The alarm installer is looking for salespeople to sell home and business security systems on a commission basis. Candidates do not need experience as training will be provided. Requirements include being outgoing, fluent in English, having reliable transportation with a good driving record, and maintaining a professional appearance.
Nouvel Office, Nouvelle IT aka Fini Clark Kent Devenez le Superman de lIT ! ...Pierre Yves Delacote
Pourquoi les projets Office n'attirent pas les foules ? Comment peuvent-ils changer la vie ?
This document provides information from the "System" to "Focal Points" about coordinating their efforts to help humanity. It discusses the need for the different groups working on this "Universal path" to unify their efforts and share knowledge, especially by reading a particular fascicule (publication). The groups are encouraged to hold joint meetings and work cooperatively to spread their message from Turkey as part of the final plans to help humanity progress.
The digipak uses close-up and mid-shot images to appeal to both male and female audiences. Close-ups showcase the singer's beauty to attract men, while mid-shots in open, natural settings portray her as genuine and passionate about music. Washed out pinks, whites and greens present the indie pop artist as naturally beautiful. Darker colors draw attention to her face on the front cover, aiming to make her attractive and appealing to viewers. Feminine, long-handed font gives the packaging an elegant, gentle feel, with white text clearly identifying the artist.
This document discusses how digital inclusion relates to cultural heritage and social justice. It presents a case study of MonmouthpediA, a project that used Wikipedia to document places, people, and things in Monmouth, Wales to promote cultural heritage. The project had success in increasing digital inclusion and international recognition. The author advocates for digital community curation tools to further engage communities and address digital exclusion through celebrating local culture and stories.
This document provides information on electrodeless induction lamps. It explains that induction lamps operate without electrodes, enhancing lamp life compared to conventional fluorescent lamps. The document discusses the working principle of induction lamps and their advantages, such as extremely long life, high efficiency, and instant starting without flickering. It also notes that the lack of electrodes allows induction lamps to achieve lifespans of up to 60,000 hours. Tables compare induction lamps to other light sources and provide specifications for various induction lamp models.
Universidad medios sociales_jfreire_nov10Freire Juan
Visibilidad on-line: La Universidad en los Medios Sociales.
En, Seminario sobre Gesti坦n de la visibilidad on-line para las universidades: Internet como herramienta de promoci坦n internacional organizado por la Fundaci坦n
30 de noviembre de 2010 Madrid
Evaluation Question 3 - Showing what I've learnt through my target audienceHannahTapscott
A presentation showing what I've learnt through my target audience. All my data has been collected through social media sites, such as Twitter. My survey was made through SurveyMonkey.
ESAB behoort tot 's werelds leidende producenten van Aluminium lastoevoegmaterialen. Ons toevoegmaterialenprogramma - bestaande uit beklede laselektroden, gevulde lasdraden, massieve lasdraden, TIG-staven, lasband en laspoeders - dekt al uw wensen voor alle lasprocessen.
De verpakking is ontwikkeld voor iedere toepassing, of het nu handmatig Tig of Volautomatisch Mig is. MARATHON PAC en VacPac zijn hier sprekende voorbeelden van.
Voor meer informatie kijk op onze internetsite:
Avery Dennison reported their second quarter earnings for 2006. Earnings per share from continuing operations increased 8% to $0.96 compared to the previous year. Excluding restructuring charges, earnings per share increased 9% to $0.99. Net sales were approximately even with the previous year at $1.41 billion, with organic sales growth of 2%. The company raised their estimated annual savings from restructuring efforts to between $85-100 million. Segment highlights included a 1% sales increase for Pressure-sensitive Materials and a 6% sales increase for Retail Information Services.
This document contains instructions for improving a login/registration form:
1. Error messages should be displayed for invalid passwords, duplicate email addresses, and incorrect login credentials.
2. The title should be changed when registering a new profile. Loading images and welcome messages should be shown on successful login or registration.
3. Extra fields and scroll bars should be removed. Links and buttons should be highlighted and properly positioned on each page.
This document contains instructions for improving a login/registration form:
1. Error messages should be displayed for invalid passwords, duplicate email addresses, and incorrect email/password combinations.
2. The title should be changed to "Stone Car Leasing Register" when clicking to register a new profile.
3. A loading image should be displayed after clicking the login button while authenticating the user.
All options should initially be checked by default. If a user tries to remove a judge, a prompt should appear to confirm the removal. The summary provides the key points that all options start checked and a confirmation is needed to remove a judge.
The document discusses several issues with the Justmeans text update box and distribution features. It notes that the Shorten URL function only works 50% of the time when copy and pasting URLs, sometimes requiring logout and login to work. It also mentions an "undefined" message appearing 50% of the time when posting updates. It requests fixes to allow consistent copying and pasting of URLs without multiple attempts or logouts.
