The document summarizes Ajit Singh's marks for his MBA 4th semester examinations in May 2016. He scored well in most subjects like Strategic Management, International Business Management, Foreign Trade of India and Global Logistics achieving marks between 70-94. He scored satisfactorily in subjects like International Business Environment and Export-Import Finance achieving marks between 68-71. He received an overall grade of B and passed all subjects.
This document is a statement of marks for an electronics and telecommunications engineering student from Pune Institute of Computer Technology for their T.E. (AICTE Course) examination in April 2019 from Pune University. It lists the student's name, registration number, subjects and codes, type of exam (internal, university, practical), maximum marks, marks obtained and performance in each subject. The medium of instruction is English.
The document summarizes Ajit Singh's marks for his MBA 4th semester examinations in May 2016. He scored well in most subjects like Strategic Management, International Business Management, Foreign Trade of India and Global Logistics achieving marks between 70-94. He scored satisfactorily in subjects like International Business Environment and Export-Import Finance achieving marks between 68-71. He received an overall grade of B and passed all subjects.
This document is a statement of marks for an electronics and telecommunications engineering student from Pune Institute of Computer Technology for their T.E. (AICTE Course) examination in April 2019 from Pune University. It lists the student's name, registration number, subjects and codes, type of exam (internal, university, practical), maximum marks, marks obtained and performance in each subject. The medium of instruction is English.
MBA prospect prof madras university_chennaiJavabynataraJ
The document provides information about application costs and courses offered by the University of Madras Institute of Distance Education (IDE).
It states that application forms can be obtained in person for Rs. 100, by post for Rs. 150, or downloaded from the university website for Rs. 100 plus a registration fee.
The IDE offers 97 programs total, including 27 undergraduate programs, 21 postgraduate programs, 18 professional programs, 21 diploma programs, and 10 certificate programs. Admissions are available throughout the year.
The IDE has expanded its number of admission centers and study centers to increase access to distance education programs.
Pavuluri Ravindra has been awarded a Master of Business Administration degree from Sikkim Manipal University for having completed the prescribed requirements with an A grade in the year 2011. The degree was awarded under the seal of the University on September 26, 2011.
Kanhaiya Lal Jat is seeking a position that allows him to utilize his skills and contribute to an organization's growth. He has over 5 years of experience in administrative and HR roles in the mining industry. His qualifications include degrees in Human Resource Management, Operations Management, Computer Applications, and English Literature/Economics. Currently he works as a Senior Site Administrative Clerk managing FRRO processes, payroll, benefits, transportation, and general HR activities for Shaft Sinkers Pty Ltd in India.
This document is a two-page CV for Kanhaiya Lal Jat applying for an administrative and HR payroll clerk position. It outlines his educational qualifications including an MBA, PGDOM, BCA, and O-Level diploma. It also details his over 5 years of work experience in administrative and payroll clerk roles for two companies. The CV provides his personal details, languages known, and a request for further information if needed.
Kanhaiya Lal Jat passed his MBA Operations (MBA-O) examinations from Jaipur National University in December 2014. He received passing grades in all 11 subjects, including Accounting for Managers, Quantitative Techniques, Marketing Management, and Research Project. His total marks obtained were 631 out of a maximum of 1100.
Kanhaiya Lal Jat is applying for an administrative role. He has over 7 years of experience in administrative and HR roles. He holds an MBA in Operations Management as well as other qualifications. He is currently a Senior Administrative Site Principal Clerk and is seeking a role that allows him to further develop his skills and contribute to an organization's growth. He provides contact information and declares that the information in his CV is accurate.