This kickstart file configures an ESXi 5.0 installation on a server. It clears partitions on the first disk, installs ESXi using the first disk and overwrites any existing VMFS partitions. It sets the root password, reboots after installation, configures the management network interface, and configures a vSwitch with port groups.
1. The document provides instructions for configuring iptables firewall rules on a SUSE Linux server to set up a network with internal servers and clients.
2. It outlines steps to allow specific services and access between servers and clients like SSH, DNS, file sharing, remote desktop, and internet access.
3. The configuration includes setting up masquerading and destination NAT rules to enable connectivity and allow internal clients to access the internet through the firewall server.
The document outlines the configuration of a network including a LAN server and LAN client. It describes setting up Active Directory, DNS, DHCP services on the LAN server with IP scopes and reservations. It also covers installing DHCP relay on the server to facilitate IP addressing between the server and LAN client subnet, as well as allowing users to access file shares, join the domain, and login with Active Directory credentials.
Free radius billing server with practical vpn exmapleChanaka Lasantha
This document provides instructions for setting up a total site-to-site Linux-based OpenVPN solution with dynamic DNS (DDNS) in 3 pages. It includes steps to install and configure a DDNS client, FreeRADIUS server, MySQL database, OpenVPN server, firewall rules, and a web interface for managing the FreeRADIUS server. The full document contains technical details for installing packages, editing configuration files, testing the setup, and securing the system.
Configure Webserver & SSL secure & redirect in SuSE Linux EnterpriseTola LENG
In this chapter you will be able:
-How to install webserver in suse linux server
-How to configure webserver
-How to hosting website and web application
-How to configure secure connection (SSL, Redirect)
Raw Iron to Enterprise Server: Installing Domino on LinuxDevin Olson
This document appears to be notes from a presentation or session on installing and configuring IBM Domino on CentOS Linux. It includes steps for:
1) Installing VirtualBox and CentOS in a virtual machine, configuring networking and basic CentOS configuration.
2) Installing additional packages, disabling SELinux, configuring firewall rules, and creating a Linux user and group for Domino.
3) Configuring SSH, removing conflicting services, increasing file handles, setting Domino-specific variables, and creating directories for Domino data and installation files.
4) Copying the Domino installation files, verifying, extracting, and running the installer to complete the Domino installation on
This document discusses various techniques for evading antivirus, firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems (IPS). It begins with techniques for antivirus evasion using tools like msfvenom, veil-evasion, shellter, and unicorn to obfuscate payloads. Next it discusses firewall and IPS evasion techniques like stage encoding/encryption, zombie scanning, tunneling over protocols like ICMP, DNS, and using a custom Tor configuration. The document provides examples and links to demonstrate these evasion techniques.
-Configure DHCP (Create LAN Server and LAN Client) on Windows Server 2008R2
-Configure Relay on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
-Allow Client Use DHCP IP for each LAN
Basic Security
@ Updates
-Update manager
-Enable automatic security updates(Update Setting)
=> Super windows => type the key word (System Setting) =>
@ Firewall
-In Ubuntu all ports are block by default
-Default firewall-ufw (turned off by default)
+sudo ufw status
+sudo ufw enable/disable
-Firestarter for graphical interface (recommanded)
+sudo apt-get install firestarter
@ User Accounts
-User & Groups
+Disable user guest
-Do not use root user (Disable by default)
+sudo passwd
+sudo passwd -l root (disable/changed expiry password)
-Use sudo instead of root (/etc/sudoers)
+sudo visudo OR sudo gedit /etc/sudoers(To set the privilege user authorized)
+sudo adduser tolaleng sudo
-Deleting Users
+sudo deluser canamall
-Removing world readable permission to home directory
+sudo chmod 0750 /home/username
-Locking/Unlocking user
+sudo passwd -l username (enable user expiry)
+sudo passwd -u username (disable user expiry)
+sudo chage canamall (Set the password expiration)
+sudo chage-l canamall (show the password expiration)
@ Antivirus
-Clam TK (Under Accessories), other anti-virus
@ Unistall Applications
-Ubuntu Software Center-> Installed software section-> Select application and click remove
