Ringkasan dokumen ini adalah:
1. Dokumen ini menyenaraikan tugas dan sasaran kerja guru bernama Pyd Rozimah binti Mohd Halimi di SMK Tun Syed Syeh Barakbah.
2. Beliau telah berjaya melaksanakan tugas-tugas kurikulum dan kokurikulum serta pengurusan sekolah dengan cemerlang.
3. Kesemua sasaran kerjanya telah dipenuhi atau melebihi sasaran.
Takwim tahun 2022/2023 Panitia Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi menyenaraikan 12 aktiviti termasuk mesyuarat panitia, semakan stok alatan, penyenggaraan alatan, aktiviti Chef PPD, dan PBD Akhir Tahun yang melibatkan guru dan murid tahun 4, 5 dan 6 pada tahun berkenaan.
This document provides a sample lesson plan for Year 2 English language focusing on reading skills. The lesson plan aims to help pupils pronounce and list 10 words containing the 'th' sound correctly. The plan lists activities like showing a chart of words, reading the words with teacher guidance, blending and segmenting the words using word cards, reading words aloud using blending and segmenting, and listing the words in a table. It also provides information on learning standards, objectives, assessment and reflection.
Latih tubi untuk bab darab. Latihan meliputi sifir, pendaraban dengan satu digit dan juga pendaraban dua digit beserta sifir dengan dua kaedah berbeza.
Mohon maaf, saya tidak dapat memberikan cadangan aktiviti untuk fasa ini kerana tiada butiran yang diberikan. Sila berikan butiran aktiviti yang boleh saya cadangkan.
This document contains a proposed curriculum outline for a preschool program with weekly themes. It lists 41 weeks of themes and sub-themes covering topics like self, family, friends, safety, food, plants, animals, transportation, countries, holidays and more. The curriculum is split into two semesters with breaks in March, May, September and December.
This document contains the results of the annual sports day event for SJK(C)Foon Yew in 2011. It lists the rankings, names, houses and results of participants in various track and field events separated by gender and age/grade levels like 100m, 200m, long jump, high jump, shot put, discus and relay races for grades/ages 9-12. The top three placements of Johan, Naib Johan and Ketiga are included for each event.
1. The document contains instructions and questions for an English language exam taken by a student named Zhi Qing. It has four sections - Section A tests vocabulary, Section B tests sentence formation, Section C contains reading comprehension questions, and Section D involves unscrambling letters to form occupation words.
2. The exam asks Zhi Qing to fill in blanks about his family and hobbies. Section B rearranges words to form sentences about different students' hobbies. Section C contains a dialogue and questions about the characters' interests. Section D lists descriptions of various jobs and students must spell out the occupations.
3. The exam tests a range of English language skills including vocabulary, reading comprehension, sentence
This document provides a lesson plan for a 1-hour English lesson for special education students on the theme of animals. The lesson involves listening to animal sounds and matching them to pictures. It includes 5 learning outcomes related to naming animals and matching sounds to pictures. The lesson incorporates music, visual art, and focuses on listening, spelling, speaking and coloring skills. It aims to teach understanding and listening through activities like playing animal sounds and having students identify the animals. The lesson also focuses on following instructions and being hardworking.
The document is an exam paper for a Year 1 assessment in a Malaysian school. It contains instructions for students on how to complete the exam, which will be a 2 hour written test divided into sections. The first section has 10 comprehension questions. The second section has longer answer questions worth 30 marks total, to be completed in 40 minutes. The third section contains an article and related questions worth 15 marks to be done in 20 minutes. The paper contains a total of 100 marks. Student names, examiner details and page numbers are provided for record keeping purposes.
This document contains an instrument for a basic mathematics skills diagnostic test for primary school students in a special education program in Johor, Malaysia. It outlines 18 skills to be tested in mathematics, from pre-number concepts to problem solving involving the four basic operations. For each skill, it provides sample test items and instructions for students to complete tasks related to number recognition, operations, time telling, and money. The test was developed by a panel of trainers for the special education program in the Johor State Education Department.
This document provides a lesson plan summary for a Monday class on Our Community. The lesson's objectives are for pupils to study pictures and say at least two correct sentences about the activities with teacher guidance. The lesson involves pupils talking about recent activities, brainstorming sentences about pictures of a shop, making their own sentences to share aloud, and the teacher reinforcing and summarizing the lesson.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang berbagai jenis kendaraan di darat, udara dan air. Kendaraan di darat meliputi kereta, bas, lori dan keretapi. Kendaraan di udara adalah kapal terbang dan helikopter. Kendaraan di air mencakup sampan dan kapal.
