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Kari Rice

Human Factors
 Nine years experience in user research, user
  interface design, and usability
 Experience with:
   All phases of Product Development
   Variety of development processes
   Mobile Devices, PC Applications, Handheld
   User Research, Product Definition, Use Interaction
    Design, Human Factors Analysis, User Guides
   Medical, Consumer
Collaborated with local design firm on next
generation of acne treatment device.
Worked closely with industrial designer to
create physical prototype with functioning
user interface.
Planned, created, and conducted customer
interviews and usability testing.
Provided feedback and recommendations
for hardware and software design to
improve the ease of use of the device.
Consulted for a local company
developing an implantable
epilepsy device.
Conducted heuristic evaluation of
wearable device including
hardware and software.
Planned, created, and conducted
usability evaluation of device and
provided recommendations for
improving usability and
ergonomics of device.
Stent Graft
  Consulted with local design
  group to redesign an aortic
  stent graft in a compressed
  Added new features but
  improved ease of use by
  considering the
  user, workflow, and
  ergonomic guidelines.
Northstar Programmer
The programmer used for Northstars clinical trials
was confusing and error-ridden. Each user needed
a significant amount of training to successfully
operate the programmer and the number of
complaints reported to Northstar was
I redesigned the programmer using a user centered
process and significantly improved the user
experience, decreased complaints to the
company, and eliminated the need for individual
Programmer Home Screens

                                  M odel 5500
                              V e rs io n 0 .0 0 .0 0 1

                                 T h e ra p y

                     T h re sh o ld               Im p la n t

                 T o o ls             80%                 1 6 :4 7

Clinical Trial    Interaction Model                                  Final Design
Programmer Therapy Screens

                      T h e ra p y
                 P t: W R W
                 IP G 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 7
                                     S e ttin g s
                                      P o la rity : + / - / O F F

                       P u ls e W id th (袖 s ):         250

                            F re q u e n c y (H z):      50

                        A m p litu d e (m A ):          6 .5

                   T h e ra p y S ta tu s : A c tiv e

                        S ta rt                       S to p

                 T o o ls                 80%              1 7 :5 5

Clinical Trial     Interaction Model                                  Final Design
Northstar Therapy Workflow
      Created user interface specifications and
      flowcharts to ensure development team
      implements design accurately.
                  Cancel                                         Cancel

                           U3460                                          U3460


U80                                         U260
                                    OK                                            OK

                           U3340                                          U3350                       OK

             Therapy                                      Start / Stop



Tegic Communications
      Planned, created, and
      executed extensive
      benchmark test. Results
      were used by
      marketing, sales, and
      Created specification for
      ideal T9 implementation to
      be used as a guideline for
      future development efforts.
The iLook was a completely new concept for SonoSite.
Previous products were hand carried but iLook was
designed to be handheld. Additionally, iLook was
designed for non-traditional users with little to no
ultrasound experience. I conducted extensive user
research to identify user needs and requirements. These
needs and requirements were used to drive the design.
A thorough ergonomic evaluation was completed and
extensive usability testing was conducted to optimize
comfort during use. I worked closely with industrial
design and mechanical engineering to create a form
factor that was comfortable for all users.
Evolution of iLook Form Factor
SonoSiteiLook User Interface
While working on the form factor, I was also developing
the user interface. I conduced several tests to
determined the input method, created the screen
layout, determined the interaction model, and created
low-fidelity prototypes.
Early integration of the
hardware and software was
prototyped by using a wood
model with a flip-chart user
interface. This was evaluated
during usability testing.
iLook Final Design
FiatLux Imaging
      Conducted user research
      to establish user
      requirements for next
      generation product.
      Created design standard to
      ensure consistency across
      Conducted heuristic
      evaluation of existing
      software to identify
      strengths and weaknesses.

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Kari Rice Portfolio

  • 2. Experience Nine years experience in user research, user interface design, and usability Experience with: All phases of Product Development Variety of development processes Mobile Devices, PC Applications, Handheld Devices User Research, Product Definition, Use Interaction Design, Human Factors Analysis, User Guides Medical, Consumer
  • 3. Zeno Collaborated with local design firm on next generation of acne treatment device. Worked closely with industrial designer to create physical prototype with functioning user interface. Planned, created, and conducted customer interviews and usability testing. Provided feedback and recommendations for hardware and software design to improve the ease of use of the device.
  • 4. NeuroVista Consulted for a local company developing an implantable epilepsy device. Conducted heuristic evaluation of wearable device including hardware and software. Planned, created, and conducted usability evaluation of device and provided recommendations for improving usability and ergonomics of device.
  • 5. Stent Graft Consulted with local design group to redesign an aortic stent graft in a compressed schedule. Added new features but improved ease of use by considering the user, workflow, and ergonomic guidelines.
  • 6. Northstar Programmer The programmer used for Northstars clinical trials was confusing and error-ridden. Each user needed a significant amount of training to successfully operate the programmer and the number of complaints reported to Northstar was unacceptable. I redesigned the programmer using a user centered process and significantly improved the user experience, decreased complaints to the company, and eliminated the need for individual training.
  • 7. Programmer Home Screens M odel 5500 V e rs io n 0 .0 0 .0 0 1 T h e ra p y T h re sh o ld Im p la n t T o o ls 80% 1 6 :4 7 Clinical Trial Interaction Model Final Design
  • 8. Programmer Therapy Screens T h e ra p y P t: W R W IP G 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 7 S e ttin g s P o la rity : + / - / O F F P u ls e W id th (袖 s ): 250 F re q u e n c y (H z): 50 A m p litu d e (m A ): 6 .5 T h e ra p y S ta tu s : A c tiv e S ta rt S to p T o o ls 80% 1 7 :5 5 Clinical Trial Interaction Model Final Design
  • 9. Northstar Therapy Workflow Created user interface specifications and flowcharts to ensure development team implements design accurately. Cancel Cancel U3460 U3460 U380 U80 U260 OK OK U3340 U3350 OK Start Therapy Start / Stop U440 Stop OK Cancel Home
  • 10. Tegic Communications Planned, created, and executed extensive benchmark test. Results were used by marketing, sales, and development. Created specification for ideal T9 implementation to be used as a guideline for future development efforts.
  • 11. SonoSiteiLook The iLook was a completely new concept for SonoSite. Previous products were hand carried but iLook was designed to be handheld. Additionally, iLook was designed for non-traditional users with little to no ultrasound experience. I conducted extensive user research to identify user needs and requirements. These needs and requirements were used to drive the design. A thorough ergonomic evaluation was completed and extensive usability testing was conducted to optimize comfort during use. I worked closely with industrial design and mechanical engineering to create a form factor that was comfortable for all users.
  • 12. Evolution of iLook Form Factor
  • 13. SonoSiteiLook User Interface While working on the form factor, I was also developing the user interface. I conduced several tests to determined the input method, created the screen layout, determined the interaction model, and created low-fidelity prototypes. Early integration of the hardware and software was prototyped by using a wood model with a flip-chart user interface. This was evaluated during usability testing.
  • 15. FiatLux Imaging Conducted user research to establish user requirements for next generation product. Created design standard to ensure consistency across designs. Conducted heuristic evaluation of existing software to identify strengths and weaknesses.