@ Processes
-To see processes
+ps aux or top
+system monitor(cacti, nagios,)
@ Logs
-Some of logs
+ /var/log/messages : general log messages
+ /var/log/boot : system boot log
+ /var/log/debug/ : debugging log messages
+ /var/log/auth.log : user login and authentication logs
+ /var/log/daemon.log : running services such as squid,ntpd and other log message to this file
+ /var/log/kern.log : kernel log file
-Viewing logs
+ tail, more, cat, less, grep
+ GNOME system log viewer
=> Security Host
* Create Standard User and enable user passwd (complexity password, strong passwd, passwd expired, invalid day of passwd, Lock and Unlock user, disable user Guest, )
* Secure remote network and host
-Telnet(Secure with the host and address connection)
-SSH (Secure with the authentication encryption key)
=> Security Backup (Data Hosting)
*Make a Full Backup of Your Machine
-Aptik (backup application)
-rsync (Remote synce)
-Gsync (Remote)
This document contains configuration files for setting up a site-to-site VPN between 4 routers to connect two private networks. The VPN uses pre-shared keys and IKE policy to establish encrypted tunnels between routers using IPsec. Verification shows the private networks can now communicate securely through the VPN tunnels, while remaining isolated from public networks and invisible to each other without the VPN.
The document discusses various Linux network configuration and troubleshooting commands, including ifconfig for configuring network interfaces and viewing network settings, ping for testing network connectivity, traceroute for tracing the network route to a destination, and commands like netstat, dig, nslookup, route, host, arp, ethtool, iwconfig, and hostname for additional network tasks and information retrieval. It provides examples and brief explanations of how to use each command.
The document discusses DNS (Domain Name System) and the process of performing a cut-over or migration to a new IP address. It provides information on DNS records, TTL (time to live), caching, and strategies for updating DNS entries and TTL values when performing a migration to minimize disruption.
Configuring GRE Tunnel Through a Cisco ASA FirewallHarris Andrea
As you might know, Cisco ASA can not terminate GRE tunnels. However, you can pass GRE traffic through a Cisco ASA 5500 firewall as described in this tutorial.
DNS windows server(2008R2) & linux(SLES 11)Tola LENG
In this practice you will be able:
-Configure Primary DNS and Secondary DNS
-Configure DNS zone transter
-DNS Delegation
-DNS Security zone transfer
-Configure also Linux(Sles 11) and Windows Server 2008R2
The document provides instructions for configuring a Mikrotik router, including setting up interfaces and network cards, assigning IP addresses, creating NAT and DHCP rules, configuring DNS and gateway settings, and setting up a basic hotspot with user authentication. It also describes how to change the ISP connection and switch between Radius and local authentication for the hotspot.
Configure proxy firewall on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11Tola LENG
In this practice you will be able:
-How to install and configure the iptables and proxy firewall when we want to block the packet.
-How to allow or deny the services or packet when the client access to the Internet.
Tola.leng mail server (sq_mail & rcmail)_q5_Tola LENG
The document discusses the steps to configure a mail server with Postfix and Dovecot on CentOS. It covers installing and configuring DNS, Postfix, Dovecot, Squirrelmail and Roundcube webmail clients. Authentication is enabled using LDAP. SSL/TLS encryption is configured for secure mail delivery. Troubleshooting tips and tests are provided to ensure proper send/receive functionality.
This document provides a comparison of commands between Cisco and Huawei routers. It lists Cisco commands along with their equivalent Huawei commands. For example, the Cisco command "configure terminal" is equivalent to the Huawei command "system". It also provides examples of basic Huawei configuration commands like setting the device name, viewing the configuration, and configuring an interface.
Watching And Manipulating Your Network TrafficJosiah Ritchie
This is an intro presentation to using the powerful tools for provided for linux in the area of networking. These are command line only tools because in a good network firewall, you won't have the option of graphical tools.
This document contains configurations for routers and switches to set up a network with multiple sites connected over WAN links. The routers at each site run EIGRP and establish connectivity between LANs. Switches are configured with VLANs, port security, etherchannels, PVST+ and SSH to segment traffic and secure access.
