Jayson Fetterley participated in a challenging 4-week international trip to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota led by the author. Jayson excelled at building relationships with the local community through volunteering at the radio station and helping his host family. He also demonstrated leadership among the student group during difficult living conditions. Prior to the trip, Jayson had also impressed the author through significant contributions to research projects in their laboratory, co-authoring multiple papers. The author believes Jayson has strong qualities like intelligence, problem-solving skills, and strength of character that would serve him well as a doctoral student.
"Buley's New Maven of Mobile Technology" SouthernLife 13.5 (April 2010): 3.
Featured in Southern Connecticut State University newsletter, April 2010. http://southernct.edu/southernlife/
Program ini akan membangun 4 modul utama untuk koperasi bank, yaitu simpan pinjam, general ledger, payroll, dan stok barang dalam waktu 40 hari dengan harga Rp35 juta. Program ini dilengkapi fitur-fitur dasar untuk masing-masing modul dan dijual beserta dukungan dan pelatihan penggunaan selama 3 bulan.
Jayson Fetterley provided invaluable leadership and support during a difficult international trip to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He helped hold together a group living in tents through challenging weather and accommodations. Jayson also established strong relationships in the local community by working at the radio station and helping his host family. The professor was impressed by Jayson's technical contributions to research projects, his presentation skills, and strength of character. She believes wholeheartedly in his potential to make a difference in the world.
Personal Odyssey Essay Telegraph. The Odyssey Essay Prompt - Room 235: Mr. Smith's Class. Excellent The Odyssey Essay ~ Thatsnotus. Odyssey Essay After having read and viewed the story, you should. The Odyssey Essay.docx - The Odyssey Essay Assignment Summary You will .... The Odyssey Response to Literature Essay | Essays | Writing. The odyssey five paragraph essay.
Essays On Prohibition.pdfEssays On ProhibitionJessica Baker
Why was Prohibition Introduced In The U.S.A In 1919? - GCSE History .... Why was Prohibition introduced in the USA Essay Example | StudyHippo.com. Prohibition 1920 essay conclusion. Prohibition. In this essay I will be looking into prohibition, peoples .... Essay on Prohibition of Discrimination on Certain Grounds as Per Indian .... Why did Prohibition fail? - GCSE History - Marked by Teachers.com. Was prohibition bound to fail? - GCSE History - Marked by Teachers.com. Prohibition history essay introduction. How successful was Prohibition? - A-Level History - Marked by Teachers.com. prohibition essays. History - Prohibition - GCSE History - Marked by Teachers.com. Prohibition Essays Temperance and Prohibition Era Propaganda: A Study .... Why was Prohibition introduced in the USA in 1919? - GCSE History .... Was prohibition a failure essay - dradgeeport441.web.fc2.com. Awful Prohibition Essay ~ Thatsnotus. In what ways did prohibition change US society in the 1920s Essay .... Prohibition essay | Demografie Netzwerk FrankfurtRheinMain. Why was prohibition such a controversial issue in the 1920s? - GCSE ....
finding nemo - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. Essay websites: Finding nemo essay. Mental Illnesses in Finding Nemo Essay Example | StudyHippo.com. L1 Finding Nemo Teacher Notes American English | Leisure | Nature. Finding Nemo.Iftikhar wali .ppt. Finding Nemo 3D. Finding Nemo (2003) Deep Focus Review Movie Reviews, Critical .... Finding nemo essay - Get Help From Custom College Essay Writing and ....
This document is the introduction to Gregory Bateson's book Mind and Nature. It describes how Bateson originally intended to write two separate books, one on evolutionary theory and the other titled "Every Schoolboy Knows" to explain basic concepts. However, as he worked on the manuscripts the two books merged into a single work presenting a Platonic view of how all entities, from humans to ecosystems, evolve and learn by fitting into universal patterns and laws of epistemology. The introduction sets up how the book will take an integrative approach to examining ideas across disciplines.
Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking. Cause and effect essay on smoking. Cau...Stacey Parker
The Causes and Effects of Smoking among Students. Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking Telegraph. Buy Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking Pdf; Short essay cause and effect .... Essay effect of smoking cigarettes. Problem Solution Teen Smoking Essay. cause and effect essay on smoking. The Effect of Smoking (600 Words) - PHDessay.com. Sample Of A Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking. School paper: Cause and effect essay about smoking. Smoking Essay | 10 Harmful Effects of Smoking on Health. Writing an Article about the causes and effects of smoking | Context ....
How To Write A Critical Reflection EssayTina Hudson
1. The document provides steps for requesting writing help from HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, and reviewing writer bids before choosing a writer and placing a deposit.
2. After receiving a completed paper, the customer can request revisions until satisfied with the original, high-quality content.
3. HelpWriting.net offers a refund if plagiarism is found, ensuring customers' needs will be fully met.
Essays About Cell Phones. Reflection Essay: Persuasive essay on cell phone us...davih0fytav3
Mobile Phones Essay Free Essay Example. Essay describing a cellphone. Cell phones should be banned in schools essay in 2021 School essay .... Essay on use and abuse of mobile phones - bookcritic.x.fc2.com. Essay about the cell phones. Essay About Cell Phone. Should cell phones be allowed at school? - GCSE English - Marked by .... Mobile Phones Essay Essay on Mobile Phones for Students and Children .... Argumentative Essay Practice- Students Use of Cell Phones in School. 004 Cell Phone Usage In Schools Essayerm Paper Academic Writing Phones .... Essay on harmful effects of mobile phones on students. Harmful .... Argumentative Essay on Cell Phones: Should They Be Allowed in School .... Calam辿o - Essay on Cell Phones: Great and Excellent Tips for Students. Mobile Phone Essay - IMobile Cool. mobile phones essay - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. Persuasive essay cell phones. Mobile Phones and Drivi
9. November 08: Introduction to Environmental Knolwedges in Asia
Wrecthed of the Earth --- IV. On National Culture (pp. 145-169)
Rubis JM and Theriault N (2019) Concealing Protocols: Conservation, Indigenous Survivance, and
the Dilemmas of Visibility. Social and Cultural Geography. DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2019.1574882.
Paredes, Oona. 2016. Rivers of Memory and Oceans of Difference in the Lumad World of Mindan-
ao, TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia 4(2): 329-349.
Viewing of One Night in Bhopal (documentary)
Nature And Environment Essays. Narrative Essay: Natural environment essayDonna Baun
Essay on Save Environment | Save Environment Esssay for Students and .... Write a short essay on How To Protect The Environment | Essay on .... How To Save The Environment Writing / Sample essay on hindrances to .... Essays About Nature And Environment | Sitedoct.org. English Essay | Natural Environment | Global Warming. Essay on Environment for Students and Children | PDF Download. Essay on Environment for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English. Sample essay on hindrances to environmental conservation. Environment essay. Environmental studies and forestry sample essay.
Art History Essay Structure | Sitedoct.org. 011 Art History Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus. 002 Essay Example Sample Of Art History Writing L ~ Thatsnotus. History of art - A-Level Art & Design - Marked by Teachers.com. College Essay: Examples of history essays. Art History Essays. 016 What Is Art Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus. History of Two Art Period Free Essay Sample on Samploon.com. Essay 1 art history - Grade: A - Orozco 1 Professor Simmons Art History .... 003 Essay Example History Essays Examples Of Template Art Compare And .... 170 Amazing Art History Thesis Topics. Art History Thesis Examples - Thesis Title Ideas for College. Narrative Essay: Art history essay topics. Art History Essay Example - Thesis statement art history papers English .... 60+ Art History Research Paper Topics: Exclusive Ideas and Free Samples. The Evolution of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... 020 Essay Example Art History Ancient20greece20 ~ Thatsnotus.
