The Sealed Knot is an organization where members dress as medieval soldiers and role play in battles, with over 200 events per year involving up to 1,000 combatants. As an educational charity, the Sealed Knot aims to encourage interest in history through reenactments and school visits, and offers various roles such as soldiers, medics, and drummers for members to get involved.
2. In a brief description the sealed knot is an organisation where people dress up as medieval soldiers and role play.
3. Many of the members are very fascinated by history and cannot think of a better way to express their historical love. The sealed knot take part in around 200 events a year with battles involving 1,000 infantry, cavalry and artillery combatants.
4. As an educational charity the Sealed Knot encourages an interest in performing re-enactments of medieval affairs and battles. they also provide educational support through school visits, discussions and lectures. About the organisation
5. There are many roles available in the sealed knot, such as¡ Apprentices, artillerists, civilians, medics and drummers. roles within the knot!