This document provides a summary of common Linux network tools including ifconfig, netstat, route, ping, traceroute, iptables, netcat, rinetd, tcpdump, and tcpreplay. It describes what each tool is used for at a high level, such as configuring network interfaces, displaying network status, manipulating network routes, testing network connectivity, implementing firewalls, and capturing/replaying network traffic. The document also provides basic introductions to IPv4 and IPv6 addressing and routing concepts.
This document describes the configuration of a VPN tunnel between two sites (Site A and Site B) using VyOS routers and firewalls. IPsec is used to create the VPN tunnel, with ESP and IKE groups defined. OSPF routing is configured between the sites. Each site has redundant firewalls in a cluster, with a primary and secondary, to provide high availability. Virtual interfaces are used to create VLANs and the required IP addressing. The configuration details for each device are then provided.
Real Time Health Analytics With WebSockets Python 3 and Redis PubSub: Benjami...Redis Labs
This document discusses using a message broker called Cobra for publishing analytics data from clients. It describes how publishers can send data to Cobra using WebSockets and how Cobra uses Redis for its pub/sub functionality. Subscribers can then connect to Cobra and write filters in a SQL-like language to select subsets of data from specific channels. The document provides examples of deploying the system on OpenShift and using tools like Neo, Grafana, Sentry and Tableau as subscribers to visualize and explore the analytics data.
This document contains the configuration settings for a high performance proxy server. It defines ports, directories, caching parameters, access controls, refresh patterns and other settings to optimize the proxy's performance and security. Caching is enabled for many media types including videos, images and files. Access and caching is specially configured for sites like YouTube, Facebook and ads.
Cloudy with a Chance of Fireballs: Provisioning and Certificate Management in...Puppet
The document discusses managing trusted instances in the cloud. It outlines the problem of verifying instances provisioned in the cloud are legitimate. It then provides an overview of a solution where instances generate certificate signing requests with metadata upon launch, and a puppetmaster signs the requests after verifying the instance information with the cloud provider API. Signed certificates are returned to the instances containing the metadata, allowing the instances to be identified and classified in puppet configurations.
1. The document provides instructions for creating a isolated network in Neutron, including creating a network, subnet, router, and attaching the subnet to the router.
2. It then shows how to assign a public IP to the isolated network by setting the router gateway to an external network.
3. Finally, it demonstrates deleting the isolated network resources, including removing the router gateway, detaching the subnet, deleting the router, and deleting the network.
CoreOS in anger : firing up wordpress across a 3 machine CoreOS cluster Shaun Domingo
In this talk at the Sydney CoreOS meetup, I took the audience through:
a) Installation of CoreOS using VirtualBox and Vagrant
b) Items to consider when containerising your platform
c) Deploying wordpress across a CoreOS cluster.
Talk was given in OpenStack summit in Vancouver. Together with Miguel Lavalle we were talking about new features and future plans for Quality of Service in OpenStack Neutron.