The Agricultural Revolution Essay Example | StudyHippo.com. The Agricultural Revolution in Britain Essay Example | GraduateWay. Agricultural Revolution Outline for World History | Student Handouts. Agricultural Revolution Essay. Agricultural Revolution by Lady Lion | Teachers Pay Teachers. Agricultural Revolution Storyboard by dd795301. Essay on Agricultural Revolution in India. The Agricultural Revolution Facts & Information Powerpoint. Agricultural Revolution Lecture Notes. Lesson 02 The Agricultural Revolution. The Agricultural Revolution. The Agricultural Revolution was the increase in agricultural production .... The Agricultural Revolutions by Molly Thomsen. Agricultural revolution essay - Get - proofreadingbackwards.web.fc2.com. Agriculture And Industry In America, 1789-1840 - PHDessay.com. Agricultural Revolution Worksheets | KS3 & KS4 Lesson Resources. Agricultural Revolutions. | Download Scientific Diagram. Essays On Agricultural Revolution
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How To Write A Thesis Statement (with Useful Steps and Tips) 7ESL. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) TemplateLab. Thesis Statement Thesis Essay Sample - Thesis Title Ideas for College. Master Thesis Writing Help : Why use our custom masters dissertation .... Don't Dissertation Services Unless You Use These 10 Tools.
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This document outlines the syllabus for an Indigenous studies course called "Indigenous Ecological Ways of Knowing and the Academy" taught at Carleton University in winter 2021. The course will examine Indigenous perspectives on relationships with the land, water, sky and more-than-human beings. It will draw on case studies and texts from Indigenous communities around the world. The instructor is opening some course materials to the public online, including weekly summaries and discussion questions. The 13-week course schedule lists readings and optional texts on topics like earth, fire, plants and environmental racism from Indigenous perspectives.
Understanding Korea 2020 Essays Contest. North Korea and South Korea (500 Words) - PHDessay.com. Korea Essay Telegraph. Essay about korea country club.
Vietnam War Photo Essay. Vietnam War Photo EssayKari Wilson
Vietnam War Photo Essay by emily goodin on Prezi. Essay websites: Vietnam war photo essay. Vietnam War Photo Essay by jeremy vroman. Photo essay: Vietnam during wartime | Investvine. Vietnam War Photo Essay. Vietnam War Photo Essay Telegraph. The Vietnam War Essay - PHDessay.com. Vietnam War Essay | Essay on Vietnam War for Students and Children in .... The Vietnam War In History - Free Essay Example | PapersOwl.com. The Hidden Atrocities of the Vietnam War - WSJ. Essay Sample: In the Trenches of Vietnam War .... Personal Narrative: My First Vietnam War | rmt.edu.pk. The Vietnam War-Digital essay - YouTube. 44 Declassified Vietnam War Photos The Public Wasn't Meant To See. Top 63 Vietnam War Essay Topics For History Papers. Autumn 2009, History 279 (The Vietnam War) - Second essay. The Vietnam War in U.S history - Free Essay Example | PapersOwl.com. 27 Vietnam Primary Sources ideas | vietnam war, vietnam, war. ISSUE 4- Vietnam War essay - YouTube. why did the us lose the vietnam war essay. Vietnam War Books From Vietnamese Perspective : Other Moons Vietnamese .... The War in Vietnam: A Story in Photographs | National Archives. Vietnam War Photo Essay by sean corrigan. War Essay: Topics You Can Use. events, Vietnam War, captured North Vietnamese soldier writing a letter ... Vietnam War Photo Essay
Essay on Election | Election Essay for Students and Children in English .... Reasons to Keep the Electoral College - Free Essay Example | PapersOwl.com. Presidential Election Writing Ideas for Tween and Teen Students. How To Write Essay On Our School Election || Essay Writing || Short .... Electoral political participation essay. College Election - English Essay. PROCESS.docx - We have offered several election essays in English for ....
