The document discusses the K Nearest Neighbour classifier including how it calculates TF-IDF values to determine similarity between documents, uses cosine similarity to find the k closest training documents to a query, and classifies the query based on the majority class of those nearest neighbours. It also covers scaling KNN to large datasets through feature selection to reduce the vocabulary size.
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1. K Nearest Neighbour Classifier
Tejas Bubane (I-05)
Shriyansh Jain (H-43)
Mitesh Butala (J- 15)
Gaurav Jagtap (H-42)
Project Guide: Asst. Prof. P.A. Bailke
VIT, Pune
2. TF-IDF Values
Term Frequency (TF): Importance of the term within that document raw
i.e. TF(d,t) = Number of occurrences of the term(t) in the document(d)
Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): Importance of the term in the corpus
IDF(t) = log(D/t)
where, D = total number of documents
t = number of documents in which the term has occurred
word occurs in many documents less useful IDF value low (and vice-versa)
TF-IDF(d,t) = TF(d,t) IDF(t)
3. KNN - Introduction
Learning by analogy comparison with similar items from training set
Training tuples described by n attributes each document represents a
point in n dimensional space
Closeness defined in terms of distance metric
eg. Euclidean distance, Cosine similarity, Manhattan distance
Cos = 1 i.e. Angle = 0 documents are similar
Cos = 0 i.e. Angle = 90 documents are not similar
4. KNN Algorithm
Find cosine distance of query document with each document
in the training set
Find the k documents that are closest / nearest to the query document
Class of query is the class of majority of the nearest neighbours
(classes of each document in the training set are known)
5. Further Analysis of Classification
Lazy Learner : Starts operation only after a query is provided
eg. KNN (calculates TF-IDF values after receiving query)
Eager Learner : Operates and keeps learning till query is received.
eg. ANN (adjusts weights before receiving query)
Supervised Learning : Labelled training data
eg. Classification
Unsupervised Learning : Find hidded structure in unlabelled data
eg. Clusturing
KNN is Supervised Learning Algorithm and follows Lazy Learning approach
6. Scaling KNN
Vocabulary Set of all words occurring in all documents
Large data set Drastic increase in the vocabulary difficult to handle
Feature Selection Relation between terms in vocabulary and classes
Remove words which are less related (below threshold) to all classes
Reduce vocabulary to make it manageable
eg. Chi-square test