-Configure DHCP (Create LAN Server and LAN Client) on Windows Server 2008R2
-Configure Relay on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
-Allow Client Use DHCP IP for each LAN
Basic Security
@ Updates
-Update manager
-Enable automatic security updates(Update Setting)
=> Super windows => type the key word (System Setting) =>
@ Firewall
-In Ubuntu all ports are block by default
-Default firewall-ufw (turned off by default)
+sudo ufw status
+sudo ufw enable/disable
-Firestarter for graphical interface (recommanded)
+sudo apt-get install firestarter
@ User Accounts
-User & Groups
+Disable user guest
-Do not use root user (Disable by default)
+sudo passwd
+sudo passwd -l root (disable/changed expiry password)
-Use sudo instead of root (/etc/sudoers)
+sudo visudo OR sudo gedit /etc/sudoers(To set the privilege user authorized)
+sudo adduser tolaleng sudo
-Deleting Users
+sudo deluser canamall
-Removing world readable permission to home directory
+sudo chmod 0750 /home/username
-Locking/Unlocking user
+sudo passwd -l username (enable user expiry)
+sudo passwd -u username (disable user expiry)
+sudo chage canamall (Set the password expiration)
+sudo chage-l canamall (show the password expiration)
@ Antivirus
-Clam TK (Under Accessories), other anti-virus
@ Unistall Applications
-Ubuntu Software Center-> Installed software section-> Select application and click remove
@ Processes
-To see processes
+ps aux or top
+system monitor(cacti, nagios,)
@ Logs
-Some of logs
+ /var/log/messages : general log messages
+ /var/log/boot : system boot log
+ /var/log/debug/ : debugging log messages
+ /var/log/auth.log : user login and authentication logs
+ /var/log/daemon.log : running services such as squid,ntpd and other log message to this file
+ /var/log/kern.log : kernel log file
-Viewing logs
+ tail, more, cat, less, grep
+ GNOME system log viewer
=> Security Host
* Create Standard User and enable user passwd (complexity password, strong passwd, passwd expired, invalid day of passwd, Lock and Unlock user, disable user Guest, )
* Secure remote network and host
-Telnet(Secure with the host and address connection)
-SSH (Secure with the authentication encryption key)
=> Security Backup (Data Hosting)
*Make a Full Backup of Your Machine
-Aptik (backup application)
-rsync (Remote synce)
-Gsync (Remote)
This document contains configuration files for setting up a site-to-site VPN between 4 routers to connect two private networks. The VPN uses pre-shared keys and IKE policy to establish encrypted tunnels between routers using IPsec. Verification shows the private networks can now communicate securely through the VPN tunnels, while remaining isolated from public networks and invisible to each other without the VPN.
The document discusses various Linux network configuration and troubleshooting commands, including ifconfig for configuring network interfaces and viewing network settings, ping for testing network connectivity, traceroute for tracing the network route to a destination, and commands like netstat, dig, nslookup, route, host, arp, ethtool, iwconfig, and hostname for additional network tasks and information retrieval. It provides examples and brief explanations of how to use each command.
The document discusses DNS (Domain Name System) and the process of performing a cut-over or migration to a new IP address. It provides information on DNS records, TTL (time to live), caching, and strategies for updating DNS entries and TTL values when performing a migration to minimize disruption.
Configuring GRE Tunnel Through a Cisco ASA FirewallHarris Andrea
As you might know, Cisco ASA can not terminate GRE tunnels. However, you can pass GRE traffic through a Cisco ASA 5500 firewall as described in this tutorial.
DNS windows server(2008R2) & linux(SLES 11)Tola LENG
In this practice you will be able:
-Configure Primary DNS and Secondary DNS
-Configure DNS zone transter
-DNS Delegation
-DNS Security zone transfer
-Configure also Linux(Sles 11) and Windows Server 2008R2
The document provides instructions for configuring a Mikrotik router, including setting up interfaces and network cards, assigning IP addresses, creating NAT and DHCP rules, configuring DNS and gateway settings, and setting up a basic hotspot with user authentication. It also describes how to change the ISP connection and switch between Radius and local authentication for the hotspot.
Configure proxy firewall on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11Tola LENG
In this practice you will be able:
-How to install and configure the iptables and proxy firewall when we want to block the packet.
-How to allow or deny the services or packet when the client access to the Internet.
Tola.leng mail server (sq_mail & rcmail)_q5_Tola LENG
The document discusses the steps to configure a mail server with Postfix and Dovecot on CentOS. It covers installing and configuring DNS, Postfix, Dovecot, Squirrelmail and Roundcube webmail clients. Authentication is enabled using LDAP. SSL/TLS encryption is configured for secure mail delivery. Troubleshooting tips and tests are provided to ensure proper send/receive functionality.
This document provides a comparison of commands between Cisco and Huawei routers. It lists Cisco commands along with their equivalent Huawei commands. For example, the Cisco command "configure terminal" is equivalent to the Huawei command "system". It also provides examples of basic Huawei configuration commands like setting the device name, viewing the configuration, and configuring an interface.