JFK assassination: Top ten conspiracy theories over the death of .... The JFK assassination. - GCSE History - Marked by Teachers.com. Meet the respectable JFK conspiracy theorists - The Washington Post. The Kennedy Conspiracy: 12 Startling Revelations About the JFK .... John F. Kennedy Assassination: Jim Garrison's Conspiracy Investigation .... John F. Kennedy Assassination Sources Questions - GCSE History - Marked .... Assassination of John F Kennedy Free Essay Sample on Samploon.com. JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories Sell Lots of Books - WSJ. JFK assassination conspiracy theory 'PROOF' as sketch shows SECOND .... Cambridge News explains anonymous call ahead of JFK assassination. Who shot JFK? 6 conspiracy theories. 39 Rarely Seen Kennedy Assassination Photos That Capture The Tragedy Of .... Kennedy assassination: How we reported a 'tragedy for the world' | From .... This Single Paragraph From the JFK Assassination Files Changes Everything. JFK assassination - different the
Essay on the Importance of Health | Social Group | Public Health. Impressive Health Care Essay ~ Thatsnotus. Original Essay | Chronic Condition | Health Care. Health Essays - US Health Care System. HEALTH CARE SYSTEM ESSAY EXAMPLE Nexthanpa1963 Blog. The Health of the People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... (PDF) How to improve healthcare improvement - An essay by Mary Dixon-Woods. Health Essay Sample Telegraph. Medical School Essays | Medical School | Preventive Healthcare. Nursing Ethics Essay The Code of Ethics for Professional Nurses. Essay on health care insurance / cheap assignment writing service. Health Care argumentative free essay sample - New York Essays - List Of .... Improved More Efficient And Affordable Health Care Health Care Essay .... A Reflective Essay Based On An Episode Of Patient Care. Example ....
This document is the introduction to Gregory Bateson's book Mind and Nature. It describes how Bateson originally intended to write two separate books, one on evolutionary theory and the other titled "Every Schoolboy Knows" to explain basic concepts. However, as he worked on the manuscripts the two books merged into a single work presenting a Platonic view of how all entities, from humans to ecosystems, evolve and learn by fitting into universal patterns and laws of epistemology. The introduction sets up how the book will take an integrative approach to examining ideas across disciplines.
Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking. Cause and effect essay on smoking. Cau...Stacey Parker
The Causes and Effects of Smoking among Students. Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking Telegraph. Buy Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking Pdf; Short essay cause and effect .... Essay effect of smoking cigarettes. Problem Solution Teen Smoking Essay. cause and effect essay on smoking. The Effect of Smoking (600 Words) - PHDessay.com. Sample Of A Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking. School paper: Cause and effect essay about smoking. Smoking Essay | 10 Harmful Effects of Smoking on Health. Writing an Article about the causes and effects of smoking | Context ....
How To Write A Critical Reflection EssayTina Hudson
1. The document provides steps for requesting writing help from HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, and reviewing writer bids before choosing a writer and placing a deposit.
2. After receiving a completed paper, the customer can request revisions until satisfied with the original, high-quality content.
3. HelpWriting.net offers a refund if plagiarism is found, ensuring customers' needs will be fully met.
Essays About Cell Phones. Reflection Essay: Persuasive essay on cell phone us...davih0fytav3
Mobile Phones Essay Free Essay Example. Essay describing a cellphone. Cell phones should be banned in schools essay in 2021 School essay .... Essay on use and abuse of mobile phones - bookcritic.x.fc2.com. Essay about the cell phones. Essay About Cell Phone. Should cell phones be allowed at school? - GCSE English - Marked by .... Mobile Phones Essay Essay on Mobile Phones for Students and Children .... Argumentative Essay Practice- Students Use of Cell Phones in School. 004 Cell Phone Usage In Schools Essayerm Paper Academic Writing Phones .... Essay on harmful effects of mobile phones on students. Harmful .... Argumentative Essay on Cell Phones: Should They Be Allowed in School .... Calam辿o - Essay on Cell Phones: Great and Excellent Tips for Students. Mobile Phone Essay - IMobile Cool. mobile phones essay - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. Persuasive essay cell phones. Mobile Phones and Drivi
9. November 08: Introduction to Environmental Knolwedges in Asia
Wrecthed of the Earth --- IV. On National Culture (pp. 145-169)
Rubis JM and Theriault N (2019) Concealing Protocols: Conservation, Indigenous Survivance, and
the Dilemmas of Visibility. Social and Cultural Geography. DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2019.1574882.
