ed. - "Relationship-Building" The Corner Stone"youth_nex
Community Engagement Manager, Albemarle County Public Schools, Creciendo Juntos
Part of the Youth-Nex Conference: Youth of Color Matter: Reducing Inequalities Through Positive Youth Development #YoCM15
Panel - 2 "An Immigrant Paradox? Civic Engagement Among Immigrant & Undocumented Youth"

Undocumented and immigrant youth, particularly those from Hispanic/Latino backgrounds, face persistent marginalization in the United States, yet many of these same youth are actively engaged in their communities. Panelists will share their views on what engagement looks like, the challenges involved, and what we can do to support the civic engagement of undocumented and immigrant youth.
The document discusses various library management software solutions provided by Algorhythms Consultants Pvt. Ltd. including SLIM21 for integrated library management, dCOLL21 for digital library management, EXIM21 for import/export of records, CopyCat21 for copy cataloguing, and FedS21 for federated searching across local and external resources. Algorhythms has over 25 years of experience in library automation and their solutions help libraries better manage both physical and electronic materials and connections.
Enjoy our 4th Annual Holiday Outside-Infographic!
As the end of each year comes to a close, many take the opportunity to reflect back on the year. We do just that and our Outside-In® family of companies would like to share a visual of our year in numbers with this 4th Annual Holiday Infographic.
Recruitment, Staffing, and Outplacement solution providers CBI Group, Placers, and Barton Career Advisors wish you a Happy Holidays! #OutsideIn
This document discusses toxic molds, which are types of fungus that can cause health issues for humans. It identifies the five main categories of toxic mold - Stachybotrys, Cladosporium, Penicilium, Fusarium, and Aspergillus. Stachybotrys is described as the most harmful, and can cause respiratory issues, fatigue, and even central nervous system damage or death. The document outlines some of the diseases each category of mold can cause, from minor issues like hay fever to more serious problems affecting the liver, lungs, and brain. It provides examples of both acute and chronic health effects and recommends precautions like moisture control and ventilation to prevent mold growth.
The New European PV Legislation: Issues and ChallengesSara Dunlap
A presentation by Dr. John Clark, President and Chief Medical Officer at PCSglobal, on European pharmacovigilance issues presented at the 2013 Regulatory Affairs Professional Society Annual Meeting. Major issues and challenges posed by EU (European Union) Regulations are covered in this presentation.
Lesson 14 - Life, Role and Death of Abu TalibEbrahim Ismail
What did the Prophet do during his teenage/youth years?
Abu Talibs role in Islam.
Did he die a Muslim, Differences, evidence and proof to support opinion.
This document discusses connected media experiences that link video objects to related web content by annotating videos with concepts from linked open data. It describes a system that allows users to annotate videos and retrieve additional information about the concepts in the videos. This enhanced video experience is delivered through an end-to-end service platform hosting added value services over different networks. The system includes an annotation tool, interactive video player, triple store, and linked services infrastructure that searches APIs to enrich annotations.
O documento apresenta uma introdução sobre a necessidade humana de encontrar respostas para questões existenciais sobre identidade, origem do mundo e vida após a morte. Discute como as religiões surgiram para responder a essas perguntas e como algumas pessoas buscam respostas não-religiosas. Pede reflexão sobre como cada um desenvolve sua própria perspectiva de vida de forma consciente.
Susana Martinez, LICSW - The Promotor Pathway: An Innovative Client Managemen...youth_nex
The LAYC's Promotor Pathway program aims to reconnect disengaged youth to services through long-term relationships with caring adults called Promotores. Promotores provide youth with individualized case management and support across educational, employment, housing, and health domains for 4-6 years. An evaluation found the program significantly improved school engagement, parenting rates, and access to safe housing for youth compared to other LAYC services.
This document discusses circumcision from an Islamic perspective. It provides definitions of circumcision in Arabic and outlines the history of circumcision as practiced by Abrahamic faiths. It discusses hadith mentioning the Prophet Muhammad being born circumcised. Scholarly opinions on the ruling and appropriate age for male circumcision are presented. While most consider it recommended or obligatory for boys, opinions vary on whether it is recommended or not for girls. The document emphasizes that a child's health and psychological readiness should be considered when deciding on appropriate timing.
