This document contains photo credits from various photographers including Ashley MacKinnon, Dominic Bartolini, Domiriel, Tobyotter, Ukenaut, Tim Caynes, Donnierayjones, Islandguy, Jronaldlee, R. Motti, and PracticalCures. It encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on 際際滷Share.
Cole R. Chapin is a junior studying Computer Engineering at Iowa State University with a 2.08 GPA. He has experience leading multiple projects involving lunar rover simulation, video game development, and processor design. His skills include proficiency in C, C++, Java, JavaScript, VHDL and data structures. He also has experience with algorithms, hashing, graphing, and 3D rendering. References are available upon request.
El documento resume las conclusiones de un grupo de trabajo sobre el ocio digital. Se単ala que el ocio digital puede ser divertido pero tambi辿n puede provocar adicci坦n y que no todos tienen acceso a la cultura digital. Algunos videojuegos no incitan necesariamente a la violencia pero el ocio digital puede sustituir otras actividades si se usa en exceso.
The document provides initial ideas for a proposed R&B/hip-hop magazine, including:
1) The title "BEATZ" was chosen to relate to the genre of music and be short and memorable.
2) R&B/hip-hop was selected as the genre because of the author's personal interest and knowledge in the area, having researched Vibe magazine for guidance.
3) The target audience is identified as young urban followers aged 16-24, aiming for a unisex rather than male-focused magazine.
El documento trata sobre la evoluci坦n del control de procesos y la telemetr鱈a, desde el control anal坦gico hasta el control digital. Se enfoca en c坦mo los avances tecnol坦gicos han permitido un mejor monitoreo y control remoto de procesos a trav辿s del tiempo.
El documento presenta 10 normas para el uso correcto del celular, incluyendo respetar a quienes est叩n presentes y evitar ignorarlos usando el celular, no poner el celular sobre la mesa durante comidas, poner el celular en silencio durante reuniones y comidas, y no usar el celular de manera ruidosa en lugares p炭blicos.
Este documento clasifica diferentes tipos de im叩genes. Incluye im叩genes directas que se perciben de forma natural, indicios que son se単ales naturales que indican algo, iconos que mantienen cierto parecido con lo que representan, s鱈mbolos cuyo significado se asigna de forma arbitraria, im叩genes naturales percibidas directamente, im叩genes mentales internas como recuerdos y sue単os, im叩genes creadas por el hombre con intenci坦n comunicativa, e im叩genes registradas t辿cnicamente como fotograf鱈as.
How to write a biomedical research paperAhmed Negida
This was the presentation of (How to write a biomedical research day workshop) given by Ahmed Negida as a part from MRGE continuous research activities in Egypt.
The course was joined by 45 medical students and seniors from different Egyptian Universities and it was more than 6 hours of exciting learning activities.
Major Learning Objectives were:
1- Structure of biomedical Research Paper
2- How to Write a conference Abstract
3- Scientific Writing Rules
4- Research Protocol
5- Referencing Using Mendeley software
6- Scientific Publication
Este documento resume la aspergilosis broncopulmonar, incluyendo su historia, especies de Aspergillus relevantes, espectro de la enfermedad, epidemiolog鱈a, fisiopatolog鱈a, factores de riesgo, criterios de diagn坦stico, clasificaci坦n, manifestaciones cl鱈nicas, de laboratorio y radiol坦gicas. La aspergilosis broncopulmonar al辿rgica (ABPA) es una enfermedad pulmonar causada por una respuesta de hipersensibilidad a Aspergillus fumigatus que coloniza el bronqu
This document outlines the steps for critically appraising an article on a systematic review using the Sudan Evidence-Based Medicine Association template. It includes formulating a clinical question using PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome), outlining the current practice and search strategy, selecting a research article, summarizing the results, and applying an appraisal scheme to assess the relevance, validity, results, and applicability of the study. The template provides guidance on assessing strengths and weaknesses, resolving the original clinical question, and making recommendations.
This document provides information about hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS). It defines HPS as the presence of liver disease, impaired oxygenation, and intrapulmonary vascular abnormalities. The pathophysiology involves widespread pulmonary vasodilatation leading to ventilation-perfusion mismatching and right-to-left shunting, causing hypoxemia. Clinical features include signs of liver disease in most patients and dyspnea in some. Diagnosis requires confirming the three criteria through tests like contrast echocardiography to detect intrapulmonary shunting.
Critical appraisal is the process of carefully and systematically analyze the research paper to judge its trustworthiness, its value and relevance in a particular context. (Amanda Burls 2009)
A critical review must identify the strengths and limitations in a research paper and this should be carried out in a systematic manner.
The Critical Appraisal helps in developing the necessary skills to make sense of scientific evidence, based on validity, results and relevance.
How to write a biomedical research paperAhmed Negida
This was the presentation of (How to write a biomedical research day workshop) given by Ahmed Negida as a part from MRGE continuous research activities in Egypt.
The course was joined by 45 medical students and seniors from different Egyptian Universities and it was more than 6 hours of exciting learning activities.
Major Learning Objectives were:
1- Structure of biomedical Research Paper
2- How to Write a conference Abstract
3- Scientific Writing Rules
4- Research Protocol
5- Referencing Using Mendeley software
6- Scientific Publication
Este documento resume la aspergilosis broncopulmonar, incluyendo su historia, especies de Aspergillus relevantes, espectro de la enfermedad, epidemiolog鱈a, fisiopatolog鱈a, factores de riesgo, criterios de diagn坦stico, clasificaci坦n, manifestaciones cl鱈nicas, de laboratorio y radiol坦gicas. La aspergilosis broncopulmonar al辿rgica (ABPA) es una enfermedad pulmonar causada por una respuesta de hipersensibilidad a Aspergillus fumigatus que coloniza el bronqu
This document outlines the steps for critically appraising an article on a systematic review using the Sudan Evidence-Based Medicine Association template. It includes formulating a clinical question using PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome), outlining the current practice and search strategy, selecting a research article, summarizing the results, and applying an appraisal scheme to assess the relevance, validity, results, and applicability of the study. The template provides guidance on assessing strengths and weaknesses, resolving the original clinical question, and making recommendations.
This document provides information about hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS). It defines HPS as the presence of liver disease, impaired oxygenation, and intrapulmonary vascular abnormalities. The pathophysiology involves widespread pulmonary vasodilatation leading to ventilation-perfusion mismatching and right-to-left shunting, causing hypoxemia. Clinical features include signs of liver disease in most patients and dyspnea in some. Diagnosis requires confirming the three criteria through tests like contrast echocardiography to detect intrapulmonary shunting.
Critical appraisal is the process of carefully and systematically analyze the research paper to judge its trustworthiness, its value and relevance in a particular context. (Amanda Burls 2009)
A critical review must identify the strengths and limitations in a research paper and this should be carried out in a systematic manner.
The Critical Appraisal helps in developing the necessary skills to make sense of scientific evidence, based on validity, results and relevance.