The document outlines several issues with a website's user interface and functionality, including that blank spaces are accepted in certain fields, the password field cannot be edited by administrators, the delete user link does not work, popups should not appear and only error messages should be displayed, error messages and spacing between links and text need to be improved, the spelling of "Administrator" is incorrect, navigation after logout goes to the wrong page, entered text disappears if submitting without a video, design and browser compatibility issues on IE8, message delays should be increased, and duplicate entries are not validated.
The document outlines several issues with a website's user interface and functionality, including that blank spaces are accepted in certain fields, the password field cannot be edited by administrators, the delete user link does not work, popups should not appear and only error messages should be displayed, error messages and spacing between links and text need to be improved, the spelling of "Administrator" is incorrect, logout should navigate to the login page instead of the home page, entered text disappears if submitting without a video, design and browser issues on IE8, message delays should be increased, and duplicate entries need validation.
The document outlines several issues with a website's user interface and functionality, including that blank spaces are accepted in certain fields, the password field cannot be edited by administrators, the delete user link does not work, popups should not appear and only error messages should be displayed, error messages and spacing between links and text need to be improved, the spelling of "Administrator" is incorrect, logout should navigate to the login page instead of the home page, entered text disappears if submitting without a video, design and browser issues on IE8, message delays should be increased, and duplicate entries need validation.
The document discusses several issues with the Justmeans text update box and distribution features. It notes that the Shorten URL function only works 50% of the time when copy and pasting URLs, sometimes requiring logout and login to work. It also mentions an "undefined" message appearing 50% of the time when posting updates. Several suggested fixes and changes are provided to improve the user experience and functionality of these features.
If the user clicks the Most Popular link, the page should reload and land in the same spot rather than at the top, mimicking Justmeans' menu design. There is also a timer displayed in the footer of the Chrome browser that needs text added to label it as Editor's Choice.
This document discusses how digital inclusion relates to cultural heritage and social justice. It presents a case study of MonmouthpediA, a project that used Wikipedia to document places, people, and things in Monmouth, Wales to promote cultural heritage. The project had success in increasing digital inclusion and international recognition. The author advocates for digital community curation tools to further engage communities and address digital exclusion through celebrating local culture and stories.
This document provides information on electrodeless induction lamps. It explains that induction lamps operate without electrodes, enhancing lamp life compared to conventional fluorescent lamps. The document discusses the working principle of induction lamps and their advantages, such as extremely long life, high efficiency, and instant starting without flickering. It also notes that the lack of electrodes allows induction lamps to achieve lifespans of up to 60,000 hours. Tables compare induction lamps to other light sources and provide specifications for various induction lamp models.
Universidad medios sociales_jfreire_nov10Freire Juan
Visibilidad on-line: La Universidad en los Medios Sociales.
En, Seminario sobre Gesti坦n de la visibilidad on-line para las universidades: Internet como herramienta de promoci坦n internacional organizado por la Fundaci坦n
30 de noviembre de 2010 Madrid
Evaluation Question 3 - Showing what I've learnt through my target audienceHannahTapscott
A presentation showing what I've learnt through my target audience. All my data has been collected through social media sites, such as Twitter. My survey was made through SurveyMonkey.
ESAB behoort tot 's werelds leidende producenten van Aluminium lastoevoegmaterialen. Ons toevoegmaterialenprogramma - bestaande uit beklede laselektroden, gevulde lasdraden, massieve lasdraden, TIG-staven, lasband en laspoeders - dekt al uw wensen voor alle lasprocessen.
De verpakking is ontwikkeld voor iedere toepassing, of het nu handmatig Tig of Volautomatisch Mig is. MARATHON PAC en VacPac zijn hier sprekende voorbeelden van.
Voor meer informatie kijk op onze internetsite:
Avery Dennison reported their second quarter earnings for 2006. Earnings per share from continuing operations increased 8% to $0.96 compared to the previous year. Excluding restructuring charges, earnings per share increased 9% to $0.99. Net sales were approximately even with the previous year at $1.41 billion, with organic sales growth of 2%. The company raised their estimated annual savings from restructuring efforts to between $85-100 million. Segment highlights included a 1% sales increase for Pressure-sensitive Materials and a 6% sales increase for Retail Information Services.
This document contains instructions for improving a login/registration form:
1. Error messages should be displayed for invalid passwords, duplicate email addresses, and incorrect login credentials.
2. The title should be changed when registering a new profile. Loading images and welcome messages should be shown on successful login or registration.
3. Extra fields and scroll bars should be removed. Links and buttons should be highlighted and properly positioned on each page.
This document contains instructions for improving a login/registration form:
1. Error messages should be displayed for invalid passwords, duplicate email addresses, and incorrect email/password combinations.
2. The title should be changed to "Stone Car Leasing Register" when clicking to register a new profile.
3. A loading image should be displayed after clicking the login button while authenticating the user.
All options should initially be checked by default. If a user tries to remove a judge, a prompt should appear to confirm the removal. The summary provides the key points that all options start checked and a confirmation is needed to remove a judge.