This document contains the results of the annual sports day event for SJK(C)Foon Yew in 2011. It lists the rankings, names, houses and results of participants in various track and field events separated by gender and age/grade levels like 100m, 200m, long jump, high jump, shot put, discus and relay races for grades/ages 9-12. The top three placements of Johan, Naib Johan and Ketiga are included for each event.
1. The document contains instructions and questions for an English language exam taken by a student named Zhi Qing. It has four sections - Section A tests vocabulary, Section B tests sentence formation, Section C contains reading comprehension questions, and Section D involves unscrambling letters to form occupation words.
2. The exam asks Zhi Qing to fill in blanks about his family and hobbies. Section B rearranges words to form sentences about different students' hobbies. Section C contains a dialogue and questions about the characters' interests. Section D lists descriptions of various jobs and students must spell out the occupations.
3. The exam tests a range of English language skills including vocabulary, reading comprehension, sentence
This document provides a lesson plan for a 1-hour English lesson for special education students on the theme of animals. The lesson involves listening to animal sounds and matching them to pictures. It includes 5 learning outcomes related to naming animals and matching sounds to pictures. The lesson incorporates music, visual art, and focuses on listening, spelling, speaking and coloring skills. It aims to teach understanding and listening through activities like playing animal sounds and having students identify the animals. The lesson also focuses on following instructions and being hardworking.
The document is an exam paper for a Year 1 assessment in a Malaysian school. It contains instructions for students on how to complete the exam, which will be a 2 hour written test divided into sections. The first section has 10 comprehension questions. The second section has longer answer questions worth 30 marks total, to be completed in 40 minutes. The third section contains an article and related questions worth 15 marks to be done in 20 minutes. The paper contains a total of 100 marks. Student names, examiner details and page numbers are provided for record keeping purposes.
This document contains an instrument for a basic mathematics skills diagnostic test for primary school students in a special education program in Johor, Malaysia. It outlines 18 skills to be tested in mathematics, from pre-number concepts to problem solving involving the four basic operations. For each skill, it provides sample test items and instructions for students to complete tasks related to number recognition, operations, time telling, and money. The test was developed by a panel of trainers for the special education program in the Johor State Education Department.
This document provides a lesson plan summary for a Monday class on Our Community. The lesson's objectives are for pupils to study pictures and say at least two correct sentences about the activities with teacher guidance. The lesson involves pupils talking about recent activities, brainstorming sentences about pictures of a shop, making their own sentences to share aloud, and the teacher reinforcing and summarizing the lesson.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang berbagai jenis kendaraan di darat, udara dan air. Kendaraan di darat meliputi kereta, bas, lori dan keretapi. Kendaraan di udara adalah kapal terbang dan helikopter. Kendaraan di air mencakup sampan dan kapal.
Dokumen ini menyebutkan berbagai jenis kenderaan darat seperti basikal, beca, motosikal, kereta, van, lori, kereta api dan bas. Dokumen ini juga menyuruh untuk menyesuaikan gambar kenderaan dengan perkataan yang betul.
Dokumen tersebut berisi daftar sayuran dan buah-buahan yang terdiri dari sawi, kubis, lobak, tomato, bendi, terung, kangkung, bayam, bayam merah, timun, labu, cili/lada, kentang, peria, petola, tauge, kacang buncis, dan kacang botol.
Narasi singkat mengisahkan Navin dan Biki membantu datuk mereka di kebun sayur. Mereka membantu menyiram tanaman dan membubuh baja. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan jenis-jenis sayuran yang ditanam di kebun tersebut seperti timun, terung, labu dan tomato serta mengajak anak-anak untuk bersama-sama menyanyikan lagu tentang kebun sayuran datuk.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang 10 jenis sayuran dan buah favorit beserta manfaat nutrisi yang terkandung didalamnya. Sayuran seperti wortel kaya akan beta karoten dan vitamin A yang baik untuk penglihatan, sementara brokoli kaya kalsium yang baik untuk pertumbuhan tulang. Buah seperti pisang dan jeruk kaya vitamin C yang baik untuk sistem kekebalan tubuh.
This document lists various jobs that involve wearing a uniform such as soldiers, police officers, doctors, nurses, and security guards. People in these roles perform important tasks to help and protect society while representing their occupation through their uniform. The document focuses on the common element of uniforms across different career paths.
The document lists different animals seen at the zoo such as panda, monkey, zebra, giraffe, tiger, lion, ostrich, and camel. It then asks what animal is depicted, and confirms it is a panda. Finally, it says goodbye.