Paredes, Oona. 2016. Rivers of Memory and Oceans of Difference in the Lumad World of Mindan-
ao, TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia 4(2): 329-349.
Viewing of One Night in Bhopal (documentary)
Nature And Environment Essays. Narrative Essay: Natural environment essayDonna Baun
Essay on Save Environment | Save Environment Esssay for Students and .... Write a short essay on How To Protect The Environment | Essay on .... How To Save The Environment Writing / Sample essay on hindrances to .... Essays About Nature And Environment | Sitedoct.org. English Essay | Natural Environment | Global Warming. Essay on Environment for Students and Children | PDF Download. Essay on Environment for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English. Sample essay on hindrances to environmental conservation. Environment essay. Environmental studies and forestry sample essay.
Art History Essay Structure | Sitedoct.org. 011 Art History Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus. 002 Essay Example Sample Of Art History Writing L ~ Thatsnotus. History of art - A-Level Art & Design - Marked by Teachers.com. College Essay: Examples of history essays. Art History Essays. 016 What Is Art Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus. History of Two Art Period Free Essay Sample on Samploon.com. Essay 1 art history - Grade: A - Orozco 1 Professor Simmons Art History .... 003 Essay Example History Essays Examples Of Template Art Compare And .... 170 Amazing Art History Thesis Topics. Art History Thesis Examples - Thesis Title Ideas for College. Narrative Essay: Art history essay topics. Art History Essay Example - Thesis statement art history papers English .... 60+ Art History Research Paper Topics: Exclusive Ideas and Free Samples. The Evolution of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... 020 Essay Example Art History Ancient20greece20 ~ Thatsnotus.
The Agricultural Revolution Essay Example | StudyHippo.com. The Agricultural Revolution in Britain Essay Example | GraduateWay. Agricultural Revolution Outline for World History | Student Handouts. Agricultural Revolution Essay. Agricultural Revolution by Lady Lion | Teachers Pay Teachers. Agricultural Revolution Storyboard by dd795301. Essay on Agricultural Revolution in India. The Agricultural Revolution Facts & Information Powerpoint. Agricultural Revolution Lecture Notes. Lesson 02 The Agricultural Revolution. The Agricultural Revolution. The Agricultural Revolution was the increase in agricultural production .... The Agricultural Revolutions by Molly Thomsen. Agricultural revolution essay - Get - proofreadingbackwards.web.fc2.com. Agriculture And Industry In America, 1789-1840 - PHDessay.com. Agricultural Revolution Worksheets | KS3 & KS4 Lesson Resources. Agricultural Revolutions. | Download Scientific Diagram. Essays On Agricultural Revolution
Expository Essay: Examples and Tips of a Proper Writing That Will Be .... How To Write An Expository Essay in 6 Steps | CustomEssayMeister.com. Example Of A Good Expository Essay - Effective Tips on How to Write a ....
How To Write A Thesis Statement (with Useful Steps and Tips) 7ESL. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) TemplateLab. Thesis Statement Thesis Essay Sample - Thesis Title Ideas for College. Master Thesis Writing Help : Why use our custom masters dissertation .... Don't Dissertation Services Unless You Use These 10 Tools.
How To Write A Thesis Statement (with Useful Steps and Tips) 7ESL. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) TemplateLab. Thesis Statement Thesis Essay Sample - Thesis Title Ideas for College. Master Thesis Writing Help : Why use our custom masters dissertation .... Don't Dissertation Services Unless You Use These 10 Tools.