The document discusses several issues with the Justmeans text update box and distribution features. It notes that the Shorten URL function only works 50% of the time when copy and pasting URLs, sometimes requiring logout and login to work. It also mentions an "undefined" message appearing 50% of the time when posting updates. It requests fixes to allow consistent copying and pasting of URLs without multiple attempts or logouts.
The document outlines several issues with a website's user interface and functionality, including that blank spaces are accepted in certain fields, the password field cannot be edited by administrators, the delete user link does not work, popups should not appear and only error messages should be displayed, error messages and spacing between links and text need to be improved, the spelling of "Administrator" is incorrect, navigation after logout goes to the wrong page, entered text disappears if submitting without a video, design and browser compatibility issues on IE8, message delays should be increased, and duplicate entries are not validated.
The document outlines several issues with a website's user interface and functionality, including that blank spaces are accepted in certain fields, the password field cannot be edited by administrators, the delete user link does not work, popups should not appear and only error messages should be displayed, error messages and spacing between links and text need to be improved, the spelling of "Administrator" is incorrect, logout should navigate to the login page instead of the home page, entered text disappears if submitting without a video, design and browser issues on IE8, message delays should be increased, and duplicate entries need validation.
The document outlines several issues with a website's user interface and functionality, including that blank spaces are accepted in certain fields, the password field cannot be edited by administrators, the delete user link does not work, popups should not appear and only error messages should be displayed, error messages and spacing between links and text need to be improved, the spelling of "Administrator" is incorrect, logout should navigate to the login page instead of the home page, entered text disappears if submitting without a video, design and browser issues on IE8, message delays should be increased, and duplicate entries need validation.
The document discusses several issues with the Justmeans text update box and distribution features. It notes that the Shorten URL function only works 50% of the time when copy and pasting URLs, sometimes requiring logout and login to work. It also mentions an "undefined" message appearing 50% of the time when posting updates. Several suggested fixes and changes are provided to improve the user experience and functionality of these features.
If the user clicks the Most Popular link, the page should reload and land in the same spot rather than at the top, mimicking Justmeans' menu design. There is also a timer displayed in the footer of the Chrome browser that needs text added to label it as Editor's Choice.
The document provides a list of changes to be made to a website. It includes updating the font, spacing, type size and style to match another site. It also lists adding and removing various logos, icons, tabs and sections. Metadata like media contacts and attribution is to be automatically populated. The overall goal seems to be remodeling the site to look and function similarly to another.
The document reports several issues with an application's functionality in Internet Explorer 7, including a messed up dropdown design, calendar popups displaying in the wrong position, uploaded videos not displaying, submitted ideas not saving after form refresh, a temporary warning message when deleting videos, and no error for blank form submissions. Additional mail options are also not working in IE7.
The document provides a list of changes to be made to a website. It includes updating the font, spacing, type size and style to match another site. It also lists adding and removing various logos, icons, tabs and sections. Metadata like media contacts and attribution is to be automatically populated. The overall goal seems to be remodeling the site to look and function similarly to another.
If the user clicks the Most Popular link, the page should reload and land in the same spot rather than at the top, mimicking Justmeans' menu design. There is also a timer displayed in the footer of the Chrome browser that needs text added to label it as Editor's Choice.
The document reports several issues with displaying content correctly across browsers. It notes that a URL set for a logo is not appearing, a font dropdown is missing in Internet Explorer 7, vote button font family is not changing, a pop up is printing "0" instead of expected content, and an uploaded zip file of images is not working. The document suggests adding specific font families to address styling inconsistencies across browsers.
If the user clicks the Distribute tab without entering text, they are prompted to confirm and their count is reduced if they click ok. When text is entered and the next button is clicked, a loading image appears briefly as the page continues loading in the background. Any error messages should be removed after 5 seconds, and include messages about uploading podcasts or photos up to 4MB if they fail.
The newsletter sent count was incorrectly displayed as 42 when it was actually sent to fewer contacts. Two email addresses were shown in the original list despite being marked as do not contact. Downloading the newsletter as a CSV or PDF file did not display a count. The date range and graph dates did not match the selected January 3 to February 3 range. Last name, a compulsory field, was missing from edited user profiles. Error messages were displayed twice and information popped up required scrolling. Sorting options lacked hover pointers. Start and end dates were missing from the interface. The design had issues. The editor and design did not work properly in Internet Explorer 7. Click counts did not match the send grid. Scheduling and creating new items
The document reports several design issues in Internet Explorer browsers. Borders and options are not displaying correctly or are hidden. When tabs are added or the user hovers over images, the design breaks down. Both vertical and horizontal scrollbars appear unexpectedly in IE7. The bottom border and below design do not load fully.
The document reports several issues with an application's functionality in Internet Explorer 7, including a broken dropdown design, calendar pop-up displaying in the wrong position, uploaded videos not displaying, submitted ideas not saving after form refresh, a temporary warning message when deleting a video, and a lack of error message for blank form submissions. Additional mail options are also not working in IE7.