The Ka'bah in Mecca has been reconstructed 12 times throughout history. The first five reconstructions are analyzed. Originally built by Adam at Allah's command, it was later rebuilt by Ibrahim and Ismail after the flood of Nuh. The Quraysh and the Prophet reconstructed it before his prophethood due to weak foundations from floods. Subsequent reconstructions were done by Abdullah ibn Zubair and Hajjaj ibn Yusuf to bring the Ka'bah to the form that exists today.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had six children with his first wife Khadija: Qasim, who died at age two, Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Khulthum, Fatima, and Abdullah, who also died as a child. He had one child, Ibrahim, with his second wife Maria. The document provides details on each of the Prophet's children, such as who they married and had children with. It also notes that the Prophet was affectionate towards his grandchildren.
Gloria Rockhold MA, M.Ed. - "Relationship-Building" The Corner Stone"youth_nex
Community Engagement Manager, Albemarle County Public Schools, Creciendo Juntos
Part of the Youth-Nex Conference: Youth of Color Matter: Reducing Inequalities Through Positive Youth Development #YoCM15
Panel - 2 "An Immigrant Paradox? Civic Engagement Among Immigrant & Undocumented Youth"

Undocumented and immigrant youth, particularly those from Hispanic/Latino backgrounds, face persistent marginalization in the United States, yet many of these same youth are actively engaged in their communities. Panelists will share their views on what engagement looks like, the challenges involved, and what we can do to support the civic engagement of undocumented and immigrant youth.
The document discusses various library management software solutions provided by Algorhythms Consultants Pvt. Ltd. including SLIM21 for integrated library management, dCOLL21 for digital library management, EXIM21 for import/export of records, CopyCat21 for copy cataloguing, and FedS21 for federated searching across local and external resources. Algorhythms has over 25 years of experience in library automation and their solutions help libraries better manage both physical and electronic materials and connections.
Enjoy our 4th Annual Holiday Outside-Infographic!
As the end of each year comes to a close, many take the opportunity to reflect back on the year. We do just that and our Outside-In® family of companies would like to share a visual of our year in numbers with this 4th Annual Holiday Infographic.
Recruitment, Staffing, and Outplacement solution providers CBI Group, Placers, and Barton Career Advisors wish you a Happy Holidays! #OutsideIn
This document discusses toxic molds, which are types of fungus that can cause health issues for humans. It identifies the five main categories of toxic mold - Stachybotrys, Cladosporium, Penicilium, Fusarium, and Aspergillus. Stachybotrys is described as the most harmful, and can cause respiratory issues, fatigue, and even central nervous system damage or death. The document outlines some of the diseases each category of mold can cause, from minor issues like hay fever to more serious problems affecting the liver, lungs, and brain. It provides examples of both acute and chronic health effects and recommends precautions like moisture control and ventilation to prevent mold growth.
The New European PV Legislation: Issues and ChallengesSara Dunlap
A presentation by Dr. John Clark, President and Chief Medical Officer at PCSglobal, on European pharmacovigilance issues presented at the 2013 Regulatory Affairs Professional Society Annual Meeting. Major issues and challenges posed by EU (European Union) Regulations are covered in this presentation.
Lesson 14 - Life, Role and Death of Abu TalibEbrahim Ismail
What did the Prophet do during his teenage/youth years?
Abu Talibs role in Islam.
Did he die a Muslim, Differences, evidence and proof to support opinion.
This document discusses connected media experiences that link video objects to related web content by annotating videos with concepts from linked open data. It describes a system that allows users to annotate videos and retrieve additional information about the concepts in the videos. This enhanced video experience is delivered through an end-to-end service platform hosting added value services over different networks. The system includes an annotation tool, interactive video player, triple store, and linked services infrastructure that searches APIs to enrich annotations.