This document outlines the syllabus for an Indigenous studies course called "Indigenous Ecological Ways of Knowing and the Academy" taught at Carleton University in winter 2021. The course will examine Indigenous perspectives on relationships with the land, water, sky and more-than-human beings. It will draw on case studies and texts from Indigenous communities around the world. The instructor is opening some course materials to the public online, including weekly summaries and discussion questions. The 13-week course schedule lists readings and optional texts on topics like earth, fire, plants and environmental racism from Indigenous perspectives.
Understanding Korea 2020 Essays Contest. North Korea and South Korea (500 Words) - PHDessay.com. Korea Essay Telegraph. Essay about korea country club.
Vietnam War Photo Essay. Vietnam War Photo EssayKari Wilson
Vietnam War Photo Essay by emily goodin on Prezi. Essay websites: Vietnam war photo essay. Vietnam War Photo Essay by jeremy vroman. Photo essay: Vietnam during wartime | Investvine. Vietnam War Photo Essay. Vietnam War Photo Essay Telegraph. The Vietnam War Essay - PHDessay.com. Vietnam War Essay | Essay on Vietnam War for Students and Children in .... The Vietnam War In History - Free Essay Example | PapersOwl.com. The Hidden Atrocities of the Vietnam War - WSJ. Essay Sample: In the Trenches of Vietnam War .... Personal Narrative: My First Vietnam War | rmt.edu.pk. The Vietnam War-Digital essay - YouTube. 44 Declassified Vietnam War Photos The Public Wasn't Meant To See. Top 63 Vietnam War Essay Topics For History Papers. Autumn 2009, History 279 (The Vietnam War) - Second essay. The Vietnam War in U.S history - Free Essay Example | PapersOwl.com. 27 Vietnam Primary Sources ideas | vietnam war, vietnam, war. ISSUE 4- Vietnam War essay - YouTube. why did the us lose the vietnam war essay. Vietnam War Books From Vietnamese Perspective : Other Moons Vietnamese .... The War in Vietnam: A Story in Photographs | National Archives. Vietnam War Photo Essay by sean corrigan. War Essay: Topics You Can Use. events, Vietnam War, captured North Vietnamese soldier writing a letter ... Vietnam War Photo Essay
Essay on Election | Election Essay for Students and Children in English .... Reasons to Keep the Electoral College - Free Essay Example | PapersOwl.com. Presidential Election Writing Ideas for Tween and Teen Students. How To Write Essay On Our School Election || Essay Writing || Short .... Electoral political participation essay. College Election - English Essay. PROCESS.docx - We have offered several election essays in English for ....
JFK assassination: Top ten conspiracy theories over the death of .... The JFK assassination. - GCSE History - Marked by Teachers.com. Meet the respectable JFK conspiracy theorists - The Washington Post. The Kennedy Conspiracy: 12 Startling Revelations About the JFK .... John F. Kennedy Assassination: Jim Garrison's Conspiracy Investigation .... John F. Kennedy Assassination Sources Questions - GCSE History - Marked .... Assassination of John F Kennedy Free Essay Sample on Samploon.com. JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories Sell Lots of Books - WSJ. JFK assassination conspiracy theory 'PROOF' as sketch shows SECOND .... Cambridge News explains anonymous call ahead of JFK assassination. Who shot JFK? 6 conspiracy theories. 39 Rarely Seen Kennedy Assassination Photos That Capture The Tragedy Of .... Kennedy assassination: How we reported a 'tragedy for the world' | From .... This Single Paragraph From the JFK Assassination Files Changes Everything. JFK assassination - different the
Essay on the Importance of Health | Social Group | Public Health. Impressive Health Care Essay ~ Thatsnotus. Original Essay | Chronic Condition | Health Care. Health Essays - US Health Care System. HEALTH CARE SYSTEM ESSAY EXAMPLE Nexthanpa1963 Blog. The Health of the People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... (PDF) How to improve healthcare improvement - An essay by Mary Dixon-Woods. Health Essay Sample Telegraph. Medical School Essays | Medical School | Preventive Healthcare. Nursing Ethics Essay The Code of Ethics for Professional Nurses. Essay on health care insurance / cheap assignment writing service. Health Care argumentative free essay sample - New York Essays - List Of .... Improved More Efficient And Affordable Health Care Health Care Essay .... A Reflective Essay Based On An Episode Of Patient Care. Example ....