Watching And Manipulating Your Network TrafficJosiah Ritchie
This is an intro presentation to using the powerful tools for provided for linux in the area of networking. These are command line only tools because in a good network firewall, you won't have the option of graphical tools.
This document contains configurations for routers and switches to set up a network with multiple sites connected over WAN links. The routers at each site run EIGRP and establish connectivity between LANs. Switches are configured with VLANs, port security, etherchannels, PVST+ and SSH to segment traffic and secure access.
This document provides a summary of common Linux network tools including ifconfig, netstat, route, ping, traceroute, iptables, netcat, rinetd, tcpdump, and tcpreplay. It describes what each tool is used for at a high level, such as configuring network interfaces, displaying network status, manipulating network routes, testing network connectivity, implementing firewalls, and capturing/replaying network traffic. The document also provides basic introductions to IPv4 and IPv6 addressing and routing concepts.
This document describes the configuration of a VPN tunnel between two sites (Site A and Site B) using VyOS routers and firewalls. IPsec is used to create the VPN tunnel, with ESP and IKE groups defined. OSPF routing is configured between the sites. Each site has redundant firewalls in a cluster, with a primary and secondary, to provide high availability. Virtual interfaces are used to create VLANs and the required IP addressing. The configuration details for each device are then provided.
Real Time Health Analytics With WebSockets Python 3 and Redis PubSub: Benjami...Redis Labs
This document discusses using a message broker called Cobra for publishing analytics data from clients. It describes how publishers can send data to Cobra using WebSockets and how Cobra uses Redis for its pub/sub functionality. Subscribers can then connect to Cobra and write filters in a SQL-like language to select subsets of data from specific channels. The document provides examples of deploying the system on OpenShift and using tools like Neo, Grafana, Sentry and Tableau as subscribers to visualize and explore the analytics data.
This document contains the configuration settings for a high performance proxy server. It defines ports, directories, caching parameters, access controls, refresh patterns and other settings to optimize the proxy's performance and security. Caching is enabled for many media types including videos, images and files. Access and caching is specially configured for sites like YouTube, Facebook and ads.
Cloudy with a Chance of Fireballs: Provisioning and Certificate Management in...Puppet
The document discusses managing trusted instances in the cloud. It outlines the problem of verifying instances provisioned in the cloud are legitimate. It then provides an overview of a solution where instances generate certificate signing requests with metadata upon launch, and a puppetmaster signs the requests after verifying the instance information with the cloud provider API. Signed certificates are returned to the instances containing the metadata, allowing the instances to be identified and classified in puppet configurations.
1. The document provides instructions for creating a isolated network in Neutron, including creating a network, subnet, router, and attaching the subnet to the router.
2. It then shows how to assign a public IP to the isolated network by setting the router gateway to an external network.
3. Finally, it demonstrates deleting the isolated network resources, including removing the router gateway, detaching the subnet, deleting the router, and deleting the network.
CoreOS in anger : firing up wordpress across a 3 machine CoreOS cluster Shaun Domingo
In this talk at the Sydney CoreOS meetup, I took the audience through:
a) Installation of CoreOS using VirtualBox and Vagrant
b) Items to consider when containerising your platform
c) Deploying wordpress across a CoreOS cluster.
Talk was given in OpenStack summit in Vancouver. Together with Miguel Lavalle we were talking about new features and future plans for Quality of Service in OpenStack Neutron.
This document provides instructions for installing and configuring the OpenStack Glance image service. It begins with setting up the necessary variables and creating the Glance service and database in Keystone. It then walks through installing and configuring Glance, verifying the installation, and uploading two test images. It concludes by discussing some concepts of Glance like image formats and providing references for more documentation. The next steps outlined are expanding the deployment to two servers by modifying Vagrant files and installing necessary Nova packages to introduce compute functionality.
The document is a presentation using the Beamer package and Org theme. It contains sections and subsections, including frames with definitions, examples, enumerations, and a theorem. The presentation demonstrates various elements that can be included in a Beamer slideshow created with the Org mode format.
Palestra realizada por Toronto Garcez aka torontux durante a 3a. edi??o da Nullbyte Security Conference em 26 de novembro de 2016.
