CE Marking: What Can Legal Metrology Learn From Intellectual Property?cbock
1. The document discusses similarities between intellectual property and CE marking, specifically around challenges of counterfeiting and ensuring authenticity.
2. It suggests CE marking could be registered as a collective trademark to strengthen enforcement against misuse. However, this may not be sufficient without clearly defining ownership of the CE brand.
3. Tools from intellectual property like civil and criminal penalties could also help address CE marking misuse cases, if adapted for legal metrology needs.
O documento apresenta os resultados financeiros da JBS no 2T11. A receita lquida consolidada cresceu 3,6% em rela??o ao ano anterior. A unidade de carne bovina no Mercosul obteve aumento de 27,9% no EBITDA. A companhia concluiu capta??es de dvida de longo prazo no valor de US$2 bilh?es.
Cafes were popular gathering places in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and many artists would paint scenes depicting life in cafes. These cafe paintings capture moments of social interaction, relaxation, and consumption in public spaces and offer glimpses into the culture and atmosphere of cafes during that time period. Artists such as Degas, Manet, Van Gogh, and Picasso incorporated cafes and cafe scenes into their works to depict urban modern life.
CE Marking: What Can Legal Metrology Learn From Intellectual Property?cbock
1. The document discusses similarities between intellectual property and CE marking, specifically around challenges of counterfeiting and ensuring authenticity.
2. It suggests CE marking could be registered as a collective trademark to strengthen enforcement against misuse. However, this may not be sufficient without clearly defining ownership of the CE brand.
3. Tools from intellectual property like civil and criminal penalties could also help address CE marking misuse cases, if adapted for legal metrology needs.
O documento apresenta os resultados financeiros da JBS no 2T11. A receita lquida consolidada cresceu 3,6% em rela??o ao ano anterior. A unidade de carne bovina no Mercosul obteve aumento de 27,9% no EBITDA. A companhia concluiu capta??es de dvida de longo prazo no valor de US$2 bilh?es.
Cafes were popular gathering places in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and many artists would paint scenes depicting life in cafes. These cafe paintings capture moments of social interaction, relaxation, and consumption in public spaces and offer glimpses into the culture and atmosphere of cafes during that time period. Artists such as Degas, Manet, Van Gogh, and Picasso incorporated cafes and cafe scenes into their works to depict urban modern life.
O documento fornece vrias li??es de vida curtas em frases concisas. As principais li??es incluem: 1) aprender com os erros; 2) crescer n?o significa apenas ficar mais velho; 3) o silncio melhor do que a indiferen?a.