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To whom it may concern (1 of 3 pages)
February 10, 2010
It is my deep honor to be able to write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Jayson
Fetterley. I have known Jayson since Fall 2008, when I first interviewed him for
participation in the University of Michigan Global Intercultural Experiences for
Undergraduates (GIEU) program. This program involves two semesters of preparations
culminating in a 3-4 week international trip to perform work or research while immersed
in a different culture. I was the solely responsible Faculty Fellow for a trip to the
Tetuwan Oyate (Sioux or Lakota) Territory, with home stays for students on the Pine
Ridge Reservation (South Dakota). I conceived of the trip as a joke: commenting to the
GIEU program director that I thought there were parts of the continental US that have
active sovereignty disputes with U. S. government, and where, in fact, the culture is
differs from our dominant culture more than the culture of other foreign countries. This
eventually lead to my journey, accompanied by 12 undergraduates aging from 18 to 22
years old, for 4 weeks to what is undoubtedly the poorest, most isolating location in the
continental US. This was the most difficult thing that I have ever done, including
defending a doctoral dissertation at M. I. T. in the mid-i 970s (first woman in my field to
do so, and in the presence of substantial hostility). We were hosted by a leader of the
traditional Treaty Council, which is distinct from the elected reservation government and
recognized by many tribal members as the true, legitimate government of the people.
She, the first woman leader in hundreds of years, is also spokesperson to the United
Nations for the tribe. Our work was focussed on concerns about the environment,
specifically past, present, and future uranium mining activities (I am a nuclear
engineering professor in the #1 ranked nuclear engineering department in the US).
I could not have survived the trip without Jayson, the only male who travelled with us.
He was one of two student leaders who mediated the uninterrupted trainwreck of
Jayson was in a group of four who camped in two very small tents for 3 weeks, because
the accommodations that were promised to the group did not materialize. They were
literally surrounded by poisonous snakes, coyotes, and wildcats, not to mention gnats
and mosquitoes and uncomfortable weather (from hot to cold). One of the four students
living in the tents, who had never been camping, was terrified. Jayson held that group
together repeatedly. A severe thunderstorm completely destroyed one of the tents at the
end of the third week, and the group moved into a tin shack that became available that
had no electricity or running water, except for the holes in the roof when it rained. The
single-room shack was not much bigger than the tents, and much smaller than a travel
111/ i/
2. Throughout the challenges of the living situation, Jayson got up each day and walked a
to Radio Kili. There, he did whatever was needed from sweeping the floors to
answering the telephones. By building his relationship there, he ended up having his
own radio program, did interviews of great interest to the tribe, and went on location to
at least once (the opening of a new school). Radio Kill, where he worked, is unusual in
that it represents true community radio, and is a true life-line on the reservation, where
homes are spread quite far apart.
Jayson also befriended his host family, which lived in cramped quarters on the land
where his group camped. He did a lot of hard work on the land when he was not at the
radio station, including working with the horses, painting, and cleaning up the property.
Did I mention that Jayson is a great cook, serving as a chef for parties of more than 20
people on two occasions? The host family thought so highly of Jayson that they
presented him with a blanket, a deep honor, the day of his departure. He was
considered family, and the patriarch of the family stated that he would always consider
Jayson his son. It is hard to explain to those unfamiliar with the situation and culture, but
for outsiders to establish trust in such a short time period in the Tetuwan Qyate Territory
is truly remarkable. This usually takes several years of living with the people, and even
then such acceptance is not guaranteed.