O objetivo da apresenta??o ¨¦ demonstrar de forma pr¨¢tica, o passo-a-passo para criar uma botnet com roteadores wi-fi e/ou embarcados em geral. Ser¨¢ demonstrado o desenvolvimento de um comando e controle e a utiliza??o de firmwares "backdorados" para tornar dispositivos em bots.
This document provides information about IP addressing and network classes. It describes the standard class A, B, and C network addresses and masks. It also outlines private network address ranges that are reserved for internal networks that are not connected to the internet.
The document contains SQL commands that create tables, insert data, and perform queries on the tables. The tables created are studies, software, and programmer. Data is inserted and various queries are run to retrieve, aggregate, and analyze the data. Key information summarized includes:
- Tables were created to store student studies data, software project data, and programmer details.
- Data was inserted into the tables and various queries were run to retrieve, calculate statistics on, and analyze the data across the tables.
- Queries included finding averages, minimums, maximums, counts, sums, and using functions like trunc, round, and to_char to manipulate dates and strings.
(NET301) New Capabilities for Amazon Virtual Private CloudAmazon Web Services
Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) continues to evolve with new capabilities and enhancements. These features give you increasingly greater isolation, control, and visibility at the all-important networking layer. In this session, we review some of the latest changes, discuss their value, and describe their use cases.
The document discusses new features in MySQL 5.6 replication including:
1) Crash-safe slaves that store replication information in database tables to prevent data loss if slaves crash.
2) Multi-threaded slaves that improve performance by distributing the replication workload across multiple threads.
3) Time-delayed replication that allows replication to be delayed by a configurable number of seconds.
4) Optimized row-based replication that reduces the size of binary logs by only replicating changed columns where possible.
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) lets you provision a logically isolated section of the AWS cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define. In this talk, we discuss advanced tasks in Amazon VPC, including the implementation of VPC peering, the creation of multiple network zones, the establishment of private connections, and the use of multiple routing tables. We also provide information for current Amazon EC2-Classic network customers and help you prepare to adopt Amazon VPC.
- The document discusses Neutron L3 HA (VRRP) and summarizes a presentation given on the topic.
- Neutron L3 HA uses the VRRP protocol to provide redundancy and failover for virtual routers across multiple network nodes. A heartbeat network is created for each tenant using their tenant network.
- When a router is created, a heartbeat port and interface are created on each L3 agent node using the tenant's heartbeat network to enable communication between the agents for the VRRP implementation.
This document discusses using plain Linux bridges for networking Docker containers on Kubernetes clusters deployed on OpenStack. It involves pre-allocating IP addresses on virtual machines, configuring Docker bridges to use the pre-allocated subnet, and allowing Kubernetes pods and containers to use the pre-allocated IP addresses for networking. The approach aims to provide a simple networking solution that is compatible with legacy systems.
The document summarizes a hacking attack on a company called mBank. The attack involved scanning the website for vulnerabilities, finding credentials in PHP files that allowed accessing the MySQL database, and uploading a PHP shell to gain remote access. Key steps included SQL injection to find files on the server, extracting credentials from the configuration file to access the database as the root user, and using the database to upload a web shell.
Web Services are the mechanism or the medium of communication through which two applications / machines will exchange the data/business services irrespective of their underline architecture and the technology.
The term REST comes from Roy Fielding's PhD dissertation, published in 2000, and it stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST by itself is not an architecture; REST is a set of constraints that, when applied to the design of a system, creates a software architectural style. If we implement all the REST guidelines outlined in Fielding's work, we end up with a system that has specific roles for data, components, hyperlinks, communication protocols, and data consumers.
PuppetConf 2013 vCloud Hybrid Service and PuppetNan Liu
The document discusses automating the deployment of a VMware vCloud Hybrid Service (vCHS) using Puppet. It describes using Puppet to deploy and configure the various vCHS components through their respective APIs, including vCenter, vShield, and vCloud Director. It addresses challenges in automating these components and proposes treating everything as a "native resource" in Puppet and using "transport resources" to connect to the component APIs via SSH, vSphere API, vShield API, and vCloud Director API.