Jayson stood out as a leader at other times during the trip. Several of our team,
including Jayson, were honored to be able to witness a treaty meeting between the
Tetuwan people and representatives of a Canadian tribe. He immediately grasp the
international importance of the meeting: we had very interesting conversations
afterwards about it. He further contributed to the discussion without being impolite in
terms of the prevalent culture, which he had quickly figured out. In addition, in a couple
of field trips aimed at making environmental radiation measurements, recorded by a
PBS-funded movie crew, Jayson was articulate and held his own in explaining the
environmental situations and issues.
None of this surprised me in the slightest, since Jayson had already volunteered in my
laboratory during the 2008-2009 academic year. I had offered the GIEU students the
option of going with me to the annual Health Physics Society (concerned with technical
aspects of radiation safety) the week before the GIEU experience. The conditions I
imposed were that the students had to contribute in some significant way to the
projects, write up the abstracts themselves (with my serious editting assistance), and
present their work at the conference. This had been offered primarily because a number
of the students in the group were science and engineering majors, and this would give
them more experience of a different type, and directly relevant to our mission in the
Tetuwan Territory. I was a bit surprised by Jaysons interest, but he ended up having a
statistics background that contributed significantly to several projects. His contributions
were equivalent to those of seniors in my department with several years of research
experience, which is, to say the least, impressive.
At the conference, Jayson was co-author on four abstracts and ended up presenting not
one, but two talks. This turned out to be quite fortuitous, because his second, less
3. technical talk, ended up being tougher than anticipated. One of the students who spoke
about uranium issues was severely and inappropriately attacked by a mining company
official who was in the audience. In fact, I was later approached by an apologetic
conference organizer about possibly sanctioning the individual who was hostile. The
behavior was surprising given that the talk was basically about a computation that
showed that the radiological impacts of a particular type of uranium mining accident
would be small. It was Jaysons talk, not yet given, that was actually controversial,
since it dealt with the position of the Tetuwan Oyate on uranium mining: opposed,
contrary to the majority of individuals in the audience. I was personally worried that I
had set up a student for a disaster. But Jayson, who agreed to both prepare and give
the talk at the last minute because the other student author was unable to travel to the
conference, met the challenge. He stuck to planned talk, and handled all the questions
without becoming emotional while remaining focussed on the message. He also did not
start opinionating (inappropriate in the context), but stuck to the points of the work itself,
which were designed to help the run-of-the-mill radiation safety professional understand
a little more about communication issues and the nature of concern about radiation
when working with the public. A former Assistant Secretary of Energy (one of my
personal mentors) congratulated Jayson whole-heartedly after the session. I was proud,
but unsure what I had done to merit having Jayson associated with me!
The technical work that Jayson did was such that he is being included as co-author on a
full-length paper being considered for publication by a peer-reviewed journal. It is
important to note that scientific papers often have numerous authors, but that these are
very selectively chosen based upon intellectual substance of their contributions. Several
other papers will be coming out from my laboratory acknowledging his contributions.
This is amazing considering he never took a single course or credit relating to this
research, so it does not show up on his transcripts. He has followed through with the
work, despite having no immediate incentives to do so, during the revision process,
which has been much appreciated.
I do not know exactly what the qualities are that you are looking for. What I do know is
that I would not mind having Jayson as a doctoral student. Jayson has the drive, he has
the persistence, he has the creativity, he is a teacher who knows how to listen, he has
unusual intelligence, he learns quickly, he can express himself very well, he has
demonstrated a lot of creative problem solving thinking, and, well, he is just plain good
to have around. He has a strength of character and gentle calmness that I have never
seen in such ample supply in any student, in 29 years of being an engineering faculty
member. Perhaps my anecdotes about him will help you appreciate Jayson Fetterley.
Jayson stands up for justice, and now knows about things that I care about, so I guess it
is, in part, motivated by selfishness that I encourage you to open whatever doors that
you can for him. He will make a difference in the world. There is no doubt in my mind.
Respectfully our
Professor Kim Kearfott, ScD, CHP